Threw out two cans of snus

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  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    Threw out two cans of snus

    They'd been sitting in my fridge for a couple of weeks now and I'd have to force myself to take a portion now and then in the hope that they'd grow on me but bleeech. It's rare that I throw away snus and don't keep it around in case of emergency but General Mint and General Wintergreen are simply horrible.
  • LaZeR
    • Oct 2009
    • 3994

    I kinda like General Mint for a 'change-up' or go to sleep with a snus'in.

    Wintergreen, I can completely understand.


    • myuserid
      • Jun 2010
      • 1645

      I like the Mint. I have one at night when I'm laying on the couch.

      The Wintergreen, I'm not a fan of.


      • AtreyuKun
        • Aug 2009
        • 1223

        I like mint as well.
        Man. Don't ever throw away a good can of snus. I can promise that one of us will like it. I always ask for a trade if I have something I really don't like. These days, that's getting more and more rare.


        • razzor7
          • Jun 2010
          • 49

          I've thrown away as many partial camel snus cans as I've opened swedish snus cans... but I'm new to swedish snus


          • texastorm
            • Jul 2010
            • 386

            You are not alone I started snus about a month ago, and the local smokeshop carries General. I have a can of mint that is dying a slow death in my fridge too, as I just cant seem to tolerate the salty sweetness of it. Oddly I do like minty candy, but for some reason my brain cant grasp the concept of minty tobacco. The Camel frost was just disgustingly sweet to me. I guess I will stick with more traditional flavors.


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              The only snus I've thrown out is Oomph (9 cans of the buggers) and Grovsnus black (3 cans). Couldn't stand the stuff.


              • jamesstew
                • May 2008
                • 1440

                Originally posted by texastorm View Post
                You are not alone I started snus about a month ago, and the local smokeshop carries General. I have a can of mint that is dying a slow death in my fridge too, as I just cant seem to tolerate the salty sweetness of it. Oddly I do like minty candy, but for some reason my brain cant grasp the concept of minty tobacco. The Camel frost was just disgustingly sweet to me. I guess I will stick with more traditional flavors.
                I somewhat like the flavor of Thunder Frosted as under the mint I can still taste the tobacco but it's the artificial sweeteners in the General mint and wintergreen that makes me nauseous. I love General by the way, the original with bergamot but the mint has to go.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  Originally posted by AtreyuKun View Post
                  I like mint as well.
                  Man. Don't ever throw away a good can of snus. I can promise that one of us will like it. I always ask for a trade if I have something I really don't like. These days, that's getting more and more rare.
                  I'm all for trading unopened cans but not once the seal has been breached.


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    Originally posted by jamesstew View Post
                    I somewhat like the flavor of Thunder Frosted as under the mint I can still taste the tobacco but it's the artificial sweeteners in the General mint and wintergreen that makes me nauseous. I love General by the way, the original with bergamot but the mint has to go.
                    I think the mint is great for the American market, or for those new to snus. If you've been using snus a while it seems like it may be a bit sweet, because it isn't really marketed or made for the snuser, it's made for the snubie. Ones like Thunder Frosted/Offroad Frosted which have that bold, spearmint flavor - I think they're much more enjoyable if you use other snuses, especially more traditional flavors. It's why the "flavored" option in my rotation is a V2 product. I can't do the General one too much because it seems much to sweet.


                    • Veganpunk
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 5381

                      I love General Mint. I will buy a can or two locally whenever I go to Mobile. Wintergreen was ok, but now that Jaks. Wintergreen is out, I'll probably never buy another General Wintergreen. (Still gotta go through all the mystery cans, lol)


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        General mint is one of my faves being an ex menthol smoker but to each his own.. I have one general wintergreen in the freezer I'll only use in emergency if I'm out


                        • StuKlu
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 1192

                          It's the artificial sweeteners that make the Generals suck. Just like I can't stand it in diet soda, can't handle it in snus


                          • stones
                            • May 2010
                            • 111

                            General Mint is great for a sweet snus General wintergreen as of recent I'm in a love hate relationship with at the moment used to have a nice burn and a great flavor now it seems flat maybe after 100 plus cans of it. I'm numb to it. Oomph I can not stomach anymore the lemon licorice 6 mg was a main staple for over a year for me now the taste of it makes my stomach cramp up and turn. Finished all my cans of it but no plans to ever order it again.


                            • Tobakssmak
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 263

                              I love wintergreen, but not the General, it's too sweet. Jaks is just as sweet as General, they actually taste exactly the same to me. I love the Thuder WG, tastes great but now I've moved down of the extra sterks. I was hoping the Offroad version was the same as Thunder but just not as strong, but it's not.

                              We need a decent regular strength wintergreen!


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