Ex Kodiak user finds Snus

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  • jackdaniels
    • Feb 2008
    • 17

    Ex Kodiak user finds Snus

    I'm new here and stumbled upon this forum while researching Snus. I've lurked for the past couple of days and finally decided to register. I can't thank you guys enough for all the good information and reviews. It really has caught me up to speed.

    I had been getting bored of the "Bear" when a buddy of mine mentioned that he had found some Swedish Chew in a local Tobacco Shop. I asked him to pick me up a tin next time he was nearby. He brought me a tin of General Wintergreen White portions. I liked the taste but was disappointed because they were pouches and lacked the punch I desired. At this time I was using the Snus like it was American Chew in my lower lip and spitting. That day I went on General's website and saw that they offered a loose variety and immediately went to the local shop after work to pick up a tin of General Los. Again I treated it as if it was American Chew and wasn't impressed. Google is your friend, I read a Wiki on Snus and my journey began. I was hooked. Fresh pure tobacco that delivers a mellow high akin to savoring a good cigar. I'm completely amazed at how I can literally Snus all day long without any of the harsh after effects I've experienced with Kodiak and Skoal. After 4 days, both of my tins are running on empty and I have to make a run tomorrow to pick up some more. I even ordered the 5ml Black Icetool because I prefer Los and I don't have the time to properly bake a pris at work.

    So there you have it. A little about me and a quick thanks to all of you. I've just hand baked a pris of Los and will be enjoying that whilst browsing the forum and daydreaming about my Icetool.
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Welcome bud.

    I too prefer los to portion and use los all day every day. I used to use portions at work and at the bar to make sure I didnt have the mudslide rolling down my front teeth while talking to people, but even that I have moved away from. I just prefer los all the time.

    You may want to consider ordering your snus from northerner or buysnus. It is a whole lot cheaper than buying it in a tobacco shop state-side. Right now, I have about 15 cans of los and 9 cans of portions in my fridge and another 8-10 cans of los and likewise portion in ziplock bags in my freezer. My last order of 15 cans from buysnus (including shipping) averaged out to about $3 per can and was in my mailbox in 5 days.

    I have the Icetool 3ml and love it at work. I am in industrial sales and fabrication. Needless to say, I dont really want to be hand baking a pris while im at work :lol:


    • jackdaniels
      • Feb 2008
      • 17

      Thanks for the welcome. I ordered my Icetool from Northerner and was tempted to order some Göteborg Rapé and Skruf but decided to just stick with General Los for now. I like supporting the local small business and at $3.39 a tin he's not taking advantage of the budding Snus community. I hope to convince him to start stocking a greater variety and perhaps some snus accessories.


      • OzCatter
        • Dec 2007
        • 19

        Only $3.39 a tin? I know the store my friend goes to in Florida marks it at around $5.15 a tin, I dont blame you for jumping on that


        • pvtgoodapple
          New Member
          • Jan 2008
          • 4

          I too switched from American dip to snus. About 2 days ago my order with Skruf Sterk los came in and I love the stuff. I had been using Goteborgs Rape los and General los before it arrived, Skruf Sterk has far more nicotine kick than the others. I also have some Skruf Tranbar portions and Goteborgs Rape #2 which I find to be similar in taste to Skoal Berry, if you like that, though I prefer the Skruf Tranbar when I feel like having a berry type snus. Also, if the shop you go to sells General Onyx you may want to pick up a can as that also had a higher nicotine punch, to me it starts to taste like Froot Loops after awhile but I personally like that.


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            Thats great man. I order all mine online. If I had a shop here that would sell it to me for 3-4 a can im sure i'd help the local shop aswell. Unfortunately, the closest place is for me to go to FL and after tax, etc. it comes to neat $6 a can

            You are going to love your icetool. I tend to hand bake when im at home, but at work, icetool is a godsend!


            • jackdaniels
              • Feb 2008
              • 17

              I can't wait to try all of the other varieties of Snus. I tend to jump into things head first so I'm thankful there is a local shop that sells Snus so that I wasn't tempted to spend $250 on my first order. The wife would probably have me commited. $81 with express shipping was bad enough for my Icetool. UPS has it in their system now so I'll be checking that quite frequently. The Skruf is calling my name though.


              • victoryredchevy
                • Jan 2008
                • 303

                With a username like jackdaniels, you gotta be cool. Welcome to the snus family, man. I'm alot like you my friend...a dipper converted to a snuser. I'd gotten bored and paranoid with the crappy American smokeless. Can after can of Grizzly, Red Seal and God knows what else just weren't doing anything for me anymore. I'd tried snus awhile back when I was still dipping and wasn't impressed, but it grew and grew to my liking and I was in love. General was also my first brand. Great stuff, isn't it? Anyway...I've been a full-time snuser for about 2 and a 1/2 months now and I'll never go back to American snuff. Disgusting! Snus is the top-notch, premier cigar of the smokeless tobacco world. Quality ingredients, quality production, quality packaging. Now when my redneck buddies laugh or scowl when I pop in a pris or prilla of snus, I grin because they just don't know what they're missing. Enjoy your snus, my friend!


                • jackdaniels
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 17

                  Almost all of my buddies are Kodiak dippers. They don't want to try Snus. I'll convert one of them to Snus one day. Until then I'll enjoy being part of the underground Snus community who have found the secret to truly enjoying premium smokeless tobacco.


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