What's In Yer Lip?

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  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    What's In Yer Lip?

    I don't think I've ever posted on here when I didn't have a pris or a portion in. So my question to you is this... what do you have in your lip right this second, at the very moment you are reading this thread.

    Me, I've got a good sized pris of Gotlandssnus Yellow in. It just came in the mail today. I'm glad that I got ridiculous and ordered five cans of a brand that I'd never tried because this stuff is wonderful. The flavor is awesome and the pris is holding together extremely well. I'll definitely be ordering more of this in the future.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    At this moment I have a smallish pris of Kardus in(I have to keep it small, else the coarse cut kind of hurts). It's my goto night time snus.

    Gotlandsnus Yellow is quite delicious. I recently discovered the lös version, and it's one of the few lös snus' I truly enjoy. If I could only have snus from 1 manufacturer, I would buy from Gotlandsnus only. Their whole product line is a favorite of mine, and the delicious Jule snus is a nice way to end the year :^)


    • victoryredchevy
      • Jan 2008
      • 303

      I have a pris of General Los in right now. Great stuff.


      • darkwing
        • Oct 2007
        • 415

        A Diplomat white portion. The 8th one today, interspered with DuMaurier Canadian mini portions (5 or so).


        • Smarvy
          • Nov 2007
          • 86

          As big a pris of Skruf Stark as I can get out of my 3ml. I'm halfway through my last can of Skruf, and it's the only lös tin I have open at the moment. Ordered a shipment from buysnus and Northerner on Sunday though, so I should be re-upping soon.

          I have to third the comments on the Gotlands Yellow, it's definitely one of my favorites. I think it would be the one I chose if I had to be stuck on a tropical island with only one snus. Wait a second, I AM stuck on a tropical island! Good thing I can get mail here... haha, how's the cold, sucka's? (sorry, I'm in a mood...)


          • mcburns
            New Member
            • Feb 2008
            • 2


            I'm also in Ontario. I was wondering what the DuMaurier snus is like? Do you know if they are selling it anywhere else? I havn't seen it down here in Kitchener-Waterloo.

            I have a pris of Skruf Strong Loose in right now :wink:


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I too have a nice big pris of General Los in at the moment.

              I hear all this talk about Gotlands Yellow. I have an unopened can in my fridge along with several others I have yet to try. I am affraid that If i open it next, I wont enjoy whatever I open next. But, I have the N&J los that should be arriving from Harry tomorrow... All these decisions make my tiny brain hurt! :lol:


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                Grov. I didn't really care for it when I first tried it, but I haven't touched anything else for the past 2 days now. Good stuff!

                And yes, Gotlands Yellow is excellent; it didn't take long to finish that one. It's definitely on the re-order list.


                • razor
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 78

                  Gotlandssnus yellow los

                  I really like this stuff, it seems to keep it's shape real good and never run. I wonder why? It is almost as manageable as a portion.

                  I can move it all around as a ball with my tongue and it stays intact. Now with The General that was way harder to do after a half of an hour or so.


                  • FatLip
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 31

                    Its 09:40AM and I am thoroughly enjoying my third portion of Grov - I really like Grov. I have a can of Gottlands yellow in the feeezer - all this enthusiasm makes me want to fish it out and give it a go...
                    But I'm really enjoying this Grov...


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Gotlands yellow is fantastic - nice to see it making an impression! I'm getting through my third pris of General this morning and wishing that I had some Ettan in its place :lol:


                      • natiev
                        New Member
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 7

                        Lucky Strike white portion at work


                        • Soft Morning, City!
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 772

                          Nick & Johnny portion. I finally broke down and decided to order some of the portions. I figured that if the loose was no longer an option (not for purchase anyway... I've got 20 cans frozen, but that's beside the point) that I should try the portions to see if they're as good.

                          I'll be ordering more for sure. Good stuff. I definitely prefer the loose, but at least the portions are still around. It's still got that fabulous nicotine kick and the flavor is still that N&J flavor I know and love.

                          Sad that the loose is no more, but at least we've still got the portions. I can only hope that they stick around.

                          Continuing on with the Gotlands Yellow love-fest, I really think it is a perfect loose snus. It holds together better than any brand I've ever tried and the flavor is just heavenly. I'd definitely going to be a big Gotlands customer from here on out.


                          • darkwing
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 415

                            Mcburns: The Dumaurier snus has just been introduced in Ottawa as a test market, it is already available in Edmonton. It is a tin of 20 minis, priced around $8, available as original (dry white mini, a little licorice/candy flavour) and mint. Not great, but not terrible, imported from Sweden, not made in Canada. I think they plan to roll it out to other markets, but it will likely be slow, because they cannot market it at all! Private message me if you'd like a tin!


                            • chainsnuser
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 1388

                              Re: What's In Yer Lip?

                              Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                              ... what do you have in your lip right this second, at the very moment you are reading this thread.
                              A piece of Piccanell Original. It's used up after more than an hour, so I'm just about to bake me a prilla of Probe Whiskey. :P



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