Camel Robust and Winterchill have arrived in my area

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Originally posted by indalcecio View Post
    Hey I'm new here and I registered just to talk about this. Personally I really like the camel snus simply because I haven't been exposed to "real" snus. The mellow was too strong and too sweet, and the "robust" seems ironic because there's a lot less flavoring than the mellow IMO, or it could be just because I'm comparing the NEW robust to the OLD mellow.

    I saw a lot of people who said that they sort of liked camel snus, but it had too much extra flavoring, almost like candy. if that's the case i think you'd like robust, it tastes a bit like mellow but with less sweetness and extra flavoring, maybe a BIT more spicy tasting. but the best part is you can taste the tobacco a lot more.

    One more thing, it's definitely a lot stronger with the bigger portions, I really like it. My tolerance is lower right now but I can still tell that doesn't account for all of it, it's definitely stronger with the bigger and FLATTER portions. I think flatter portions give you more surface area so it hits you faster.

    as for the tins, I still have a couple mellow tins, so I'm just going to keep it and put any of the new stuff I get in there, cause I really hate that ugly black label.

    EDIT: wow it really seems like I'm a Camel representative or something. I'm not, I just like snus and from what I've been hearing the robust is what people have been looking for in american snus.
    WELCOME TO SNUSON, indalcecio...

    Of the 4 I've bought, only the mellow came in a non-black tin;
    I'm assuming it's not the 'new' mellow.

    It's been a few weeks since I've tried them and I can't remember
    right now which one I thought had the most potential for me, but
    I think roBust might be it. I'll have to re-lip them soon (but
    probably not until after I've tested my vacuum-marinated
    creations of the past week!).

    You say you haven't tried 'real' snus -- any particular reason why not?
    BTW, how long have you been using snus -- and are you a current or
    former smoker? Inquiring minds like to know!!


    • indalcecio
      New Member
      • Sep 2010
      • 4

      Just haven't really gotten around to it. I'm lazy and more of an "instant gratification" type and hate waiting for stuff to ship. Lame excuse, I know. I'll probably get around to it.

      I still smoke, but when I don't want to smoke anymore, if it starts getting to my lungs, or just if I'm broke, I use snus. I actually prefer it to smoking, but I still smoke for some reason most of the time.

      EDIT: I've been using snus for a few months, but have only gone through 3 or 4 tins of 15 so far, but I really like it and will probably be using it for a long time. "Not a safe alternative to smoking" my ass.


      • snusgetter
        • May 2010
        • 10903

        Originally posted by indalcecio View Post
        Just haven't really gotten around to it. I'm lazy and more of an "instant gratification" type and hate waiting for stuff to ship. Lame excuse, I know. I'll probably get around to it.

        I still smoke, but when I don't want to smoke anymore, if it starts getting to my lungs, or just if I'm broke, I use snus. I actually prefer it to smoking, but I still smoke for some reason most of the time.

        EDIT: I've been using snus for a few months, but have only gone through 3 or 4 tins of 15 so far, but I really like it and will probably be using it for a long time. "Not a safe alternative to smoking" my ass.

        Hey, whatever floats your boat -- if it works don't fix it.

        I just hope these American snus creations don't fall flat and sour the snus experience for the uninformed.

        (Hey, an idea: wonder why no one -- Swedish or American -- hasn't come up with a 'sour' snus ... kinda like those sour gummies or whatever! --------- Whoops, my bad... another flavor that might just rile up the anti-tobacky loonies.)


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          You might have a local cigar/tobacco shop that stocks General snus.


          • indalcecio
            New Member
            • Sep 2010
            • 4

            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
            You might have a local cigar/tobacco shop that stocks General snus.
            Thanks for the tip, didn't even think of that.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Well, I stopped by WaWa today, and picked up a tin of Robust, and in my opinion. it's the worst Camel so far. It tastes like pulped and dried cigarette packs, and flavored with Lemonheads that have been sweetened with saccharin, and a dash of salt thrown on top. What they hell is wrong with these people? It's like they've never tasted snus before. This stuff is flavored like someone described snus to the blender over the phone, but the blender never tasted real snus before. They got all right flavors in there, but they screwed up every single one...

              Lemonheads != bergamot
              Not enough salt
              Where did they get the tobacco? It says all foreign, so I'm guessing Russia, or some other country that doesn't know a damned thing about growing tobacco.

              I'm tellin' ya. RJR would F' up a wet dream :^S


              • Darwin
                • Mar 2010
                • 1372

                I still think Camel and Marlboro is focused grouped using people who've never used snus, or likely have never even heard of it at all. Put together a group of veteran snusers and the focus group organizers would come away with their ears burning at least if not an actual black eye or two. Camel and Marlboro are simply not aimed at us--period.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I could see Frost and Mellow making through a focus group. Those actually taste kind of good, even if they don't taste like snus. The robust has a very papery flavor, and just isn't that pleasant from any angle. The flavors mix very poorly. I'd like to see the blends they rejected :^D


                  • Darwin
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1372

                    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                    I'd like to see the blends they rejected :^D
                    Me too. But ya' know it's possible that if they did comparison studies, with non-snusers, that conventional Swedish snus might come off badly to the typical Amurkin palate. There is usually an adjustment period for many new snusers and it sure ain't gonna happen in a two or three hour focus group. To many it's certainly possible that, say, General White would be quite bitter and way too salty to non-users. Bergamot is virtually unknown in this country, Earl Grey tea notwithstanding.

