I went to GetSnus and placed an order and they don't show any Skruf on the site now
So I ordered this:
Nick & Johnny, Strong Portion 1
Röda Lacket, White Portion 2
Thunder Frosted Extra Stark, Strong Portion 2
Tre Ankare, White Portion 1
Jakobssons Icefruit, Portion 4 X 2
Jakobssons Classic, Portion 4 X 2
Gotland Original, Portion 2
Grovsnus, Portion 2
Göteborgs Rape No2, White Portion 2
Ettan, Portion 2

Nick & Johnny, Strong Portion 1
Röda Lacket, White Portion 2
Thunder Frosted Extra Stark, Strong Portion 2
Tre Ankare, White Portion 1
Jakobssons Icefruit, Portion 4 X 2
Jakobssons Classic, Portion 4 X 2
Gotland Original, Portion 2
Grovsnus, Portion 2
Göteborgs Rape No2, White Portion 2
Ettan, Portion 2