Voting is now open!
Polls Close Monday at 9:00 PM US/CST
Polls Close Monday at 9:00 PM US/CST
You get 3 votes. You may split your votes across 2 or 3 entrants or combine all of your votes for 1 in particular. (i.e., 2 for the Swedish World Cup girl and 1 for Darth Vader or 3 for the hot Swedish World Cup girl)
When you vote, be sure to specify the message number(s) as well as the image number(s) as counted from the top of the message. If you are voting multiple times for 1 image please specify this.
If you wish your vote to be confidential - Please PM your votes to me.
If you are a post-***** - you may vote at the end of this thread.

The winner will be the entrant with the most total votes
On Monday at 9:00pm US/CST I will tally the votes and release the results.
Good Luck!
