Taking the loose plunge

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  • Langdell
    • Jun 2010
    • 255

    Taking the loose plunge

    Well, after a few weeks of being tempted to do so, I finally broke down today and ordered my first batch of loose to try. I went ahead and shelled out for an Icetool because I know how I am--if I like the loose, I would want to get one anyway; and if I tried using loose without an Icetool and didn't like it, I would order one anyway to see if it improved the experience. So might as well do it up right from the start.

    I ordered cans of General, Ettan, and Grov since those are brands I already like in portions. One concern I have about loose is that I will like it too much, diminishing my enjoyment of portions when it's inconvenient to use loose. Oh well.
  • deadohsky
    • Nov 2009
    • 625

    Originally posted by Langdell View Post
    ...One concern I have about loose is that I will like it too much, diminishing my enjoyment of portions when it's inconvenient to use loose. Oh well.
    That's what happened with me, i fell in love with it. Now i have a freezer full of snus with only about one roll of portions. Kind of makes me nervous about work, but it will just make me take the lös plunge there as well.


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      Ordering a variety was smart on your part. The trick for me was finding a loose that I loved the taste of.


      • LaZeR
        • Oct 2009
        • 3994

        Originally posted by Langdell View Post
        ..... I went ahead and shelled out for an Icetool because I know how I am--if I like the loose, I would want to get one anyway; and if I tried using loose without an Icetool and didn't like it, I would order one anyway to see if it improved the experience. So might as well do it up right from the start....

        on the icetool. If the lös experience doesn't work out for you, you can always use it as a peenerpump.


        • myuserid
          • Jun 2010
          • 1645

          I'll be eager to see what you think of the loose, Lang.

          I debated going ahead and trying General Loose, because the cigar shop in my area is usually out of portions.

          I know I'll try it eventually though.


          • asidrave
            • Mar 2010
            • 195

            i use los most of the time...with maybe 2 or 3 portions a day. portions have their role in my daily life. portions first thing in the morning and at night


            • beerski
              • Mar 2010
              • 51

              Ettan and Grov are fantastic loose snuses, both top my list of favourites. A hillbilly pinch of Ettan is one of the best snus experiences I've had so far.


              • c.nash
                Banned Users
                • May 2010
                • 3511

                I got into lös because of this site, I use lös all the time unless I am doing things that would cause the prilla to slide or if I'm potentially meeting women.


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  Originally posted by Langdell View Post
                  Well, after a few weeks of being tempted to do so, I finally broke down today and ordered my first batch of loose to try. I went ahead and shelled out for an Icetool because I know how I am--if I like the loose, I would want to get one anyway; and if I tried using loose without an Icetool and didn't like it, I would order one anyway to see if it improved the experience. So might as well do it up right from the start.

                  I ordered cans of General, Ettan, and Grov since those are brands I already like in portions. One concern I have about loose is that I will like it too much, diminishing my enjoyment of portions when it's inconvenient to use loose. Oh well.

                  You chose wisely, those are three los flavors that I love...especially the Grov. I like Grov los far more than the portion and the same for Ettan. Not so much in the case of General, where I like the portion a bit better. Either way, I look at los as a treat at the beginning and end of my days, when I'm not around clients, etc. Enjoy it!


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                    You chose wisely, those are three los flavors that I love...especially the Grov. I like Grov los far more than the portion and the same for Ettan. Not so much in the case of General, where I like the portion a bit better. Either way, I look at los as a treat at the beginning and end of my days, when I'm not around clients, etc. Enjoy it!
                    Don't like Grov portion too much, never tried their lös, Ettan Portion is good, have their lös on order. General lös is great, never tried General OP.

                    I've noticed most lös has a similar taste, with subtle differences. But lös is just so much more fun, and I'm making my prillas with a ghetto tool (Pen with a sketching pencil as the plunger since the 5ml Syringe was just too large in diameter). Waiting for my Icetool to come in from a board member here.


                    • NJdrew
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 123

                      Originally posted by Langdell View Post
                      One concern I have about loose is that I will like it too much, diminishing my enjoyment of portions when it's inconvenient to use loose. Oh well.
                      It only took me a week or two to end up picking loose over portions all the time. I find portions to still be more convenient and less messy for when I'm out in public and/or driving... thought about baking a pris once while driving... I got as far as removing the lid from the can and realized it just wasn't that important.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Obviously you're going to get more people replying that love los. Just be prepared that it might not be to your liking.


                        • SirScallops
                          New Member
                          • May 2010
                          • 14

                          My 2nd order of swedish snus contained 1 can of general loose. I loved it, and on my 3rd order, I tried General ES loose, Gotesborg Rape loose, and Thunder ES Frosted Loose. The GES and Thunder Frosted are awesome. The G Rape is good, but not sure if I'll order it again. I like the stronger loose, because I can make a smaller prilla, and it stills hits pretty hard. Waiting on a 10 can order that is 60% loose. Can't wait for it to get here!!
                          Good Luck on your plunge!


                          • f. bandersnatch
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 725

                            I love loose. Portions have their place, and there are some quality ones out there, but they are generally just leakier more synthetic tasting versions of the loose.

                            I don't think you should stress too much about it, you will probably enjoy loose, or at least be able to slog through three cans of it.

                            You probably should have held off on the icetool, though.


                            • PipenSnus
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 1038

                              While there is a difference between portions and lös, I don't think the difference is so great that you will lose much enjoyment in situations where portions are much more convenient. And with some brands, you may find you prefer the portions to the lös. Having said all that, I still think everyone should give lös a try. You may decide it's not for you, but it's my impression that most people who try lös continue to use it at least part of the time. Naturally, there are a few who don't care for it at all, and that's OK. But you won't know until you experience it for yourself.


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