taxes on snus delivery

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  • Fredrik_Northerner
    Just me
    • Aug 2009
    • 126

    Ouch, my face is still red like a tomato looking at that. Sorry


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Meh... Shit happens Fredrik. You had/have a lot of work to do in a small time frame. Bugs are bound to pop up. What bothers me is my before picture may become a reality in the not too distant future :^/


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        Thanks for all the hard work, Fredrik! I did a mock order this morning and the price per can is about $1 more than before all the changes. Not bad at all considering the state I live in.


        • jamesstew
          • May 2008
          • 1440

          Thanks Fredrik, feel better now.


          • StuKlu
            • Feb 2010
            • 1192

            Figured it was a bug yesterday, but still had a bit of a panic. Great to hear that it was a mistake. Thanks Fredrik!!


            • MojoQuestor
              • Sep 2009
              • 2344

              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
              Meh... Shit happens Fredrik. You had/have a lot of work to do in a small time frame. Bugs are bound to pop up. What bothers me is my before picture may become a reality in the not too distant future :^/
              Let me tell you how it will be...


              • Veganpunk
                • Jun 2009
                • 5381

                Went ahead and placed an order for a roll of Skruf White. I can't believe we won't be able to get this.


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  Sorry, I've been out of the loop on this, and my questions might be easily answered by reading through this thread but I don't have time at the moment. Is this accurate? Thanks

                  Order Contents
                  Title Quantity Tobacco tax Price Price inc. Sales tax

                  Skruf Xtra Strong Portion 10 $ 32.00 (0%)
                  UPS Ground $ 12.72 (0%)
                  Total weight: 1.012 lbs
                  Items: $ 32.00
                  Tobacco tax: $ 24.00
                  Discount (2%): $ 0.60
                  Delivery from US-PA: $ 12.72
                  Total: ~$ 68.12
                  Charged in USD: $ 68.12


                  • Bigblue1
                    Banned Users
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 3923

                    Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                    OK Just did a WA mock order for a roll of Ettan White Portion and while high, it's right in line with my previous calculations (this message and Roo's response after it), except in these calculations they were charging by the ounch and now it's 75%:


                    It basically comes out to $5.30 per can total. Cheaper than buying locally, more than it was before, not enough to quit but maybe enough to cut down usage a little.

                    Order Contents
                    Title Quantity Tobacco tax Price Price inc. Sales tax
                    Ettan, White Portion 10 $ 23.00 $ 30.60 $ 30.60 (0%)
                    UPS Ground 1 $ 0.00 $ 12.19 $ 12.19 (0%)
                    Total weight: 0.99 lbs
                    Items: $ 30.60
                    Tobacco tax: $ 23.00
                    Discount (2%): $ 0.60
                    Delivery from US-PA: $ 12.19
                    Total: ~$ 65.19
                    Charged in USD: $ 65.19
                    Originally posted by Fredrik_Northerner View Post
                    Yes, WA is one of the highest taxed states I'm afraid:-(

                    Swap it out for some Thunder and it'll save you $13 USD on the totals.
                    Here you go roo

                    Oh and thanks Fred, the taxes look much beter now. went from like $110 to $15 for four rolls, I can handle that.....


                    • Smalmagal
                      New Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 11

                      Jakobssons Wintergreen, Strong Portion 10 $ 14.30 $ 27.10 $ 27.10 (0%)
                      Offroad Frosted, Portion 10 $ 16.10 $ 16.50 $ 16.50 (0%)
                      Thunder Frosted, Strong Loose 10 $ 32.10 $ 19.80 $ 19.80 (0%)
                      UPS Ground 1 $ 0.00 $ 12.72 $ 12.72 (0%)
                      Total weight: 3.52 lbs
                      Items: $ 63.40
                      Tobacco tax: $ 62.50
                      Delivery from US-PA: $ 12.72
                      Total: ~$ 138.62
                      Charged in USD: $ 138.62

                      I think the Maine taxes are messed up. We already have an insanely high tobacco tax...but these prices are not correct. 78% of wholesale is the Maine tax and these prices are well over 100%...and I can't seem to figure out why loose is more...isn't the tax based on price?

                      ...I can't imagine paying 50+ dollars for something that should cost me 20!


                      • IceBleu
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 18

                        I used my bonus points to put a roll in my cart along with a few misc. cans, and when I get to checkout it says, "We had to remove the following items: 10 cans #### - missing tax information." It pulled out the prismaster for the same reason. It seems it can't figure taxes on bonus points, or accessories. ???


                        • danielan
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1514

                          Taxes still have to be paid on "free" tobacco.

                          I'm sure they will get it worked out.

                          The prismaster seems like a bug. - On second thought - they can't send you a prismaster purchased with points any more. Since last Tuesday - FDA rules.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Thanks Blue. That blows. I've always considered quitting one day, maybe this will be my reason.


                            • victoryredchevy
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 303

                              I live in Arkansas. I did a dry run on a roll of Thunder Frosted Minis. It was like $37 total.....expensive for Thunder, but it could've been alot worse seeing some of you guy's prices. Tobacco tax here was $6. God Bless The South!


                              • gilkm
                                • May 2010
                                • 28


                                It sounds like you need a good SQA Engineer so that errors like this do not get to the public. I am available for contract work.


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