Nice order! All three of those are staples of mine. Even if you turn out to love loose, you won't hate portions. Well maybe for a while but it wears off There are some great portions out there you can't get in loose.
You probably should have held off on the icetool, though.
You might be right. But, like I said, I knew I would wind up with it anyway--if I didn't like the loose, I would have talked myself into believing the Icetool would make all the difference. I actually was attempting to try loose before ordering the Icetool; made a couple trips to local places that sell General intending to get some loose, but they were both out of the loose, so it was just a wild loose snus chase. Anyway, the excuse to get an Icetool was part of the attraction of loose to me--it looks like a cool, elegant gadget. And LaZeR had an interesting suggestion for how I could use the Icetool for something else if the loose doesn't work out.
I liked loose a lot, the taste, the smell, but I just can't do it, as my top teeth are not Billy Bob, but they arn't very straight, and I just found it uncomfortable, portions too, to a degree, but it's OK.
Check out the Dipper's Guide to Snus. It is about all things los. A lot of folks have contributed a lot of good tips and tricks that you may find helpful. Also, if you find anything that works well or that helped you to acclimate...............please don't hesitate to add it to the guide's collective wisdom.
... And LaZeR had an interesting suggestion for how I could use the Icetool for something else if the loose doesn't work out.
Thanks all for your words of wisdom!
Thank ya, Thank ya, Thank ya very much. Just make sure you get a 5ml if your going to double it as a P-pump & make sure to lube it up good.
But back on topic. You must get at least 1 tin of oden's ES Kanel lös, even if you don't like cinnamon, I'm telling you it is a wonderful -loose snoose- and it packs in well and mantains both the pris & I swear the flavor gets better at the 1hr mark. Certainly a 2+ hr lös, no doubt about it. And if you happen not to like it, you can "will it" to me.
Oh, and like he dAwg said, check out the "Dipper's guide to lös". Definitely a must read for los'rs, even if you never dipped tobaccy.
That looks like a good first los order, although i'd recommend trying some skruf too. My first six to eight months of snus use was all potions. Then i tried los and went 100% los for about 5 months. Now i've eased back into portions some mainly for when i'm at one the boys high school functions. Also there was some snus i wanted to try that is not available in los form (thunder berry). I haven't succum to the icetool yet, i'm 50/50 handbake or prismaster. I'm planning to use northerner points to get an icetool.
The first week or two with los was definite learning experience but stick with it. I am enjoying portions again now too, all depends on the situation.
I'm a little bummed today because I expected my loose order to arrive and it looks like it won't. :-( By my calculations, it should have arrived today--I ordered it with UPS 2nd day shipping, and Northerner says it was shipped Friday. But it's far past the time our UPS guy normally gets here. Oh well, gives me another reason to look forward to tomorrow.
Good choices on the los, Langdell. Grov is one of my favorites, Odens classic and ES are good too. If you like wintergreen, try the Offroad longcut. Also, gadgets are cool, but hand baking and/or just hillbilly pinching it in is loads of fun. Once you get your technique down, it won't slide around too much.
Probably too late now...but for the first time at home. Putting it in is fine, getting it the first time may be a problem if you don't want to get messy. And yes, we're still talking about los.
Chewing is definitely not a new way of enjoying tobacco - it is a rather old tradition - but the new, modern Nordic Chew is more like snus than traditional chewing tobacco. It looks the same way as Swedish snus and comes in loose form or in portions. ...
So got my Northerner order today, one week exactly from when they switched my order to showing shipped. I had to get to work 3 hours early this morning,...
So I am a snus addict, as I am sure most of the senior members are as well. (I know a few have a stock pile of more then 100 in their freezer. I am starting...
Icetool is a tool for loose snus or loose Swedish Chew that helps users to form and place a pinch of snus of the right size (the perfect prilla) under their lip.