Diplomat Loose no longer at Buysnus?

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  • KentuckySnusser
    • May 2007
    • 109

    Diplomat Loose no longer at Buysnus?

    I was going to make my monthly order this evening and discovered that buysnus is no longer listing Diplomat in the loose weight category.

    I've sent them an email to ask if it's in error or if they no longer continue to sell my favorite loose. I'll be sure to let you know what I hear back from them but has anyone else noticed or come to find any answers for this?

    :x :cry:
  • KentuckySnusser
    • May 2007
    • 109

    We are sorry to say that Diplomat Loose and Diplomat portion are no longer
    produced. We hope that you can find another snus that you will like.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    ... not with a bang but a whimper ...


    • Kindrd
      • Oct 2007
      • 266

      Seems to be a lot of snus discontinued lately. I don't really care for Diplomat but it is sad to see yet another loved snus pulled from the market.


      • FatLip
        • Oct 2006
        • 31

        Well I for one am saddened by this news, I am enjoying a Diplomat portion as I type - one of my favourites, in fact. Interestingly, F&L have not pulled the product info from their site (yet) but look what I found while perusing...


        A new (?) snus called RETRO in white & original portion - so come on Buysnus, offer us a free sample!



        • rustic
          • Sep 2007
          • 54

          It figures. Any time I find a snus I really like, they end up discontinuing it. I'm some sort of human lightning rod for snus brands. CatchDry Coffee Vanilla. Knox minis. Now it's Diplomat.

          Lately, though, I've really been enjoying Ettan.

          So go ahead, Swedish Match. Do your worst. Discontinue Ettan. You'll have to take half of Sweden with me this time.

          - Jeff


          • aardvark
            • Jan 2008
            • 43

            Now, this is really bad news since I liked Diplomat for both, it's taste and stylish tins. This really hit me now and has made a bad day even worse and ruined the whole evening now.
            I received a due bill from UPS today for brokerage and custom taxes. Well, I had expected this to come but the customs have taken the weight of the whole parcel as basis for the tax calculation. With lös this would not have been such an issue but with alot of portions in metal cans I now have to pay taxes for the tins as well. Funny, ha! To make things even worse, the buysnus order still hasn't arrived yet. And last but no least I also noticed that I'd forgotten to order röda lacket portions as well. And then this bad news about Diplomat and now my day is really fu***d up!


            • mwood72

              Bummer that was my of my favourites


              • Erik327
                • Dec 2007
                • 64

                That sucks.... I didn't even think that Diplomat had been around all that long.... I, too, am a lightning rod for my prefered snuses.... Kicks Lime, gone.... CatchDry Vanilla Coffee, gone.... Hopefully Taboca won't disappear on me like a fart in the wind.


                • jqlynch
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 132

                  Man, that is really disappointing. Diplomat loose was my favorite. Good thing I got a couple of tins before they stopped shipping...

                  Now I have to really ration those out, though.

                  I'm guessing I just have to learn to love General above all other brands just to make sure my favorites aren't discontinued anymore. Not that I don't like General, but at least it's a big seller in Sweden.


                  • aardvark
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 43

                    I too found it strange that F&L still have Diplomat listed on their website so after my e-mail inquiry from yesterday had not been answered by today I decided to call them by phone this afternoon to check if they really plan to cancel it. And as far as I have understood (in Swedish, ha, he was commando and not slowing down even a little bit while speaking), the nice guy said that they definitely will stop Diplomat in exchange for retro. This is what I've understood for sure; I think that he also mentioned something like they will go on producing it for a short time, but I am not definitely sure if I really got him right on this.
                    Interesting was the lady's reaction who first answered the phone; she was stunned about why I knew about this and then quickly switched me to someone else. Maybe that buysnus.com has given out just a little bit too much information :-)


                    • TBonehawk

                      It is a shame. I wanted to try it, and had hoped it would show up in one of the many mixed loose rolls I have ordered from buysnus.com. The sheer weight of the can (82g) kept me from ordering. Now I'll never get to try it!


                      • Soft Morning, City!
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 772

                        So another one bites the dust. Any speculations as to what will go next?

                        I'm getting scared. So many discontinuations. Next thing you know, there will be no more loose snus at all, just portions. What if Skruf were to get rid of Stark Los?

                        Let's hope it never happens.


                        • RealmofOpeth
                          • May 2007
                          • 407

                          Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!

                          I'm getting scared. So many discontinuations. Next thing you know, there will be no more loose snus at all, just portions. What if Skruf were to get rid of Stark Los?

                          Let's hope it never happens.
                          No shit!
                          No loose would piss me off plenty.
                          Also I'm scared of a trend of goofy ass names they're coming up with. "Retro" is a pretty gay name for a snus. Let's hope the snus makes up for it.


                          • TBonehawk

                            I'm not sure that this thread belongs in the STORES/SHOPS section anymore...

                            Let's not judge these new snus products before trying them. I know that there were quite a few people on this site that thought that the new snus name "Nick and Johnny" was the gayest sounding name ever for a snus. Now, it's virtually a legend and my preferred portion snus. Even though it made my gums hurt like crazy, I still find it incredible that they discontinued N & J loose.


                            • Smarvy
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 86

                              I still think Nick and Johnny is kind of a stupid name...


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