Why doesn't the Northerner answer email?

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  • razor
    • Dec 2007
    • 78

    Why doesn't the Northerner answer email?

    Why doesn't the Northerner answer email?

    Has anyone else have this problem?
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    I have only had to contact them once. Though that one need required about 3-4 e-mails and about that many days to get a response. They never did follow through with their promise from their response either. I have since spent several hundered dollars through buysnus.

    Seems to be hit or miss though. Other people have gotten nothing but top-notch service from northerner.


    • victoryredchevy
      • Jan 2008
      • 303

      I used to be loyal to the Northerner, but after discovering Buysnus.com I'm loyal to them now. They WILL answer your e-mails pretty promptly and will resolve any issues you have on any orders or whatever. Plus, they are the cheapest and seem to deliver orders the fastest, for me anyways.


      • wtracing
        New Member
        • Jan 2008
        • 5

        I started with northerner.com but after their postal rate changes for a little bit and (I believe) they took down their online status checker that said when your order was shipped, etc. I went to buysnus.com. Their 6 roll then discount deal is pretty good. Both sites seem to end up at the same price if you buy a roll, since northerner.com discounts 15% off single can price for the roll, but I do prefer buysnus.com. Good prices, good quality cans with far enough down the line expiration dates, and free gifts Their beer bottle opener has came in quite handy.


        • Kindrd
          • Oct 2007
          • 266

          Originally posted by wtracing
          I started with northerner.com but after their postal rate changes for a little bit and (I believe) they took down their online status checker that said when your order was shipped, etc.
          Its still there. Its available at



          • krugerfred
            Banned Users
            • Feb 2007
            • 31

            I'm amazed how some few people in here can criticize Northerner.com. I suspect you guys work for buysnus or something... I have spent more than 10.000 USD purchasing Snus through Northerner.com since 2000 (yes I'm addicted as .... but Snusing is in my venes) and always get quickly email respons and fast delivery. And also... always pay less money than buysnus.com for my order - please go and check the prices on both the website and you will see. I just think it is ridiculous how some people in here can critizise a website without any facts!


            • krugerfred
              Banned Users
              • Feb 2007
              • 31

              Have you guys checked your spam filter? Some providers register email responses as spam, I onces had this problem with a website I usually buy books about "Sidecars" (another hobby of mine) - I went mad when they didn't answer my email!


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542


                In my defense to your statement: I did not criticize anything. I simply stated the facts about my experience with northerner. In my same post I also said that other people (such as yourself) have had nothing but top-notch service from them.

                The purpose of a forum is to be able to post your experiences (good or bad) with a company, no?

                As far as northerner shipping goes (like i stated in another thread here): Northerner stopped offering Swedish post due to tax purposes (from what they told me). That apparently was a failed flying experiment as the Feb newsletter stated that they were making several changes to their order processing to speed things up, they reduced and/or adjusted prices to be more competitive, and are once again offering Swedish Post as a shipping option to all customers.

                People will shop with different suppliers, and people will have different experiences with said suppliers.


                Edit: it was the Jan newsletter that stated the info above, not the Feb.


                • razor
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 78

                  I am on my 6th email to the Northerner, the first 5 were never answered. I finally got my order, which was missing 2 tins of snus that they charged me for and on the manifest as in the package. That is what prompted may 6 email. I suspect they will ignore that one as well. In the email I gave them 24 hours to respond, else I am calling my bank card to dispute the charge and start a back charge on them.

                  Something happen over there causing them to have the worst customer service ever. Imcompendent! That is a shame they use to be so good. I wondering if this is the stench of outsourcing. There is probley some guys in China stuffing order bags.

                  What happend to the feature on their web site that allowd you to check on the status of your order? This ast time I ordered I did not even get a email conformation that my order went through, that is what prompt the 5 eariler emails, just wanting to know everything went through. Then a few day later it showed up on my bank card. Now it going to be buysnus.com all the way, to hell with Northerner.com.


                  • Jason
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 1370

                    I've used buysnus.com for 3 orders now; good service, quick shipping, fresh product....I can't say anything about Northerner because I haven't used them. I see no need to switch at this time because, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :wink:

                    I do realize that they have a slightly different selection, but I'm happy with what I'm getting right now.


                    • Kindrd
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 266

                      Kruger works for Northerner so don't take it too seriously xobeloot. I have had good results with both companies really. I have never had to contact Northerner though. Which is a good thing.


                      • Kindrd
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 266

                        Originally posted by razor
                        What happend to the feature on their web site that allowd you to check on the status of your order? .
                        On Northerner you go to Northerner.com/support then there is a screen to put in your order #, Confirm # and email, or close to that anyway. It will then show the status of your items. If you didn't reach the screen where it showed your order # then I guess you will have to wait for a Northerner response.


                        • krugerfred
                          Banned Users
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 31


                          I don't work for Northerner, I live as a retired here in Phuket Thailand. Shall I send a photo of me and my Sidecar outside the bungalow to the forum? I have used this website and other websites like snusworldwide and buysnus as well since 2000 but stick with one for the moment.


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            I think he was being funny based on your comment that we must work for buysnus, saying that you work for northerner


                            • razor
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 78

                              The Northerner finial got back to me today with an email response. They are sending me the missing cans of snus, plus a free one, and noted they had been having trouble with email and order conformation being sent out.

                              All is good!!


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