Snus cup

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Snus cup

    Wondering if anyone has the same habit.

    I go through a lot of snus and I'm always on the go, so naturally catch lid isn't always the best option.

    I keep a coke can in the car, which is always my snus cup and where I put my used portions.

    I keep a Pringles can by the bed (which is just now getting to be full) for my night time snuses.

    Anyone else do anything similar?
  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    haha yes. I have an empty water bottle i use and if I happen to eat a can of chips I'll use that.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Nope. I just throw mine out, usually in a trash can. But until this Monday I've worked on a job site and usually just throw my used portions on the ground since it's all construction materials anyways.

      If it's lös and I can't locate a trash can I will usually try to scoop it out in grass or mulch and "fertilize the environment" lol


      • danielan
        • Apr 2010
        • 1514

        I have a big disposable soda cup on my desk for snus.

        In my pickup I use the ashtray.

        I use the catch lids until I am by one of those.

        I used to throw them in the trash, but the dogs would get into the trash at night and carry them around the house.

        I'm kind of planning to start composting the used portions.


        • asidrave
          • Mar 2010
          • 195

          I have a wastebasket by my bed. In the car, a grocery store bag hung from the center console shifter


          • myuserid
            • Jun 2010
            • 1645

            I just throw them in the trash.


            • Langdell
              • Jun 2010
              • 255

              I don't really do this as it's usually just as convenient for me to use a wastebasket, the catch lid, or an ashtray, which I have around the house since I still smoke a pipe. In the car I'll use the car ashtray if needed (which works fine since I no longer smoke in my car and so don't use it for ashes), but it's rare that I need to because I usually pop in a fresh portion before driving and keep the same portion in the whole time unless it's a long trip.

              I did, however, find myself jonesing for one of those Skruf snustrays that used to be available as Northerner bonus merchandise. I didn't really need it--but thought it would be cool to have, and I rationalized that it would be nice to have on my desk where I work at home instead of throwing portions in my desk ashtray where the wet pouches mix with ashes and get kinda gross. But I failed to cash in bonus points in time for one before the FDA crap cut off the supply of promo items in here in "the Land of the Free." I still liked the idea of having a desktop snustray, so I dug up this little ceramic box that my wife gave me once and that I never had any other use for, and it actually works perfectly.


              • desirexe
                • Feb 2008
                • 1170

                At home while on the computer I use my gorgeous porcelain Skruf ashtray (thanks Frederik) and while in the car I use my own 'mini bin' which is one of those plastic containers with snap on lid that initially held Icebreakers gum. It's great because it's small, hard plastic and has a lid to control odors and can hold probably 100 used portions. When the container gets too gross, I replace it with a new one and recycle the old one!


                • desirexe
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 1170

                  Originally posted by Langdell View Post

                  I did, however, find myself jonesing for one of those Skruf snustrays that used to be available as Northerner bonus merchandise. I didn't really need it--but thought it would be cool to have, and I rationalized that it would be nice to have on my desk where I work at home instead of throwing portions in my desk ashtray where the wet pouches mix with ashes and get kinda gross. But I failed to cash in bonus points in time for one before the FDA crap cut off the supply of promo items in here in "the Land of the Free." I still liked the idea of having a desktop snustray, so I dug up this little ceramic box that my wife gave me once and that I never had any other use for, and it actually works perfectly.
                  And that makes yours way better than the Skruf tray! I didn't need the Skruf ashtray either but I had bonus points going to waste so was able to snag one up moments prior to the stupid ban.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    I'll probably get blasted for this but here goes - I throw most of it in the trash but I just chuck some of it in the street. It's not as if Britain is gonna get over clogged with used snus - seeing that I'm the only person that I know snusses.
                    I also figure that they deteriorate very quickly anyway - unlike a cigarette butt and lets face it - when we used to smoke, who didn't chuck their butts in the street.
                    In Japan they're quite considerate to the streets - they carry their own personal pocket ashtrays for cigarette butts.


                    • timholian
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1448

                      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                      I'll probably get blasted for this but here goes - I throw most of it in the trash but I just chuck some of it in the street. It's not as if Britain is gonna get over clogged with used snus - seeing that I'm the only person that I know snusses.
                      I also figure that they deteriorate very quickly anyway - unlike a cigarette butt and lets face it - when we used to smoke, who didn't chuck their butts in the street.
                      In Japan they're quite considerate to the streets - they carry their own personal pocket ashtrays for cigarette butts.
                      You littering twat! LMAO
                      I always use the proper receptacle for my refuse. LMAO However, I can see how a portion would break down rather quickly in the elements.
                      I don't use anything besides a wastebasket or the ashtray lid but I have been known to use a piece of paper in a bind.


                      • c.nash
                        Banned Users
                        • May 2010
                        • 3511

                        I'd assume snus decomposes pretty fast.


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          I usually use the trash... But like at the walmart parking lot i just spit it out quick like.. It's gotta be biodegradable..


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            The way I see it - snus is garden material. It's a weed, and a bag of it will decompose into the rest of the foliage and organic stuff that you find in the street. I don't see it at all as littering as every autumn I haul 5 large bin bags of leaves out of my garden from the trees and in the spring I haul out another three bin bags of furry seeds.

                            Snus is nuffin.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                              The way I see it - snus is garden material. It's a weed, and a bag of it will decompose into the rest of the foliage and organic stuff that you find in the street. I don't see it at all as littering as every autumn I haul 5 large bin bags of leaves out of my garden from the trees and in the spring I haul out another three bin bags of furry seeds.

                              Snus is nuffin.
                              That's how I see it too. I put them out of sight if I'm on a pedestrian walkway(under a bush, or whatever), but on the highway; What's the difference? Around the house I keep an ashtray in my bedroom, and I have a MudJug by the computer. I had to cut the bottom off the funnel so portions would fit through, but that works pretty well.

