I’ll start us off…………………
Scuba gear- snus in the shower is scuba gear
De-Re- the act of chain snusing (desnus and immediately resnus)
Hayride- snusing during sex
Blowout- a sneeze that results in los going everywhere
A Cyclops- getting snus in your eye (usually preceded by a blowout)
Pepper- a speck of snus that you accidentally left on your wife’s boob during a romantic moment (Naw baby……… that’s pepper)
Fluffing- I have no idea what this is
Oral Contraceptive- no sex for you as long as you have that shit in your mouth
Spinach- snus in a time of need (think Popeye)
Going to the brothel- stopping off at a convenience store to buy a can of Camel because you ran out of real snus
A Tag- flicking a wad of snus so it sticks against a wall
Scuba gear- snus in the shower is scuba gear
De-Re- the act of chain snusing (desnus and immediately resnus)
Hayride- snusing during sex
Blowout- a sneeze that results in los going everywhere
A Cyclops- getting snus in your eye (usually preceded by a blowout)
Pepper- a speck of snus that you accidentally left on your wife’s boob during a romantic moment (Naw baby……… that’s pepper)
Fluffing- I have no idea what this is
Oral Contraceptive- no sex for you as long as you have that shit in your mouth
Spinach- snus in a time of need (think Popeye)
Going to the brothel- stopping off at a convenience store to buy a can of Camel because you ran out of real snus
A Tag- flicking a wad of snus so it sticks against a wall