Does anyone use these ashtray lids?

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  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    i pretty much use the compartment for the same reason ['nju:bI] uses, a place to keep other flavors.
    i couldn't imagine using it for used snus (or a temporary holding place for slightly used snus)...the saliva would build up and get stale after a while in which you have to clean the stupid thing.
    i just take a can i believe i'll use as a chief flavor, then stick in a secondary favorite flavor i think i'll fancy later on, into the compartment so it doesn't mingle the flavor. sort of a out-of-the-house-for-a-while backup flavor option.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      I've used them usually when out at the pub, etc. I tend to go through a lot of portions in the pub and, rather than drop them in the real ashtrays, which is a bit...nasty, and which don't exist even in Britain anymore, it's convenient to dump them in there. Easier than having to get up all the time looking for a bin to put them in. Yeah, it gets a bit messy in there, but that's what it's there for. It seals well, so the ickyness doesn't really creep out of the tin or anything.


      • TropicalBob
        • Feb 2008
        • 316

        I can't verify the truth of this, but I read that the storage compartment and lid came about because used snus are littering public sidewalks in Sweden. They have a problem with snus like America has with cigarette butts. If I'm out, I'll slip a used snus into that compartment rather than spit it onto the ground. I can't imagine reusing a soggy bag.


        • razor
          • Dec 2007
          • 78

          May be it is not good, but if I am out and there is no trash can around, I spit mine on the groud and rake my shoe over it hard, which disintegrates it. Then in a matter of minutes it drys out and the particals blow away and the bag is reduced to a small minute nothing.

          BTW, you could dry out the spent portions in the microwave and sell them on eBay at half price to the less fortunate. In the original can of course :P


          • aj01
            • Jan 2008
            • 149

            cigarettes in Sweden

            Just take a walk around Stockholm on a Sunday morning. Every club and bar has a mountain of cigarette butts all over the sidewalk in front. It's appalling. And since tobacco companies can no longer sponsor outdoor ashtrays, the clubs don't buy them.

            Also, dropping a used portion on the ground is not going to harm the environment. But the amount of used plastic cans seen on the streets in Sweden is incredible, given that Sweden markets itself to the world as such a "green" country. I spend a great deal of time in Sweden for my work, and outside of the main boulevards, there is a huge amount of trash strewn about outside on the streets.

            I once was flying to USA on an SAS flight, and put my hand in the seat pocket to retrieve something. What I got was used portions. Yuck. Moral of the story is, use the lid-tray for used portions, and throw the darn can into the trash/recycle bin when you're done.


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388

              I've used the ashtray lid only one time, for a used portion, that I wanted to use more, later on. I try to time my consumption in a way, that this isn't needed, even if this means to be without snus for some hours. BTW, being without snus for some hours is much easier for me, than it formerly was to be without cigarettes. Nicotine seems by far not to be as addictive as the additives, used in the modern "designer-drug", that's called a cigarette.



              • Shrewd
                • Feb 2008
                • 118

                First order I received, I thought I had been ripped off because I pulled off the lid and surprise, no snus! I've used this to dispose of a used snus a couple times - usually when I get surprised or forget to remove one before (at the dinner table, etc...) - but I don't use it much. I think it's kinda gross, but actually it doesn't seem to leak and I just don't look at it when I "empty" it into a garbage can. I never clean it afterwards, but then again I don't think I've ever used the same ashtray twice.

                Actually, being a nail-biter the I use the lid to break the perforation on the can so I can open my snus . With that first can, once I figured out that I hadn't been ripped off, I needed something to get my to my snus, and I already had the lid in my hand. Been doing it ever since.


                • itchystiches
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 194

                  This is a bit off topic, but as so many of you seem to smoke out with some 'erb... thought I would share this tip.

                  The plastic which the snus tins are made of seems to be entirely retardant to heat. I use the tins as disposable ash trays, and the lil snus tray in the top works great if you're ever caught up in a mates car or something trying to smoke up and need a handy ash tray to avoid getting ash everywhere.



                  • Stargazer
                    • Aug 2007
                    • 225

                    there used to be a big problem of snus being stuck everywhere.
                    the things is that a wet snus will, with a good throw stick to
                    a lot of surfaces.
                    it's not very plesant when it sticks everywhere.

                    so the lid is very good in my opinion.
                    specialy if you are sitting in a class or movie theather
                    and don't have the choise to get up and find a trash can.

                    at my old scholl the sealing used to be filled with
                    used snus lumps and portions in some classrooms.


                    • razor
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 78

                      What would be cool, if they put some sexy artwork on the reverse side of the ashtray lid and made them collectable or a scratch-off where if you got a serial number you could redeem it online for a full role; or offer a catolog where you could redeem so many lids for a products, like 10000 lids for a microwave. I wonder how many it would take to get a Volvo?


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