Snus in Canada - Du Maurier released in Ottawa

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  • The Cook
    • Aug 2007
    • 166

    Snus in Canada - Du Maurier released in Ottawa

    Imperial Tobacco has open a new test market for their snus in Ottawa. There are two flavours available - original and mint. I bought a tin of the original. They is .4 mg of tobacco per pouch and I don't know what the nicotine content is. The pouches are mini portions, they're not the mini white portions that we know.

    My impressions: At first, the portion has no taste. After a while, a sugary taste appears that is close to sickening. It's pricey too, around 8.00 CDN $ for 20 portions.. I can't recommend this snus to anyone other than those who enjoy a sugary taste when finishing a portion.

    It's rather a disappointment that the DuMaurier snus can't be as good as Swedish snus. If only we could have an influence on Imperial Tobacco to steer them in the direction of pure tobacco flavour.

    Well, thankfully, we still have access to Swedish snus!
  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Cook, I agree to a great extent with your review of the product. I bought a tin of the regulars and the freshmint. I struggled through the regular and am now on the freshmint, which is better. Both have a chewing gum aspect that is disappointing, and a very faint real snus flavour. I also agree that the price is nonsense, but I will continue to buy these to supplement my regular-size portion orders from Northerner. One less thing to get snagged and fined through customs.


    • Kadett
      New Member
      • Feb 2008
      • 12

      Ironically the DuMaurier is the only snus I've tried thus far. I do intend to order online at some point.

      As far as I know the DuMaurier is 0.9 mg nicotine per portion. The mini portions are made in Malmo, Sweden, so unlike the Camel in the US we can at least be assured on the manufacturing standard. I'd agree about the price and relative lack of flavour though its hard to judge as I dont have anything other than Red Man chew to compare it to. I dont have a snus to snus comparison.

      But my primary purpose for the Snus was to try and use it as a medium quit smoking by changing how I use tobacco, and thus far this has been achieved, so I'm not complaining. With snus the quitting experience of smoking has been as easy as it could be thus far and I've had more days smoke free than at any other time in the last 15 years. I guess my feeling is that the duMaurier is better than nothing, it is at least available and until I order online it will have to do.

      For some reason the Canadian tobacco market is very odd, in that there is very little imports. For example if you smoke I always found it strange that you couldn't buy many US brands here like my old favourites Lucky Strike and Chesterfields, which ironically I had no problem getting when I lived in England or in Europe. On the snus side of things it would be nice if they imported the Swedish brands directly but given the oddity of the Canadian tobacco market I'm not sure this will happen.


      • darkwing
        • Oct 2007
        • 415

        I think I am seeing snus fridges in various places around town. I got mine at Cigar Emporium in the market, but I have seen the fridge (I think) at the Campus Shop at Carleton U, and the International News at Billing Bridge main level... Hey, it is snus, although a grim and pale version.


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