Your PACT Stash

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  • Randall
    • May 2010
    • 753

    Your PACT Stash

    When PACT takes effect later this month, how many cans do you expect to have?

    How long will it last you?

    I'll have about 90 cans.

    At current usage levels -- a 193 day supply.
  • asidrave
    • Mar 2010
    • 195

    i currently have over 200 cans...not sure exactly how many. will count after PACT goes in effect


    • MJ26
      • Sep 2009
      • 333

      hmmmh. How much it will cost about if you have to deal it with private carriers when the pact comes on US?
      In the EU it,s about 10-15 euros per a can when ordering on the internet.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        I will have around 100 cans. And will be about a 2 year supply at my current usage probably. lol

        Oh yea... And a SnusX bucket. :P


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by MJ26 View Post
          hmmmh. How much it will cost about if you have to deal it with private carriers when the pact comes on US?
          In the EU it,s about 10-15 euros per a can when ordering on the internet.
          It varies by state. Some aren't so bad, some are terrible. Ordering from out of country will be the expensive part. UPS rapes you when ordering from the EU.


          • timholian
            • Apr 2010
            • 1448

            I have 175+ cans..... close to a years supply at current consumption. I thought I had more but looks like I was wrong. I guess I will have to throw one more order before D-Day. I really can't fit much more in my freezer.

            Lets all take a moment to reflect all the money we are saving. LMAO


            Now, take a moment to curse the P.A.C.T Act.

            ......... its okay, I'll wait..... .......... ...... ............... ............... not done? don't blame ya. ........... .......... ..................... feel better? nah, its okay go ahead..... .............. ................... ....



            • MJ26
              • Sep 2009
              • 333

              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
              It varies by state. Some aren't so bad, some are terrible. Ordering from out of country will be the expensive part. UPS rapes you when ordering from the EU.
              The 15e price is the whole price including tobacco taxes + excise tax etc. and it's when you order by the
              normal postal service. I dont know UPS:s prices at all but I think it's even more.
              On the swedish boat you can buy tax-free and it's propably the cheapest way and price is 30e~ per roll.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I haven't done a post PACT price comparison yet. I figure I'll wait till the vendors make it easy, and tell me what it will be :^D I did make a UPS shipment from Sweden ONCE. It cost me $40 to ship a box of Kardus. Completely unreasonable imo.


                • Jwalker
                  • May 2010
                  • 1067

                  I have 12 cans Which is a 45-60 day supply, and about 120g of snuff. Low on cash too, but hopefully I'll be able to get one last order in.


                  • Roo
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 3446

                    I only have about 20 cans at the moment. Still waiting for odens to be in stock at getsnus/northerner, then they will ship me the 75 cans I've been waiting nearly a month for. I would like to place another $200 order, but I need odens to be in stock first! The chance of that happening in the next 2 weeks is looking slim. I'm really bummed. I'll have to choose something else I guess.


                    • TBD
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 817

                      I've got @115 cans with another 20 on the way. That should last me 9-10 months. I'll need to place a small order to get some ES sooner than that. I wish I could afford some more before the prices go up.
                      I have close to 1,000 grams of snuff stashed, and some leaf tobacco to grind if I get desperate. Should be close to a 2 year supply of snuff.


                      • justintempler
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 3090

                        I'll have 106 cans,
                        plus enough tobacco flour to make another 130+ cans of homemade snus
                        plus 75+ DelGold tobacco plants growing in the backyard.


                        • rob3640
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 20

                          Once my latest order arrives, I'll have around 200 cans. 50/50 mix of portion and los. I'm set for awhile.


                          • CoderGuy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2679

                            I have around 70 cans, about 11 months supply.


                            • WickedKitchen
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 2528

                              I'll be up to about 100 cans or so and a SnusX bucket. With my current usage I'll have enough snuff for the foreseeable future. I'll purchase the odd dip or chew or cigar here and there throughout the year but I'm set for at least a year. Probably more like 18 months.


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