Is there a big difference in salt-content between los snus and portion snus?

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    • May 2010
    • 139

    Is there a big difference in salt-content between los snus and portion snus?

    Is there a big difference in salt-content between los snus and portion snus? After going thru MY flavored-phase. I now can only Snus General White. I can't handle the massive saltiness of most snuses. I have tried them all. Recently I have been taring apart my collection of Portion-snus &find the tastes of LOS & PORTION are almost completely different!! -I find LOS to be much more enjoyable & dosen't have THE PREDOMINANT SALT TASTE & BACKEND that I couldn't take anymore. Does Los Have a lower salt-content than Portions??? I have found the salty-taste primarily lies on the surface of the paper-snus bags. Almost like a "brine" that's sprayed onto the cans before sealing to preserve them.
    I should get 3 cans of GENERAL LOS, GOTLAND'S GUL, & BLO tomorro with a prismaster. CANNOT WAIT. The Gotland's Yellow Portion was my 1st snus then the Flader. Love em both' but the salty backend is too much. Any thoughts??? ALSO ONCE I OPEN THE 3 CANS SHOULD I KEEP THEM IN THE FRIDGE OR AT ROOM TEMPERATURE FOR BEST FLAVOR & BAKEABILITY???
  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Welcome Godofsnus! Shouldn't you know if you're the GODOFSNUS? Got a problem with your capslock KEY?? OK now that I'm done being a jerk, I would agree that lös is not as salty, or at least doesn't seem that way. Perhaps I am the wrong guy to answer though, because I love salt, and hardly notice it at all in snus. If you're looking for a very low salt lös, try Prima Fint maybe. I keep lös in the fridge pretty much all the time, because I like it that way. Portions I don't worry about. Again, welcome to snuson!


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      I don't know much about los since I haven't gotten any in yet (hopefully Thursday), However I keep all my snus in the Freezer... At all times. When I'm at home I pull one out, take a portion out, pop it in my mouth and the can goes back in the freezer.


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        I also noticed less snus in los, but I think part of that might be that I squeeze and poke my portions, but I can't do that with lös. All the agitation on portions might be getting more of it out.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Hard to say. I don't really notice salt much anymore. V2 lös is less salty than most brands though.


          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923

            I have never thought (noticed) that snus is (was) salty. I cook pretty much all the food I eat and salt it but just enough and never use table salt anymore. The funny part is when I was a kid my mom over salted when she cooked, but I used more table salt than I ever had when that was the case. What was I saying, hmmm never notice the saltiness in snus that others do, but I am quite sure I know when somethings salty. So my point, every thing is relative my friend.......


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Originally posted by shikitohno View Post
              I also noticed less snus in los, but I think part of that might be that I squeeze and poke my portions, but I can't do that with lös. All the agitation on portions might be getting more of it out.
              I think I agree here, but I have noticed that lately I've been toying with my prilla a bit more. It causes it to get a little muddy, but the flavor and saltiness comes through a bit better.


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                General Loose: Salt (about) 5%

                General Portion: Salt (about) 3%

                Those are the numbers Northerner has on their website. I concur with the others that los tastes less salty than portions.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  Why are they different in the first place?

                  I just can't understand why they would use different recipes for los vs. portions or is salt in the water that is sprayed on the portions in the end of production?


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    Los seems less salty to me.


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440



                      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 2781

                        Loose seems less salty because it does not drip as much as potions, especially regular portions IMO. It does depend on how tight you bake the loose though. If it's nice and firm you won't taste much for 15-20minutes and then it slowly comes on. Regulars drip the most and quickest. White portions take a while to get going, but then they can start dripping.

                        I would try to keep the loose snus in the fridge. I have found that the warmer the loose snus gets the harder it is to keep the pris intact.


                        • Zanaspus
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 153

                          IMHO it's all perception. At this point, I use los about 5:1 over portion. I'm convinced that los is better (to me) not because of different recipes, but because of the act of using los itself. When one has a portion in, the tobacco is inexorably "fluffier." Thus, moisture is delivered to the tobacco more freely. With los, a pris tends to be a tighter entitly that uptakes saliva more slowly. Thus, when all is said and done, los delivers what it has to offer more slowly. This phenomenon makes los much more attractive to my tastebuds.

                          To this end, I generally only use portions that don't come in a los form, or as a change when the front of my lip starts to get wrinkly.

                          Just my 2 cents.


                          • GODOFSNUS
                            • May 2010
                            • 139

                            Take a General White Portion; Unwrap it from the paper.. If you bake it, None of the salt that hits you instantly comes on like that.
                            TRY IT. Also; If you suck on the plain paper without the tobacco contents it tastes as if thats were THE MAJORITY of the sodium-chloride taste is found. The paper is obviously sprayed in a 'brine' solution. I must act as a natural preservative to add life to the cans once they leave the factory.


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