The 2009 Noob Vs The 2010 Noob

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    The 2009 Noob Vs The 2010 Noob

    I was browsing my website and came across this:

    The 2009 Snubie
    This is a pic of my first "stash". I was so proud of it, now I look back and wonder how any of that snus worked for me. You can tell it's a ton of random snus cans, which spread the course of several orders. When I was brand new to snus early last year - that was one of my favorite parts of snus. Trying out random types and kinds, ordering a different order every few weeks, and always coming home to see a new package on the door. It was like Christmas. Snus was cheap and so was the shipping. It was a journey, an adventure, and I was saddened to see PACT, and FDA in part, close that door to so many who are coming into snus now. The 2009 snubie was very adventurous.

    The 2010 Snubie
    The 2010 snubie has to be very calculated and careful. No random orders for 2 or 3 cans every few weeks, no large variety to choose from like what we used to have. It seems that orders have to be placed to be much bigger and those new to snus now have to order larger quantities just to save money, because the price of UPS shipping vs USPS shipping is quite different. They have to, in essence, build a stockpile it seems, and hope they like what they try. That, or order a can of everything in one order.

    The landscape has changed a lot, that's for sure. Looking back on how it was when I first came to snus to how it is now, I'm sure being new to snus now isn't as easy as it once was - and it's my honest hope that PACT and FDA aren't going to turn away all the people who could be helped with snus, or quit smoking with the help of snus like I did and so many others. I'd hate to think of PACT as the nail in the coffin for those trying to quit smoking with snus.

    I'm thinking box passes would be really important and good in times like this. Since snus can be shipped in the mail (from what I understand) person to person, I think they're going to be a good way to help those new to snus try out different brands without having to pay a fortune to buy it. I'm glad the Noob Box passes have taken off and have found their way to so many snus newbies, and I'm glad they've been able to help people broaden their tastes without emptying their pockets outside of the 5-10 bucks to ship the box.

    I have no idea where I'm going with this, but I think it may be advice for those new to snus. Although the landscape is different, don't give up on snus because you see us bitching about PACT or FDA or Northerner or anything else. If I had come into snus now in the current time instead of last year, I'd still be using snus and would be glad to have something that was just as enjoyable to me as cigarettes and would help me kick a habit that I'd been cursed with for so long. Being a "snubie" now may be a bit more costly than it was then, but to be honest, it's a cost I'm willing to put up with, and I would have if I was new at this time as well. You can't put a cost on good health, and I would have paid 10 times what I've paid already to be able to quit smoking and enjoy a new hobby such as snus.

    Snubies - keep your heads up. PACT/FDA isn't the end of the world, and this is a great community to receive all the help and advice you could ask for.

    Check out the Noob Box Pass in the Box Pass area of SnusOn.

    It's a great way to try out new snuses without having to pay a lot of money to get an order of snus, and you can try out new things. It's a really cool thing, and I have enjoyed every box pass I've been a part of (even though 2 of mine have gotten lost that I've had to resend out again, haha)

  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Speaking of which...

    Northerner/GetSnus needs to put together some tryout boxes for the USA market. That way snubies can get a variety of the top 10 ( or similar) and still get a price break.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Originally posted by justintempler View Post
      Speaking of which...

      Northerner/GetSnus needs to put together some tryout boxes for the USA market. That way snubies can get a variety of the top 10 ( or similar) and still get a price break.
      That's a good idea. I think the tryout boxes need to have a good selection too, or a variety in them. Not just a bunch of "traditional" flavors, but a real mix of a ton of styles and flavors, sizes, strengths, etc.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511


        Well I'm pretty much a snubie, but this is my current snubie stash.


        • LaZeR
          • Oct 2009
          • 3994

          You've come a long way, Chad.


          • danielan
            • Apr 2010
            • 1514

            Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
            You've cum a long way, Chad.
            I hope this is a spelling mistake...


            • c.nash
              Banned Users
              • May 2010
              • 3511

              Knowing Laz it isn't lol

              BTW, that snubie tryout box would be a great idea.

              Chad, you would work a deal with Northerner to sell a " Tryout box".


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                Knowing Laz it isn't lol

                BTW, that snubie tryout box would be a great idea.

