up is down, black is white, etc.

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  • Zofryer
    • Dec 2007
    • 66

    up is down, black is white, etc.

    I HATE Pepsi. Hate it. I love Coca-Cola. This has never changed.


    I started really liking every brand of loose snus I hated. I like general a lot now. I'm in love with goat rape, been snusing it all day. Biggest surprise is I really appreciate grovsnus now, and I completely despised it a few weeks ago. I'm not used to this. I'm wondering if it's a freezer aging thing, or my taste buds are still adjusting. Either way, there isn't a single kind of loose snus I don't like now. I even like the gotlands with anice now. I'm not really complaining, just confused. it makes me wonder if someone added nicotine to pencil shavings, if I'd like that too given enough time.
  • Harry
    • Dec 2007
    • 213

    You're right. Once you have the hook in you, it's completely different than all other forms of nicotine, although in years past I've been known to bum a Newport 100 from a forty-something barmaid.
    I think snus has something different in that it's all rewarding, while I'm not label-loyal. Cigarettes and even dip were apart in that sense.
    The fact that I adore this form of tobacco dissuades me from actually disliking a product. A Newport was certainly begging and unsatisfying (save the nic hit) while my least favorite snus (to yet be determined) is still enjoyable.


    • perique
      • Sep 2007
      • 75

      It's interesting how taste can change from day to day. Enjoy snussing on a day to day basis. You never know when the "buds" will rebel !! ;-)

      I keep a nice variety of loose & portion snus for exactly that reason. Who knows what's the favorite for tomorrow.



      • RealmofOpeth
        • May 2007
        • 407

        Originally posted by Harry
        The fact that I adore this form of tobacco dissuades me from actually disliking a product. A Newport was certainly begging and unsatisfying (save the nic hit) while my least favorite snus (to yet be determined) is still enjoyable.
        Have you tried Level?


        • Kindrd
          • Oct 2007
          • 266

          My tastes tend to change within the same day. I really enjoy certain snus at certain times.

          I still say that Level loose is pretty good.


          • Harry
            • Dec 2007
            • 213

            I've heard such raving reviews. I ordered three rolls just yesterday to accompany the three I have in the freezer. :lol:


            • Smarvy
              • Nov 2007
              • 86

              I tried the pencil shavings; it's all right as long as you like the taste of the yellow paint.

              My snus tastes change a lot too. Each day I will crave different flavors, for instance, yesterday I wasn't into Gotlands Yellow very much, and stuck with General, but today, I've already had 3 pris' of the Gotlands, and I don't see that changing for the rest of the day. I think that's one of the great things about snus; you can pick the one you want at the time.


              • Gurn Blandston
                • Jul 2007
                • 51

                I actually have the reverse happen too. Snus I really like turns to crap. I really liked the Onyx portions - for about a day and half. I thought I was just burned out on them and took maybe a week off and still it's yucky.

                I liked General loose, now I don't. I liked Knox loose, now it seems like bitter Skruf.

                Only Skruf and Ettan, both loose, can I use consistently without tiring or having my tastes change.

                Currently, I'm touring the world of portions and have Tre Ankare whites, Skruf tranbar, and Tobaca coming.

                Maybe I'll revisit some brands I initially didn't like to see if I like them now!!!



                • victoryredchevy
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 303

                  I'm in the same boat as everyone else. When it comes to portions, I'm a die-hard General and Gustavus type of guy, but here lately I've been pretty much bored with both. I've been really craving Lucky Strike portions. I haven't had them in months. So, I ordered quite a few tins of Lucky on my the order I'll recieve next. I'm thinking of switching to Lucky full-time, but I know I'll eventually want something else at some point. I'm pretty stable when it comes to loose, though. General is my hands down favorite brand of Los. The jury is out on Skruf Stark Los, though. I have a tin of it on the way. For me, keeping a variety on every order is the best way to go so I don't get burned out.


                  • Gurn Blandston
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 51

                    back to front and I'm all uptight

                    allright allright allright

                    are you listening?



                    • Zofryer
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 66

                      Originally posted by Gurn Blandston
                      I liked General loose, now I don't. I liked Knox loose, now it seems like bitter Skruf.
                      Lately I've been bouncing back and forth on the citrusy sweets (general, LD original), and the smokys (Ettan, pretenders) with loose. Sometimes in the same day. And I'll break it up in between with some kronan or goat rape, or portions. The looses (loosi?) I can just do all day and never switch off is Roda, or LD Gold. Those are the two brands of loose I'd take with me camping for 3 weeks.

                      On portions, I decided to get rid of my now FIVE f*cking cans of general white portions I got given as free gifts, and I started liking those (two at a time). I'm still completely in love with N&J portions though. I could do them all day. And I'm still using the strong wise portions at work for meetings or whatever, but sneaking half-folded N&J's in between. God I wish they hadn't stopped making the loose. I loved that stuff and I'm sorry but Skruf Stark isn't the same. It doesn't have enough flavor for me. Knox is the same way.

                      Oh, and my initial salt sensitivity when I first started snusing? Gone. I don't even notice. My guess is that the swedish secret police snuck into my house and removed my initial shipment of "redneck deterrent" snus and replaced it with the real thing.


                      • PrisMaster
                        • May 2007
                        • 208

                        I try to keep all different kinds of snus in the freezer so I do not get to attached to one brand. When i buy a shipment I usually get a few of the regulars that i really enjoy and then try to grab the other half of the order in ones i have not tried yet. I really only use loose now, but still got some portions left in the freezer. I rarely use portions unless I am snowboarding cause for some reason when im snowboarding loose tends to get everywhere and I am good at keeping my loose in place. I use loose probably 12 hours out the day at least and usually keep one pris in for about 2-4 hours on average (I will take them out for a few minutes though when I eat or something).

                        Doing it this way has been great for me and I have not gotten sick of any kinds as of yet. Only one i tried that I did not like so far was Landstroms. I couldn't stand it for some reason. Reminded me to much of American chew.


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