New snus user - comments about experience in hot climates

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    New snus user - comments about experience in hot climates

    Hi everyone

    I stopped smoking just after Christmas when my first order of snus arrived from Buysnus. Here are some thoughts on taste etc.

    First order consisted of the following portions:

    General White
    Göteborg Rapé
    Onico Enbär
    Onico White

    A small order to check out the snus experience and two non-nicotine versions for the hell of it.

    I started with the General. I haven't even thought about a cigarette since my first taste of snus. I immediately started sending snus as gifts to my friends who still smoke. One I've just heard has been without a cigarette for a week now since he received his gift. So success on all fronts.

    Taste and the effect of hot climates

    I like General (like most people), but shortly after I opened the Göteborg Rapé I jumped on a flight to Cape Town. Great tasting snus but once I got to Cape Town it dried out within a matter of days and the taste changed quite a bit so I threw out the last few portions.

    I tried to refrigerate it when I was at home but as I was out and about most of the time I had it in my pocket a lot and had no real success in keeping it fresh in 32Celsius.

    Luckily, Swedish Match has just started to market in South Africa so I was able to get some more snus for the bargain price of about £1 a tin.

    Bought all the Catchdry flavours (Licorice, Cassis Menthol and Eucalyptus) and a lot of General White. They are only stocking those brands there. The CatchDry seemed to keep quite well in that kind of heat and I've grown to like the Eucalyptus and Licorice, both of which I used down there.

    On my trip back I picked up Lucky Strike "Fresh" at the airport that BAT is pushing in the SA market. I had no idea what the "Fresh" was but I just opened it and it tastes quite sweet. Not unpleasant but very different from the way that everybody has been describing the Lucky Strike snus.

    Anybody know anything about this flavour?

    Last week I had to fly to the Bahamas on business and keeping in mind my previous experience with snus and heat I packed a couple of cans of CatchDry Cassis Menthol. Now I don't know if the heat really got to it but it tasted pretty rubbish so I won't try it again.

    So here is my question. Has anybody ever had this kind of problem with snus in warm countries or during summer?

    Also what is Lucky Strike Fresh supposed to be?

    Finally, I've already planned my next order and will post again once I've received it. Should be a mix of the following:

    Göteborg Rapé No.1&2
    Roda Lacket
    Romeo y Julieta
    Skruf Tranbär
    Skruf Original Portion
    Gotlandssnus Gulsnus
    Gotlandssnus Gråsnus
    Granit Portion (and maybe Retro to try the F&L brands)
    General ONYX

    I am sticking to portions for now because I work in a suit and tie environment and it is less noticeable. Will get an Icetool and some los third time round for home use. Recommendations for los?

    Anyway thanks for a great forum and I hope that my success with converting people to snus continues


    Ps: I am saving the Julesnus a bit but will post about that as well when I do try it.
  • mwood72

    White portions tend to keep for longer out of the fridge as they are less moist. I generally just carry a day's supply around with me in a spare tin and keep the rest of my Snus in the fridge. I would imgaine my Snus wouldn't be too good after a few days if I went away and didn't have access to a fridge (especially as I use original portions) Not sure on that one. I was thinking the answer might be to take white portions with me if I went away but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I might opt instead for Oliver Twist or Piccannell tobacco bits temporarily in that situation rather than cross swords with the ciggies again.

    I haven't heard of Lucky Strike Fresh. I assume it's just made for the SA market by/for BAT? Hope it hits the Swedish market so that I can try it sometime. I beleive F&L make it for BAT in Sweden.


    • The Cook
      • Aug 2007
      • 166

      Welcome, Karl. Good news about quitting smoking. Snus can keep you off the cigs for good!

      As for loose, my favourites are Ettan, General and Gotesburg Rapé. You really can't go wrong with these brands.

      Lucky Strike is a fabulous tasting snus, and it lasts long under the lip.


      • KarlvB
        • Feb 2008
        • 681

        White portions

        Thanks for that. I have been sticking to white portions for exactly that reason and I hoped that it would solve the problem, but I like you said - snus just doesn't seem to keep if left unrefrigerated in hot countries.

        I'll try the suggestion of carrying a small supply with me and leaving the rest in the fridge next time I am down there.

        Added bonus - Now I can justify buying that Icetool Portion box

        Ps: I wonder if this problem will have an effect on SM's efforts to market in SA?

        Pps: The "Fresh" is ok-ish but having lurked around here for a while I wonder if it will hold any appeal to the majority of users here. BAT is also marketing under the Peter Stuyvesant brand (a well known brand of cigarettes there) and apparently the "Red" pack (which is the strong version of the cigarettes) is quite strong. I had sent some to my friend but he prefer General as well.


        • mwood72

          That's interesting that BAT are experimenting with strong Snus. I know at the moment on the Swedish front they're only sticking to regular strength. On the Swedish front have you tried the Skruf Sterk or N&J strong portions? They really pack a punch

          Ref keeping Snus cool out and about when it's hot I reckon we need someone to invent like a tiny cool bag just big enough for a can of Snus that you could keep in your pocket


          • KarlvB
            • Feb 2008
            • 681

            BAT and strong snus

            I don't know if the Peter Stuyvesant Red pack could be described as "strong" snus as I haven't tried it personally. My friend who is also quitting using snus (and used to be a pack and half a day man) did describe it as "rougher" than the General Portions I had sent him.

            I also sent him a tin of Skruf Stark so I'll see how he thinks the Stuyvesant compares to the Skruf

            Ps: I am tempted to try Skruf Stark and N&J but I for now I find that General and Göteborgs Rapé do the trick nicely.....


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