Skruf question.

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  • ChemicalsLie
    • Feb 2008
    • 22

    Skruf question.

    I think the issue i'm running into with skruf is that it's too damn strong. i've got the baking thing down (thank you zero...tis your doing) but i just can't handle how strong this stuff hits me when i'm only doing it once a day.

    are other brands noticeably softer or is snus always in top gear? i've only tried skruf, and i love the taste of it, so i'm trying to figure out what is in my next order.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I think most other snus' will be mellower than Skruf(which is only available in stark(strong) variety for lös afaik). I've never had Skruf lös, so I can't recommend anything similar, but I think any of the other brands will have less of a kick.


    • victoryredchevy
      • Jan 2008
      • 303

      I use General los, but I also enjoy Skruf Stark los. Skruf does have noticeably more nicotine than other brands, that's why I'm moderate with it. I too, only use it once a day. You may like General los, too. Try it. It's easy to bake. They are different in flavor, of course, but General is a quality brand of los. Compared to Skruf, I'd say General is a little saltier and peppery tasting, but more subtle in my opinion. Gustavus los is also very good. It's kinda flowery tasting and has a strong aroma to it.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        Skruf Stark is most definately a unique breed. You can use any other los without getting that sledgehammer of nicotine you get from the skruf. If you do not have anything elose to use at the time, just cut back the size of your pris to a tolerable dose.

        The other thing to think about is that with loose, YOU are measuring the doseage of nicotine, not a pre-weighed portion. So if you bake a pris of General, and you use more in that pris than that of a portion, you will take on a higher doseage of nicotine.


        • Harry
          • Dec 2007
          • 213

          I didn't think I could get enough Nicotine until I found skruf. It's just a bit abrasive to me. I dipped Grizzly mint for 5 years. The thing I loved most about snus was the gradual rise and fall of nicotine intake. Skruf is the only thing that reminds me of that initial surge from putting in a fresh dip.

          If skruf had a pleasant flavor to counteract this effect, I think I would enjoy it much more. However, it just tastes bitter to me and then with the sledgehammer it provides, I've decided to take it off my list.


          • ChemicalsLie
            • Feb 2008
            • 22

            man, i love griz straight. the mint was too synthetic for me, but it's the only american dip i really loved. that and cope straight sometimes. that said...i doubt i ever do that again. snus is way better. i'm gonna try Rape, Roda, and Ettan in my next order. with the icetool so i get a free random can.


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