Should I try a tin of Offroad Icemint Loose?

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  • Smarvy
    • Nov 2007
    • 86

    Should I try a tin of Offroad Icemint Loose?

    Well? Who likes it, who thinks it's crap?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I almost like it, but it has V2s house flavor which doesn't really work for me. If you like Offroad, and Phantom definitely give it a try, otherwise I don't think so.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      I like v2 loose. I have yet to find one that I dislike. The coarse grind of it always stays well in place and gives off good flavor without the mudslide.


      • victoryredchevy
        • Jan 2008
        • 303

        I thought Phantom was awful, so if Offroad resembles Phantom in any possible way, I'd stay away from it. I've been tempted to order some type of Offroad a few times just to see, but couldn't ever pull the trigger.


        • Erik327
          • Dec 2007
          • 64

          I dug Offroads Limited flavors for awhile, but now i'm totally burnt out on them. The icemint was fair, but i'm not a mint fan. The peach flavor was ok, ditto the apple. The coffee vanilla was acceptable but still paled in comparison to the CatchDry flavor of the same name. The cola was interesting, and likely the most palateable IMHO.


          • Jason
            • Jan 2008
            • 1370

            I was thinking about it, due to the fact that I like mint-flavored stuff and, as far as snus goes, the other minty ones have a nice burn. BUT, I'm hesitant to order it due to the fact that it's made by V2 as well. I thought the Offroad Cranberry was fairly decent, but once the initial flavor wears off it starts tasting like Phantom; from what people have been describing, this seems to be Offroad's general taste. :x


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              The Coca-cola was my secret crush for about a month. I was surprised at how much I liked it. But like all of theirs, after a while, I grow tired of the taste. There is always a certain aftertaste that I can only accept for a while.


              • Smarvy
                • Nov 2007
                • 86

                Well, I ordered a tin along with a tin of the Cola potions. I like mint, and I like Coke, so we'll see. Sounds like a lot of people liked them at first, and then quickly tire of the Offroad house flavor. That's what happened to me with Offroad Original, I kind of liked it at first, then found myself skipping it over in the butter drawer until I finally gave it to a friend. I'll let you all know what I think of these two.


                • RealmofOpeth
                  • May 2007
                  • 407

                  I liked offroad original and cranberry in portions. Loose, not so much. there's a sticky/syrupy constituent in there that i don't dig much.


                  • jqlynch
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 132

                    I got a free tin of IceMint loose in my last order. I tried a small (approx 1ml) amount yesterday, and I was surprised. I think it might like it, but only occasionally. I didn't really taste any of the tobacco, even -- the mint is really, really strong. It was kind of like sticking an Altoid mint under my lip, albeit one that had the consistency of packed potting soil.

                    I only left it in for about a half-hour, so I didn't really notice any aftertaste or anything else like that. It seems like an all-right snus.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      I need to ammend my previous post. I got a can of wintergreen long cut with my last order as part of "the mix". Now im not a big fan of wintergreen to begin with, but this stuff coupled with the long cut reminded me of trying to slam a pinch of kodiak under my upper lip.

                      Now if they made a cranberry long cut I would most likely be singing a different song. I think it was just the wintergreen that killed it for me


                      • Smarvy
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 86

                        I got my tin of this stuff, and I actually like it quite a bit. I can't really handle more than one pris of it a day, but that's ok. It certainly breaks up the rotation as I don't have another snus like it. The peppermint flavor is very strong, much stronger than Catch, and it's not really sweet at all. Another thing that surprises me about this snus is the peppermint flavor lasts a long time, I don't notice it dissipating much over the entire time I have the pris in, sometimes as long as 2 hours. I also don't really notice the V2 house flavor that seems to turn a lot of people off; I think that's probably because you can't really taste anything besides the peppermint.

                        My verdict: pretty good and excellent for a change of pace


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I'm glad you like it. Maybe the lös is different from the portion variety. I may give it a go some time in the future, but there's some other snus' I'd rather try first.


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