The PACT Act and USPS

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  • danielan
    • Apr 2010
    • 1514

    Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
    But yes, PACT, in addition to being a trade restriction rather than regulation actually violates several U.S. treaties with soveriegn indian tribes. The Senecas are hopping mad and it was pretty much the State of New York that got the ball rolling on the PACT act to prevent their own hapless citizens from legally circumnavigating their exhorbitant cigarette tax which is expected to hike the price up to $10 a pack.
    Well, clearly we couldn't have the Seneca being successful entrepreneurs. That would be counter to all of our stereotypes.


    • EbenezerScrews
      • Mar 2010
      • 60

      It a $1.60 per pack increase bringing the tax total to $5.85. Going to be $13 a pack in the f'n city.


      • Jimbob_Rebel
        • Jun 2010
        • 169

        Originally posted by danielan View Post
        Well, clearly we couldn't have the Seneca being successful entrepreneurs. That would be counter to all of our stereotypes.
        Our grandfathers whipped their grandfathers and confined them to reservations. If it were them or us, I'm glad we prevailed but it seems more than a little churlish to humiliate a vanquished foe and to begrudge them any oportunity to earn an honest living.Their casinos are still pulling in the dough, maybe some warrior chief will hire a consigliere to enforce their treaty rights in court............might even derail the PACT act if we're lucky.


        • ChaoticGemini
          • Jun 2010
          • 564

          Originally posted by SNUS'r View Post
          Hello All,

          This is my first post to the forum... I am in disbelief this law was actually passed as it infringes on our contitutional rights dealing with interstate commerace. I've researched this alot over the past few weeks and I should fisnish up a letter to mail to my elected officals tomorrow. FYI, only 25 members of congress voted against this bill (20 Reps and 5 Dems). I guess the biggest thing that bothers me is that as a service member stationed in the middle east, I will no longer be able to order snus or have it mailed to me! That would be all well and good if the base exchange stocked it but they don't!

          There are 2 exceptions that allow tabacco products to be mailed to an APO address and they are it must be mailed by military express mail (if available at the APO location) and the package can not contain more than 10 ounces of product. The kicker to that is that a person is not allowed to recive more than 10 packages per 30 day period.

          The costs asscoiated with mailing parcels at the express rate is going to be ridiculous. To top that off, military express mail is not available at my APO or the majoirty of APO's in the middle east! What gives????? I mean it's one thing to take my booze and porn but don't mess with my tabacco!

          So I sucked it up and just placed an order for 100 cans from

          There is always the possibility to make friends with the pilots going in and out of the field and anyone getting a mid-tour and have the carry max back with them. More reliable than any military mail.


          • stubby2
            • Jun 2009
            • 436

            Originally posted by danielan View Post
            Well, clearly we couldn't have the Seneca being successful entrepreneurs. That would be counter to all of our stereotypes.
            One thing overlooked is the black market. In Ontario about 50% of all cigarettes are black market, and that is quickly moving west. Wouldn't take much to move that south as much of the tobacco is smuggled into Canada from the US. With the extortion type taxes there would be plenty of willing costumers. I know if I still smoked cigarettes I would welcome with open arms the van in the parking lot selling $15 cartons.


            • Jimbob_Rebel
              • Jun 2010
              • 169

              Originally posted by stubby2 View Post
              One thing overlooked is the black market. In Ontario about 50% of all cigarettes are black market, and that is quickly moving west. Wouldn't take much to move that south as much of the tobacco is smuggled into Canada from the US. With the extortion type taxes there would be plenty of willing costumers. I know if I still smoked cigarettes I would welcome with open arms the van in the parking lot selling $15 cartons.
              I'm all for black market solutions to abuse of power. Our rulers, pretty much nanny-staters to a man, will rail against this type of non-violent resistance with one breath and praise Dr.King with the next without missing a beat.


              • dupee419
                • Aug 2009
                • 398

                Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
                Our grandfathers whipped their grandfathers and confined them to reservations. If it were them or us, I'm glad we prevailed but it seems more than a little churlish to humiliate a vanquished foe and to begrudge them any oportunity to earn an honest living.Their casinos are still pulling in the dough, maybe some warrior chief will hire a consigliere to enforce their treaty rights in court............might even derail the PACT act if we're lucky.
                How does it work out that "white people" still think they're better? I'm of recent American Indian decent and this comment kinda pisses me off.


                • shikitohno
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 1156

                  Uh, dupee, I'm pretty sure he was emphasizing that even if what we did in the past was necessary (it wasn't), that what the US government is doing to the Native Americans is unfair. I don't see how it says white people are better. Turn the sensitivity meter down a few notches.


                  • dupee419
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 398

                    alright.... fair enough


                    • socal70xr7
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 83

                      Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                      Sorry to hear about the APO shipping. Even though we will end up paying $100.00 bucks to ship snus, we will still be able to get it. Are you required to declare contents when shipping APO? Can a friend send you some in a plain brown box?
                      Yes you are. But, if you write illegibly or really small it gets through. It still states the contents but you can't read them since they got smudged or wet or whatever. Sent some to Germany this way.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Well, the victors and conquerors naturally have a collective sense of "superiority", that's just natural. With the world cup, I suspect the Brazilians think they are superior to the N.Koreans. Of course it all relates to certain abilities and achievements.


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