Another reason why 'American Snus' is a terrible idea.

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  • skyline142
    • Apr 2010
    • 193

    Another reason why 'American Snus' is a terrible idea.

    If Camel or Marlboro never attempted to make snus, I think we, in America would have been better off. I remember reading something about Camel snus, and 'experts' saying how it is a terrible idea, because Camel snus has a 'dangerous' amount of nicotine. And how it can be much more dangerous than cigarettes. Now that snus is even in the minds of the government, it is just another thing they can control, and end up ruining.

    I really hope Swedish Match North America really steps their game up and proves to the FDA and government there ARE safer alternatives to cigarettes. While they may not be 'safe'. Snus is certainly safer. Emphasize the R.

    Moved from Industry
  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Originally posted by skyline142 View Post
    Another reason why 'American Snus' is a terrible idea.
    I really hope Swedish Match North America really steps their game up and proves to the FDA and government there ARE safer alternatives to cigarettes. While they may not be 'safe'. Snus is certainly safer. Emphasize the R.
    Not to sound too pessimistic, but this is definitely an uphill battle of gigantic proportions for SM and all proponents of Harm Reduction.

    Now that snus is even in the minds of the government, it is just another thing they can control, and end up ruining.
    The fortunate aspect of this is that Big Tobacco has the $$$ to thwart this attempt at control for quite some time. Plus tobacky purveyors seems upbeat:
    Which New Tobacco Products Are Scoring?
    Retailers weigh in on hot and cold items in CSP-UBS Survey
    By Mitch Morrison

    OAK BROOK, Ill.
    -- Camel Snus continues to ride a wave of loyal national support as R.J. Reynolds extends its marketing focus to oral tobacco consumption. In an exclusive CSP-UBS tobacco survey, retailers praised Camel's Snus product as well as Camel Crush, the company's customizable cigarette that contains a small blue menthol capsule within the filter."Camel Snus—extremely aggressive and the first to market in this new and growing category," a Virginia retailer said of the smokeless, spitless product. "'Fill the Fridge' is a good concept."

    Added a retailer from Iowa: "Snus continues to be a growth driver. Camel did a really good job out of the chute with its initial launch and now Marlboro has gotten into the game as well."

    Indeed, more than half of the 50-plus respondents cited the snus segment as a strong nascent player that is slowly gaining recognition and consumer acceptance.

    Another winner was Marlboro, which scored well with its Marlboro 72, Marlboro Special Blend and Copenhagen Wintergreen smokeless tobacco. "Marlboro Special Blend and 72s have done exceptionally well in our area with an attractive price," an Arkansas operator said.

    Others receiving praise included Liggett's private-label lines, Star Scientific's Stonewall spitless, Reynold's Natural American Spirit and the broader smokeless tobacco category.

    "Camel is doing a great job in building awareness for the Snus category," said UBS tobacco analyst Nik Modi. "PM USA had great traction with its Marlboro Special Blend, but we wonder how the brand will respond to a pull back in promotional support."

    Faring Poorer

    Of course, there is the flip side. >>>>>>

    Now to get Swedish snus into this picture!!



    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      The only reason I'm glad Marlboro and Camel made snus is that I would of never had discovered real snus. Yeah I get paranoid sometimes that the FDA will target snus, I'd they do I'll be a full time snuffer. If they go after snuff I'll be growing tobacco in my


      • PipenSnus
        • Apr 2010
        • 1038

        Originally posted by skyline142 View Post
        I remember reading something about Camel snus, and 'experts' saying how it is a terrible idea, because Camel snus has a 'dangerous' amount of nicotine. And how it can be much more dangerous than cigarettes. Now that snus is even in the minds of the government, it is just another thing they can control, and end up ruining.
        Whatever their motivation, the anti-tobacco so-called "experts" have not hesitated for a moment to use the tactic of the Big Lie to achieve their goals. I have seen at least one documented case where they encouraged tobacco researchers to use "creative epidemiology" (i.e., submit false research reports). Wish I could provide a link to that source, but I've forgotten where I found it. If I run across it again, I'll post it.


        • c.nash
          Banned Users
          • May 2010
          • 3511

          As long as Swedish Snus infiltrates the US and whatever US snus is made after that is made to those same standards then and only then will American Snus be a good Idea.


          • xrt
            • Jun 2010
            • 374

            Yeah. I think American dip is way better then any Swedish snus ever made.
            Much better buzz, great taste, just way better in every way.
            TSNA level difference? Who cares?


            • c.nash
              Banned Users
              • May 2010
              • 3511

              Originally posted by xrt View Post
              Yeah. I think American dip is way better then any Swedish snus ever made.
              Much better buzz, great taste, just way better in every way.
              TSNA level difference? Who cares?
              You crazy.


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903

                Originally posted by xrt View Post
                Yeah. I think American dip is way better then any Swedish snus ever made.
                Much better buzz, great taste, just way better in every way.
                TSNA level difference? Who cares?
                Not sure if you're just being sarcastic!!

                Methinks one of the underlying reasons snus is as readily accepted
                (though not enough to truly make it a force to be reckoned with yet)
                is that the portions make it easy to use without handbaking, etc.
                And the newbie doesn't end up with a mouthful of tobacky
                (except for General Wintergreen, sometimes ).

                LOS and dip are evidently the natural progression, if desired.


                • xrt
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 374

                  I prefer US dip & chew that's it. Although I can get Red Man chew in Norway (At a VERY HIGH price)
                  Guess I will never get another can of Skoal unless I visit America.
                  /Sarcasm ON
                  I LOVE PACT!!!
                  /Sarcasm OFF


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    xrt. I will send you a bunch of skoal if you send me unavailable snus for us. :P


                    • skyline142
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 193

                      Originally posted by xrt View Post
                      Yeah. I think American dip is way better then any Swedish snus ever made.
                      Much better buzz, great taste, just way better in every way.
                      TSNA level difference? Who cares?
                      I can promise you there is snus that will blow you away, nic hit wise. Flavor for snus, imo, is much more exquisite.


                      • snusgetter
                        • May 2010
                        • 10903

                        Originally posted by xrt View Post
                        /Sarcasm ON
                        I LOVE PACT!!!
                        /Sarcasm OFF
                        This is no laughing matter, feller...


                        • xrt
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 374

                          I've tried Thunder Extra Strong Frosted (16mg/g right?). US dip gave me a much better buzz / high. (at 8mg/g)
                          C. Nash: I would send you 15 cans of choice free snus for 5 cans of ANY Skoal. Fresh or Expired... (Sorry about the grammar)


                          • snusgetter
                            • May 2010
                            • 10903

                            Originally posted by xrt View Post
                            US dip gave me a much better buzz / high. (at 8mg/g)
                            I've heard that you get a slap-in-the face buzz with dip
                            but nic absorption from snus is slower and longer-lasting.
                            The same goes for snuff as opposed to snus!



                            • c.nash
                              Banned Users
                              • May 2010
                              • 3511

                              Send me a PM xrt. :P


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