Has anyone tried Thunder Extra Stark Los?

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  • NonServiam
    • May 2010
    • 736

    Has anyone tried Thunder Extra Stark Los?

    Due to quickly approaching PACT prices (I live in Oklahoma with a 60% smokeless tax), I've been thinking of switching to a more discount brand. I really like General Ekstra Sterk Los and the Skruf Starks. Has anyone tried the Thunder Extra Stark Los regular, not the frosted. I have searched all over and really haven't found that many reviews on this one in particular. I tried Oden's Extra Stark los once, I really disliked the flavor. Reminded me of a cough drop or something (very strange). I also tried the Phantom/Rothbrix, and not so much. I would just switch to a cheaper 8 mg/g snus, but the regular strength snus just doesn't do it for me. I was a dipper of RedSeal Natural and Copenhagen for about 15 years, so unless it's an extra stark, I just really plow through the stuff which gets expensive! Thanks in advance \m/
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to SnusOn!

    Hopefully someone with first hand experience will chime in because I've never had Thunder(I don't use starks). But... All the snus you've tried and rejected has been from the same company. V2 snus(as well as every other maker) has a house style, and if you don't like the general character of a couple of the snuses, you're unlikely to like the others.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Hmmm... I feel like I had some Thunder los... I seem to recall it, it was the Original. But I may be wrong, and it was Oden's I had, as I feel their Original Extra Stark to be basically the same thing.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        I've had it several times. You my friend will benefit from the dipper's guide to snus.


        Welcome aboard.

        Thunder loose will never hit you like dip. Its more like a long slow bell curve. Where by contrast Copenhagen is a pine tree spike. Thunder loose has tons of nicotine, but it's not free to pour into you as fast as dip.

        Sorry if that's confusing. The flavor is bland. Kinda waxy consistency. Play Dough-esque.

        The long term plan is well founded my friend. A small pinch of Thunder loose kept in your lip for much longer time will be way better than 8mg loose. It will keep you satiated and you won't spend a ton of money. No cravings and spare change in your pocket.

        Why I ordered a roll last week myself.



        • midnight
          • Mar 2010
          • 175

          I'd just splurge and get a roll or two of Skruf ES lös asap to avoid PACT taxes. Not my favorite, but it has a truckload of nicotine and hits you pretty quick. If you like Skruf Sterk, the ES would probably appeal to you and keep you satisfied as long as possible. It's one of the highest nicotine snuses available.


          • NonServiam
            • May 2010
            • 736

            Originally posted by bakerbarber View Post
            I've had it several times. You my friend will benefit from the dipper's guide to snus.


            Welcome aboard.

            Thunder loose will never hit you like dip. Its more like a long slow bell curve. Where by contrast Copenhagen is a pine tree spike. Thunder loose has tons of nicotine, but it's not free to pour into you as fast as dip.

            Sorry if that's confusing. The flavor is bland. Kinda waxy consistency. Play Dough-esque.

            The long term plan is well founded my friend. A small pinch of Thunder loose kept in your lip for much longer time will be way better than 8mg loose. It will keep you satiated and you won't spend a ton of money. No cravings and spare change in your pocket.

            Why I ordered a roll last week myself.


            Thanks, I already ordered a few days ago 5 cans of Skruf Extra Stark los, 5 cans of Skruf Stark los, and my usual 10 cans of GES los. I should've just went ahead and paid the 2 bucks for a can of Thunder to give it a try. While I love the General Ekstra Sterk, there is just something going on with that Skruf where I can't take my mind off of it, and I crave it's flavor and aroma (it's kinda like a dirty woman).

            Although, if Thunder can tend to have a bland flavor, I may not like it, hence the reason I like the Starks...strong/pronounced flavor with a slight burn. BTW, thanks for the dippers guide to snus recomendation, I actually stumbled on that a few months ago and found it really interesting. I'm going on about 6 months now fire-cured tobacco free. I guess if snus + OK State tobacco taxes start to break me, I can always use TimberWolf dip since it's a SM product with low TSNAs.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              GES Loose and Skruf Stark Loose are favorites of mine. I have tried Thunder Extra Sterk Loose and did not care for it. It does have a good nicotine kick, but I like the other tastes better. You should try it though. I would also recommend Odens Extra Sterk Kanel Loose.

              Welcome to SnusOn!


              • NonServiam
                • May 2010
                • 736

                Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
                GES Loose and Skruf Stark Loose are favorites of mine. I have tried Thunder Extra Sterk Loose and did not care for it. It does have a good nicotine kick, but I like the other tastes better. You should try it though. I would also recommend Odens Extra Sterk Kanel Loose.

                Welcome to SnusOn!
                Thanks for the head's up! I tried the Oden's Original or Classic loose, but I have not tried the Kanel. However, now would probably not be a good time as Oden's will not be imported to the U.S. after PACT. I would hate to really like the Oden's Kanel, only to know I won't be able to get it in the future. Unless of course I order about a lifetime supply and huge freezer. My wife would definetly kill me after that bill arrived in the mail!


                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  Thunder original ES lös was my bonus can from BuySnus... I'm not impressed. I don't like the taste.
                  I'd say the difference for GES is well worth it.

                  I do like V2's Phantom original and classic brown, both budget snus, but not sterks.


                  • fedora
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 251

                    I tried it and have 2 cans. Sort of bland. But the nicotine hit is good and up to extra stark levels. I put a cap full of Captain Morgan's spicy rum in each. That handled the bland taste.


                    • daruckis
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2277

                      i like skruf stark los. only stark los ive had other then GES which is too much nic for me.


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        Wow, I never realized Thunder Los was only $20 per roll. I may resort to this brand once PACT starts.


                        • NonServiam
                          • May 2010
                          • 736

                          Originally posted by snusjus
                          Wow, I never realized Thunder Los was only $20 per roll. I may resort to this brand once PACT starts.
                          Yeah, I know! That's what really got me asking about it. I could've just ordered a can, but I had already placed an order which should last me about 20 weeks, and the shipping for one can of Thunder is like 6 bucks. So I figured I'd tap the Snuson brain for some info. From what I've heard so far, I think I'll just spend the extra cash and get a snus that I enjoy.


                          • NonServiam
                            • May 2010
                            • 736

                            Originally posted by fedora View Post
                            I tried it and have 2 cans. Sort of bland. But the nicotine hit is good and up to extra stark levels. I put a cap full of Captain Morgan's spicy rum in each. That handled the bland taste.
                            Wow...that's a great idea! "Sir, you been drinkin' tonight?" "Nope, just snus'n."


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