Does anyone use these ashtray lids?

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  • Gurn Blandston
    • Jul 2007
    • 51

    Does anyone use these ashtray lids?

    I find these intriguing.

    They seem to be on just about every can of portions I try. A wet, used wad of snus under there seems a bit creepy to me....."Notice how this lid feels slightly warm? That's from the combo of tobacco, saliva, and bacteria working together......"

    There are garbages everywhere and a perfectly good ground all over the planet. Why go thru this process, which seems a bit involved given the alternatives, of pulling out your can, popping open the lid, placing a spent and shriveled wad of snus in there, popping the lid back, and slipping the can back into your pocket? Slipping it out into the weeds or closest trash seems much quicker and doesn't even require the use of your hands.

    The lid of Tre Ankare holds a half smoked doobie quite well, I find, so all is not lost (on me).

    Having said I this, I find them groovy to beat all hell. Apart from the joint, I also put a 1916 wheat penny in the compartment of my Onyx that I came across in change at the store. I took it home, put it on my dresser, and never saw it again - the penny, I mean.

    I look forward to the day when I can again put some tiny little thing in there that needs saving or segregation from the common rabble of my pockets.

  • natiev
    New Member
    • Jan 2008
    • 7

    A few nights ago I was out with some buddies having a few drinks out at the bar. Walking back to where I was going to crash for the night I tossed a pouch in for the walk. Turns out it was the last thing I needed at the moment, head starting spinning, etc. Not even a full minute went bye, tossed it into the little compartment and saved it for later when I was a little bit more sober.

    Just one way that I've used them.


    • PrisMaster
      • May 2007
      • 208

      Ya i rarely use it as a place to put my old snus that i am done with but more for storing a snus that I am just putting down for a little while and that I will get back to in a minute. Usually when I am about to eat or something of that matter. Since i really only use los snus these days and I carry a tin of los and portion on me at all times I even sometimes use the portion tin to store my los snus that I put down for a little while before I eat or something. Comes in handy sometimes, but I rarely do use it honestly. Still is a cool idea for a tin in my opinion.


      • Harry
        • Dec 2007
        • 213

        When I know I'm going to be in a meeting, or something else that I'm not going to want to pull out a tin of what appears to be dip to my coworkers, I put one or two new portions in the lid. It's easy to reach into my pocket and flip the lid open, and then have easy access to the "piece of gum/breathmint" that I pop into my mouth right in front of everyone. I just use my tongue a bit more to place the portion than I would if I needn't be discreet. (I don't use maxi's for this occasion.)

        I never use the lid for used portions. I completely agree with you. I just keep one in until I find a place to toss it.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          I only use this in a situation where I have to pop out my portion for a short bit and it is still quite fresh. Put it in, have a coup[le beers. Order a snack, save it for after the snack.


          • darkwing
            • Oct 2007
            • 415

            I use it to dispose of used snus when I am driving or couch-potatoing. I dump the dead snus and wipe out the reservoir later.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              I do the same as darkwing, though I will admit that I've put the compartment to other uses as well. The keeping of half smoked spliffs in the little compartment is not unknown to me. :wink:


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                Originally posted by Xobeloot
                I only use this in a situation where I have to pop out my portion for a short bit and it is still quite fresh. Put it in, have a coup[le beers. Order a snack, save it for after the snack.
                That's pretty much what I use them for. It's a cool little feature!


                • jackdaniels
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 17

                  I always thought that it was pretty ingenious to have that little compartment in the lid. It's actually a well thought out design. I don't use it as much as I should because I mainly do Los, but 10 million Swedes can't be wrong.


                  • Gurn Blandston
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 51

                    It had never occurred to me to use it as a temporary home for an incomplete snus.

                    The other night the wife wanted to play Hide the Sausage. Alas, I had just popped in a portion only five minutes before. Well, it went into the trash in short order - some things, indeed, are more important than even snus.

                    I could have saved it in that nifty little compartment....


                    • ['nju:bI]
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 29

                      I sometimes use the lids to carry one or two flavored portions with me.
                      Like GR or some Catch variety. Most of the time, I prefer plain flavored brands, but it's good to have some sweetness with me for a change - especially when I'm at work and only got one can accesible for all day.
                      Good to carry some minis, too. When I have to be discreet (like during/after business dinners), I usally pop in two minis and noone ever notices.

                      BTW - smoke free for four weeks now! :lol:
                      Had to smoke yesterday, 'cause I left my can at home and I literally suffered. Can't imagine I've been doing that half of my life. :roll:


                      • perique
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 75

                        I don't use the "hide the used portion" comparment at all. It's a good idea, but I've never been in a situation (yet) that would make me use it. If I'm out and about, there's always a trash can near by to dispose of it/them. Used portions are like bubble gum, always a way to be rid of a used portion. ops: :wink: :P



                        • razor
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 78

                          You in a bar, a hot chick comes in. She is glancing at you, you are glancing at her. The ash trary is a perfect place to hide your wedding ring!

                          If my wife is reading this, ahhhh ... just kidding --really.


                          • Kindrd
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 266

                            I use them while in restraunts and the like.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              Originally posted by razor
                              The ash trary is a perfect place to hide your wedding ring!
                              :lol: !! :lol:


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