What's In Yer Lip?

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    Gotlands Gul portion - going well with a G&T watching some telly. The flavours really complement eachother - General Onyx also goes really well with a gin, but for some reason - the Gotlands is a much more satisfying flavour for me.

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • What Nitrosamines?
      New Member
      • Feb 2008
      • 9

      squeezyjohn, I mean this as a compliment of my highest esteem; but you, sir, are incredibly English. Cheers!


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        why thank you sir!


        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Just draining the lat few drops of juice out of a N&J portion while packing my icetool with some Gotlands yellow to hold me over until lunch time.


          • Soft Morning, City!
            • Sep 2007
            • 772

            Finishing off the last dregs of this can of Grov loose as my first snus of the day. Next will probably be some Gotlands yellow loose. I've been on a Grov and Gotlands kick in terms of loose lately.

            Or perhaps I'll open up a fresh can of Skruf Stark loose.

            Decisions decisions.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              That sounds pretty good Soft M.C. I havent thawed a can of skruf stark in about a week. Have been switching between N&J los and Gotlands yellow. I have a can of Grov waiting for me, but I may need to toss it on ice and break out some Skruf. Too many decisions!


              • The Cook
                • Aug 2007
                • 166

                I'm currently working on a pris of Goteborgs Rapé. My faves are Ettan, General and GR.


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  The Cook:

                  Ah, I wish I had some GR loose but I'm all out. I've only got portions right now. They're my daily portion, but the loose is exquisite. It'll be in my next order. Sadly on this last one, I had to pick between Grov and GR. I hadn't had Grov in a while so it won out.


                  Same here in regards to the Stark. I've got a bunch of cans in the freezer but I haven't opened one in about a week and a half. I think I'll probably open one mid week. For now I have a forgotten two cans of Ettan loose in the freezer and I'm craving some of that old gold.

                  So here goes. Five minutes from now it'll be a nice pris of Ettan. Haven't had it in about a month and the need has overwhelmed me.


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    I have 3 cans open right now. (all loose) Gotlands Yellow, Offroad Cran, N&J. I have an unopened can of grov in there too which I am very tempted to open (I have never had it before). I will let the voters decide.

                    should I open the grov? or should I stick with what is open? I am happy with any of them.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by Xobeloot
                      I have 3 cans open right now. (all loose) Gotlands Yellow, Offroad Cran, N&J. I have an unopened can of grov in there too which I am very tempted to open (I have never had it before). I will let the voters decide.

                      should I open the grov? or should I stick with what is open? I am happy with any of them.
                      Open her up :^) All of those snus' are flavored. You need something dark and smoky to balance them out ;^)


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        That does sound good. goin to get some dinner now. will post my verdict on the grov shortly


                        • victoryredchevy
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 303

                          I have a pris of Skruf Stark in right now. I've really grown to like it. It's a nice "winding down" at the end of the day snus. Plus, it should equal out that Mt. Dew Amp I drank today. General los is still my fav in the loose category. Speaking of the Gotlands yellow...I've included a tin of it with my next order. I got portions to kinda get a clue of what it may taste like. I also threw in a tin of Nick and Johnny portions. I've been curious about N&J for awhile and the los form was discontinued before I could try it. Also ordered a tin of LD Black portions. Can anyone fill me in on these 3?


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Gotlands yellow is one of my favs. I prefer the the lös version, but the portions are quite good also. They're different enough that you could use 1 or the other depending on mood.

                            N&J was never a favorite. The flavors quite intriguing though, and it's grown on me the more I use it. It's kind of like General with some licorice in the background, and you get a strange minty flavor that appears after 1/2 hour or so. As I said, it's not a favorite, but very peculiar and interesting.

                            LD Black is a favorite of mine. I hope you like licorice, because it's loaded with licorice flavor. Very smooth, and the flavor lasts forever. It's a great night time snus.


                            • victoryredchevy
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 303

                              Cool. Thanks for the info.


                              • Xobeloot
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 2542

                                Well, I opened the Grov. First off, I love the coarse grind. This stuff could almost bake itself into the perfect cylinder if you ask it to nicely. The taste is great. You are right. It has a very rich tobvacco taste but does not seem to have any added flavors other than that smoky hint that you mentioned. The salt content also seems to be very low. Makes me wish I had opened this can weeks ago! Thanks for giving me the nudge I needed to pop the top


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