Post PACT Act Sadness.

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  • skyline142
    • Apr 2010
    • 193

    Post PACT Act Sadness.

    Goodness guys. I got into snus, and about two months before the PACT scare started. So for 3 and a half months, I was stock piling like crazy. I had over 250 cans. (still over 200, but sold some I didnt like). And I get so depressed, I was getting packages from USPS like, 3 times a week! And it was like, Christmas so often.

    I miss those nice tan packages appearing on my doorstep.


    I guess the biggest downside for right now, is the no merch law. Buysnus gave me 6 huge General Towels, 3 Goteborg Headphones, an iphone case, bunch of lid watches and keychains, free cans, sunglasses, fridgemates, a coffee cup, some flipflops. Ugh, NEED MOAR SWAG!

    And is it illegal to sell icetools now?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Yea, the whole thing's a bummer. IceTools can still be sold, but they can't be given away as part of a tobacco purchase program if I understand the law right.


    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      I shoulda opted on a towell when I placed my order... So no swag for me

      Speakin of swag I got a letter from Marlboro saying I can get a free keychain or
      bandana or some crap. How can they still do it??


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        It might be because it isn't in exchange for a tobacco purchase; they're just giving it to you.


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          Didn't think of that lol damn Marlboro and their tricks.. I'm gettin the bandana gonna use it as TP


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            Goodness Gracious..

            Originally posted by skyline142 View Post
            goodness guys. I got into snus, and about two months before the pact scare started. So for 3 and a half months, i was stock piling like crazy. I had over 250 cans. (still over 200, but sold some i didnt like). And i get so depressed, i was getting packages from usps like, 3 times a week! And it was like, christmas so often.

            i miss those nice tan packages appearing on my doorstep.

            NOW...........That's an addiction!!
            Click image for larger version

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            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              Originally posted by snusgetter
              NOW...........That's an addiction!!
              I miss those packages too. Always coming home and never knowing when it would show up or what was on the doorstep.


              • stubby2
                • Jun 2009
                • 436

                I have an Ettan hat.... which on the cheap side.... doesn't fit.... but I like it anyway. Looks great sitting on top on my speaker. Got a calendar.... a few pens.... but the best is a Northerner 3 mm ice tool which I got under the wire when I cashed in my points.

                It's all for the children ya know so we really can't complain to much. I know I sleep better knowing that the little tots won't be perverted by the evils of tobacca paraphernalia.


                • himitsu
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 21

                  Originally posted by skyline142 View Post
                  Goodness guys. I got into snus, and about two months before the PACT scare started. So for 3 and a half months, I was stock piling like crazy. I had over 250 cans. (still over 200, but sold some I didnt like). And I get so depressed, I was getting packages from USPS like, 3 times a week! And it was like, Christmas so often.

                  I miss those nice tan packages appearing on my doorstep.


                  I guess the biggest downside for right now, is the no merch law. Buysnus gave me 6 huge General Towels, 3 Goteborg Headphones, an iphone case, bunch of lid watches and keychains, free cans, sunglasses, fridgemates, a coffee cup, some flipflops. Ugh, NEED MOAR SWAG!

                  And is it illegal to sell icetools now?
                  Who was it who was including the lid watch with purchases?

                  Since my standard is General Eksta Sterk I thought a lid watch would be perfect to go with it and actually wrote to one or two online stores who seemed to know nothing about them.

                  My time frame of using snus is about the same as yours and I can't believe how much better I feel. Have about four rolls total in the freezer and a few loose cans. Wish I had bought more..


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    General lid watch

                    Originally posted by himitsu View Post
                    Who was it who was including the lid watch with purchases?

                    1. It replaced the 'ashtray' lid
                    2. Analog timepiece
                    3. Hard to read
                    4. Small enough to easily lose (or misplace)

                    I have/had one (see #4 above)


                    • himitsu
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 21

                      Was it with the General logo on it so it blended in with the colors of the can? Saw a picture of one somewhere.

                      I hope one shows up on the auction..


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        The watch lid was offered free of charge by the old getsnus when you bought a roll of General snus. also had them from time to time.


                        • snusgetter
                          • May 2010
                          • 10903

                          Originally posted by himitsu View Post
                          Was it with the General logo on it so it blended in with the colors of the can? Saw a picture of one somewhere.

                          I hope one shows up on the auction..
                          Can't remember ...
                          wasn't 'visible' long enough to even comment on it!
                          (I'd blame its disappearance on the cat 'cept I don't have one!)


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            I guess we had it good here for awhile. In Sweden you can't get swag either.

                            I found this question and answer on

                            I have heard that you can get a silver box if you send in 500 empty cans, right?

                            The campaign you mention was for a short period of about 25 years ago, but the rumor seems to persist. Since we are governed by the Tobacco Act, it is currently not possible for us to expose the tobacco brands directly to consumers. So we are unfortunately unable to give away or sell tobacco-related advertising products.


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Originally posted by himitsu View Post
                              Was it with the General logo on it so it blended in with the colors of the can? Saw a picture of one somewhere.

                              I hope one shows up on the auction..


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