Got my order from Buysnus in the mail today! Having a ball hand baking! Got a big fatty of Ettan in now!! I Love it! N&J is good & what a "Nick" punch!! got some Skruf stark, Gotborgs rape Loose & General Maxis in the freeze! Plus half a roll of Knox!! I think I'll go Loose from here on! Next order Probe!
P.S. The Old lady bought a couple packs of Camels for herself yesterday & she got me 2 tins of Camel Spice! Stuck 'em in the freezer in a seperate bag, under my swedish brands!! 8)
P.S. The Old lady bought a couple packs of Camels for herself yesterday & she got me 2 tins of Camel Spice! Stuck 'em in the freezer in a seperate bag, under my swedish brands!! 8)