                Chad, you would work a deal with Northerner to sell a " Tryout box".
                Now that would be awesome. I'm gonna shoot them an email and see. It HAS to have Elixyr Energy in it.

                ....wait, that's illegal due to FDA. JESUS.


                • c.nash
                  Banned Users
                  • May 2010
                  • 3511


                  If you make one and it has a lot of snus I don't have I'll purchase it.

                  Make sure you put a little comment (can be in barely visible print) that says "suggested by c.nash on" lol

                  BTW, thanks for the latest two videos on youtube. As I said on Facebook, I sent them to my dad. Hopefully he quits smoking with snus!


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                    BTW, thanks for the latest two videos on youtube. As I said on Facebook, I sent them to my dad. Hopefully he quits smoking with snus!
                    Awesome. I have a subsection on my site that has a URL that directs to it from "", and I did the videos as part of a series to put on that page. A lot of people were asking for videos about that topic so I did some. I have one more coming.


                    • c.nash
                      Banned Users
                      • May 2010
                      • 3511

                      Can't wait for the next one. I'll be sending that to him as well. Lets hope it works, otherwise I'll have to force it in his mouth and steal all his cigs... Well at least the ones he uses at work, can't control that at home useage. haha


                      • ChaoticGemini
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 564

                        A box pass is an excellent idea, but it doesn't look like there are any going right now. Unless I'm missing something.
                        I did spend a fortune on trying almost every snus I could get my hands on. There's still a few I haven't tried, but I have a freezer filled with snus I don't like and with current price/shipping, I hate to add to the un-liked stack. I've tried passing it off, but I keep hearing "it's just not right to take tobacco from a woman." Having been raised in northern MI, I find that ridiculous, but it's not the first thing that being this close to the mason-dixon line has driven me crazy and I'm sure it won't be the last.


                        • texastorm
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 386

                          Well as a new snus user and ex smoker for a few short weeks now. I will say it has already been an adventure. First (swedish) snus is the bomb! I dont even think about cigarettes much anymore. But something I have noticed with snus that I never saw with cigarettes comes to mind...

                          When I smoked I was 'loyal' to just one brand, and in my 30 years of smoking I smoked only 2 kinds of cigarettes. Once I started smoking a brand, all the other brands tasted like crap. It took me quitting for a couple weeks and then lighting up a smoke out of frustration to realize that yes, my brand of smokes tastes like ass, just like all the rest of them.

                          With snus however I notice that while there are brand loyalties, there is much more effort to try new kinds, new flavors, and experiment with the whole idea of snusing. This makes snusing much more fun, not to mention tasty, then smoking ever was for me.

                          PACT has put a slight damper on the kinds I could choose, but considering I constantly smoked only two brands of cigs my whole life, if I only had 20 to choose from that would be amazing variety. People will adjust to PACT, and figure out how to get their snus. I know I will. At this point I would probably make an emergency trip to Sweden to buy all the duty free I could legally bring back if I had no options here. Luckily for me I do enjoy General white portions and they are available locally. Not to mention that even if I had to pay 5 bucks a can, I am still saving money over smoking. I smoked about a carton a week of smokes, at about 50 bucks a week. I could make ten tins of snus last nearly a month.

                          So yes I would have loved to have jumped on this boat a couple years earlier and enjoyed many flavors, but I believe that even with the recent legal fiascos and ordering problems, people will still catch on. I am trying hard to convert all the smokers I know.


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by texastorm View Post
                            With snus however I notice that while there are brand loyalties, there is much more effort to try new kinds, new flavors, and experiment with the whole idea of snusing. This makes snusing much more fun, not to mention tasty, then smoking ever was for me.
                            With me, I don't feel like I have loyalties to certain brands. But there are certain brands I like more than others. General White portion, to me, is THE snus. It's my desert island snus. I also regularly use Gustavus, Offroad Frosted, Lucky Strike White, and lately Olde Viking Original Portion. Every now and then I go through a rotation of favorites. Usually General White and Offroad Frosted stay in, and I mix in an original portion snus and another white portion snus usually (traditionally flavored, of course). So I'd say I have favorites, but not necessarily loyalties.

                            When I was a smoker I smoked ONE brand, and if one store didn't have the type I wanted, I just went somewhere else.


                            • LaZeR
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 3994

                              Originally posted by danielan View Post
                              I hope this is a spelling mistake...


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