                    They simply must be testing on non snus users. In the little pea-brains of RJR & Altria product testers this is an entirely new product that has to appeal to Joe Smoker and Donny Dip thus making the candified aspects of their products nearly inevitable. They certainly wouldn't test new lines of smokes on non-smokers but presumably any new tobacco product is fair game for testing on current tobacco users. It could be a while before they develop product aimed at veteran snusers which after all are a tiny cohort as of yet.

                    All of that doesn't explain the outlier that is Robust. It might actually be their pathetic attempt to appeal to vets but if so it's a massively epic fail.


                    • Owens187
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 1547

                      Originally posted by indalcecio View Post
                      I still smoke, but when I don't want to smoke anymore, if it starts getting to my lungs, or just if I'm broke, I use snus. I actually prefer it to smoking, but I still smoke for some reason most of the time.

                      Wow. You are EXACTLY who RJR markets this crap towards.

                      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                      Where did they get the tobacco? It says all foreign, so I'm guessing Russia, or some other country that doesn't know a damned thing about growing tobacco.
                      Its the floor-sweepings from Akij Biri Ciggarette Factory in Bangladesh. :^O


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        I've said it before, my smoking buddies say they like Camel and Marlboro snus, but they don't seem to care for, or want, when I offer them some real Swedish. I think they want that heavy sweet flavored stuff. I'm glad I don't. And I hate the new Camel portion size.


                        • myuserid
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 1645

                          Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                          I've said it before, my smoking buddies say they like Camel and Marlboro snus, but they don't seem to care for, or want, when I offer them some real Swedish. I think they want that heavy sweet flavored stuff. I'm glad I don't. And I hate the new Camel portion size.
                          I agree with you, Tom.

                          I've been trying to get my Father-in-Law to start using snus and put down his smokes. I try to give him a can of General or something every time I see him to keep him interested. He likes it, but only at night before he goes to bed. The rest of the day, he's smoking.

                          He told me the other day that he bought some Marlboro snus and really liked it. He said, "It doesn't get bitter tasting later like that General stuff does".


                          • snusgetter
                            • May 2010
                            • 10903

                            Want inspiration? Camel Snus to the rescue?

                            Seven Nations brings Celtic rock to Nine Irish Brothers

                            Well-known Celtic rock band Seven Nations will perform at Nine Irish Brothers Traditional Irish Pub [Lafayette, IN] this Friday.

                            Seven Nations, a band which fuses fiddles and bagpipes with rock music, has been nationally recognized in publications such as Rolling Stone, Playboy and GQ magazine. Their distinct sound is what separates them from other current mainstream music. It has earned them stage time at events such as the Winter Olympics and the New York City Marathon.

                            On the band’s Web site, lead singer and guitarist Kirk McLeod said the band’s name is derived from the seven original Celtic nations. The band was started in 1993 with a typical instrumental lineup, but eventually began to incorporate other sounds.

                            “We soon introduced bagpipes into the show, and over time the number of songs utilizing bagpipes grew until it became obvious that they were integral to our emerging sound,” McLeod said on the Web site.

                            Seven Nations has been touring since 1994 and has performed everywhere from Europe to Puerto Rico. The band said in an e-mail that San Juan, Puerto Rico, is their favorite place to perform.

                            This Friday will be the third time the band will have performed at Nine Irish Brothers. The pub’s general manager, Matt Rose, wrote in an e-mail that both times Seven Nations had performed in 2007 and 2008, the pub was “filled to capacity.”

                            “They are talented and energetic,” he said. “They have a very professional and polished sound.”

                            Many of the band members grew up hearing and performing Celtic music, and were heavily influenced by it. However, the band credits other sources of inspiration as well. In an e-mail, band members said they are influenced by everything from Nintendo DS and Steven King to the History Channel and Camel Snus.

                            Seven Nations expressed confidence in their Celtic rock sound.

                            “Fiddle and bagpipes mixed with electric guitar is always a crowd favorite,” they said.

                            Rose said they love having the band perform at the pub.

                            “We feature only traditional and Celtic rock bands,” he said. We’re lucky to have a great group of local and regional talent to draw from, but every once in a while we are able to bring in performers with a national audience and following - Seven Nations definitely fits that bill.”

                            Gotta wonder where Camel Snus fits in their scheme of things.
                            Maybe Camel Snus is a tour sponsor, but I found nothing about that at their website.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              Well, on my liner notes on my last CD, I did mention Swedish Snus.


                              • snusgetter
                                • May 2010
                                • 10903

                                Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                                Well, on my liner notes on my last CD, I did mention Swedish Snus.

                                You gotta do a PR message online so it shows up in Google News ....
                                I did a search for snus at Google News and the Celtic band showed up.


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