Its an allright snus. I liked it better with the tin can, but Ill throw a few in on my next order. Another one bites the dust. With us Americans losing so much snus this year, I hope some new stuff comes out. If not Im switching to Ettan and Nick and Johnny fulltime, since I have to ration my 50 cans of claq qui.
Variety is great, sure, but sometimes I think the snus(and snuff) companies have too many kinds and brands, speaking from a business perspective, I could be wrong, but even dip companies have a core set of offers.
I can't say I'm disappointed. AFAIC, it was discontinued when PM quit making it. The flavor changed for the blander when SM picked it up. I agree with James about the Grov Svart too. Add N&J Black to that list also.
damn it first my beloved level and now my main stay pm 1847(the metal can is awesome) well i had enough money to get 20 cans of it and 20 cans of bla from getsnus
Okay, so 1847 was not for my tastes. But Grov Black and Nick and Johnny Black I thought were incredible. I wouldn't compare them to the originals. But Grov Black was very nice in my tastes.
It was a decent snus, but not too upset or surprised about this. Grov Black and N&J Black I use once in awhile. I need to pick up a few cans of Grov Black, it goes really well with the morning coffee.
damn it first my beloved level and now my main stay pm 1847(the metal can is awesome) well i had enough money to get 20 cans of it and 20 cans of bla from getsnus
They seem to be going after you. I'd quit publically saying that you like Bla, I'd hate to see that one go.
You should try Granit, Knox, or LD. You might like those.
Okay, so 1847 was not for my tastes. But Grov Black and Nick and Johnny Black I thought were incredible. I wouldn't compare them to the originals. But Grov Black was very nice in my tastes.
Just to clarify, Grov and N&J aren't gone yet. We're just predicting that they'll go on the chopping block also.
Swedish Match announced today that they will be discontinuing the 1847 by Philip Morris on the first of June, 2010. The 1847 by Philip Morris brand was acquired by Swedish Match in the summer of 2009 from Philip Morris International. In an agreement between the
1847 Snus, A portion snus made by Phillip Morris AB. I have been waiting a while to try this snus, due to the bad reviews I have read, but I decided recently...