Well, after a few weeks of being tempted to do so, I finally broke down today and ordered my first batch of loose to try. I went ahead and shelled out for an Icetool because I know how I am--if I like the loose, I would want to get one anyway; and if I tried using loose without an Icetool and didn't like it, I would order one anyway to see if it improved the experience. So might as well do it up right from the start.
I ordered cans of General, Ettan, and Grov since those are brands I already like in portions. One concern I have about loose is that I will like it too much, diminishing my enjoyment of portions when it's inconvenient to use loose. Oh well.
I ordered cans of General, Ettan, and Grov since those are brands I already like in portions. One concern I have about loose is that I will like it too much, diminishing my enjoyment of portions when it's inconvenient to use loose. Oh well.