Not As Much Fun

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Not As Much Fun

    I haven't been enjoying snus like I used to. All the PACT crap, Northerner slowdowns, and shops closing up kind of took the wind out of my sails. I don't have any plans of quitting snus, but much of the joy's gone. No stupid free swag, don't have to worry about trying new brands because they likely won't be available here, and the brands that are left have been governmentfied with crappy looking labels. I can't wait until the flavor purges, and nicotine reductions start. That should add to the enjoyment....
  • dreed2
    • Jul 2010
    • 256

    I see it as a move to force those who are addicted to nicotine back to smoking cigarettes so that they can kill us all off before we live long enough to collect Social Security (which we've been paying for all our lives) while collecting billions of dollars in taxes from us before we die. But I have a vivid imagination...


    • bipolarbear1968
      • Mar 2010
      • 1074

      Originally posted by dreed2 View Post
      I see it as a move to force those who are addicted to nicotine back to smoking cigarettes so that they can kill us all off before we live long enough to collect Social Security (which we've been paying for all our lives) while collecting billions of dollars in taxes from us before we die. But I have a vivid imagination...
      Pretty much sums it up...


      • Darwin
        • Mar 2010
        • 1372

        Yep them there fin de siecle freewheelin', la vida loca, cheap and easy, cowboy snusin' days are over. Now for the furtive, back alley, dark corner, Joe sent me, cash only, under the table, chrysanthemum in the lapel, viva la resistance snusin' days.


        • myuserid
          • Jun 2010
          • 1645

          Originally posted by dreed2 View Post
          I see it as a move to force those who are addicted to nicotine back to smoking cigarettes so that they can kill us all off before we live long enough to collect Social Security (which we've been paying for all our lives) while collecting billions of dollars in taxes from us before we die. But I have a vivid imagination...


          • c.nash
            Banned Users
            • May 2010
            • 3511

            Doesn't bother me in the least, that's why I stocked up.

            However I do want more different snus, but I have pretty much everything legal and some that aren't now. lol


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              These have been a hard few months. It seems all the hassle has dampened the enthusiasm (especially from new folks). Instead it has been replaced with more of a general feel of uncertainty and concern.

              That said, I remain hopeful. I really believe there is good grounds for repealing PACT (issuing a general federal injunction against it...... to be more precise). If that happens then all the hassle of shipping from overseas and all the FDA regulations will be far less of a concern. It is not far fetched to imagine that we might see much of this mess cleared up in the next few months.

              The key will be the federal court's ruling at the end of the month.

              We shall see

              Until then I remain guarded but hopeful
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                My biggest problem is with the FDA regulations. They have carte blanc to do as they wish, with close to no oversight. If they decide all snus will be banana flavored, that's the way it'll be, all snus will taste like banana. This is only the first round, and I honestly don't see things getting better in the future :^/


                • bipolarbear1968
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1074

                  It does sound like the Federal judge is on the Seneca's side.

                  What outcome I like to see overall is to have my products shipped via USPS.


                  • dreed2
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 256

                    Originally posted by Darwin View Post
                    Yep them there fin de siecle freewheelin', la vida loca, cheap and easy, cowboy snusin' days are over. Now for the furtive, back alley, dark corner, Joe sent me, cash only, under the table, chrysanthemum in the lapel, viva la resistance snusin' days.
                    Yup, since genocide is wrong, even when it's nicotine addicts that are being killed, viva la resistance!


                    • Simplysnus
                      • May 2010
                      • 481

                      Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                      Doesn't bother me in the least, that's why I stocked up.

                      However I do want more different snus, but I have pretty much everything legal and some that aren't now. lol
                      Good for you, hopefully you have a lifetime's worth stocked.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by Simplysnus View Post
                        Good for you, hopefully you have a lifetime's worth stocked.
                        I've got a bunch of snus too, but the JOY just isn't there anymore. New product? I probably won't be ALLOWED to get it, and it'll just come in a stupid looking can anyway. Lucky Strike xmas ball filled with candy? Not any more... It's like being locked into 2 brands of beer, with nothing new on the horizon. Those 2 brands might taste fine, but sometimes it's just fun to grab something different for a change....


                        • dreed2
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 256

                          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                          My biggest problem is with the FDA regulations. They have carte blanc to do as they wish, with close to no oversight. If they decide all snus will be banana flavored, that's the way it'll be, all snus will taste like banana. This is only the first round, and I honestly don't see things getting better in the future :^/
                          I wrote to the FDA about this, too. Look up email addresses online and make a stink about it. One email per day to anyone who you think might have any kind of power to do anything to save millions of lives could actually save millions of lives. I've been Twittering, Facebooking, and trying to do at least one thing per day to try to give people who are addicted to nicotine a safer alternative to going back to smoking.

                          Things are out of hand, and something needs to be done. Might not do any good, but what the heck? Worth a try.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by dreed2
                            I wrote to the FDA about this, too. Look up email addresses online and make a stink about it. One email per day to anyone who you think might have any kind of power to do anything to save millions of lives could actually save millions of lives. I've been Twittering, Facebooking, and trying to do at least one thing per day to try to give people who are addicted to nicotine a safer alternative to going back to smoking.

                            Things are out of hand, and something needs to be done. Might not do any good, but what the heck? Worth a try.
                            Yea, I should probably be less apathetic about things. It just seems to me that no one in power is actually doing things because it's the /right/ thing to do. It's all to further a personal agenda, or to win their job for another 4 years. As the years go by, I start to appreciate the way a country like Mexico is run more and more. Nobody pretends to be fair or just about anything. You pay your bribe, and get on with business. Get pulled over "speeding"? You pay your $20 "tax" and keep on going, no muss, no fuss....


                            • Simplysnus
                              • May 2010
                              • 481

                              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                              I've got a bunch of snus too, but the JOY just isn't there anymore. New product? I probably won't be ALLOWED to get it, and it'll just come in a stupid looking can anyway. Lucky Strike xmas ball filled with candy? Not any more... It's like being locked into 2 brands of beer, with nothing new on the horizon. Those 2 brands might taste fine, but sometimes it's just fun to grab something different for a change....
                              I agree with the sentiment, I've got a bit of a stock, but watching options fall by the wayside is depressing, before I've even been able to try 'em.


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