Interesting. I'd like to know more about the difference between the snus and the "dry." Also, doesn't Skoal dip have a higher TSNA count than many others dips? Does that high count carry over to this?
Skoal Snus was discontinued sometime last year, it just wasn't happening. I tried the cinnamon flavor, and it was bad. Just like Marlboro snus, very dry, weak nicotine hit, terrible flavor. Not worth it.
Yeah, these are history. I never got to try them. The 1st ones, Dry, looked most appealing to me. I'd been interested to try them, especially the Menthol.
Good grief are American smokeless companies staffed by phalanxes of blithering idiots? How can these wretched products test well enough for them to go to the considerable expense of actually packaging and distributing them? It must be that they are trying to carve out a chunk of the snus market without actually committing to the substantially different production facilities required so they are just repackaging dip in snus-like portions and shoving the product out there. Dopes.
I found and tried the Skoal Dry (round can) three years or so ago, shortly after I started using Camel snus. Suffice to say the Skoal was bad enough I stuck with the Camel. I tried the Cinnamon and the Original (or whatever they called the version that was supposed to be a straight tobacco flavor). Both had a pretty nasty taste, especially the Original (or whatever), and a bad mouth feel, with very dry, thin pouches with barely any tobacco in them and that got slimy when they got wet. (In fairness, maybe I got non-fresh cans--it looked like they had gathered dust for a while. But it was bad enough I felt no interest in searching out fresher cans.)
I don't know if they have improved the product any or if "Skoal Snus" (rectangle can) is different/improved from the Skoal Dry. I've never seen the Skoal Snus in a store. If they still make it and if I ever see it, I might give it a try just to see. But I don't have high hopes.
skoal snus was discontinued sometime last year, it just wasn't happening. I tried the cinnamon flavor, and it was bad. Just like marlboro snus, very dry, weak nicotine hit, terrible flavor. Not worth it.
It must have looked like a winner to some marketing genius
skoal snus a smokeless spitless tobacco product, consisting of pasteurized powdered tobacco, portioned into small teabag-like pouches. ... Skoal snus replaced a similar product, skoal dry, which has been discontinued.
skoal snus cinnamon- average nicotine content per pouch: 2.85mg
skoal snus citrus- average nicotine content per pouch: 2.93mg
skoal snus mint- average nicotine content per pouch: 2.98mg
The American snus items are never meant to be an alternative to smoking or dip, just to be used for times when you can't smoke, or spit.
Part of the issue is that the tobacco companies get (or think they will get) flack if they are perceived as targeting new customers with a new tobacco product or suggesting that snus is less of a health risk than cigarettes. Thus they target their efforts at existing smokers, in particular their own existing customers, who are expected to remain smokers. Even just to log in to the Marlboro Snus website (which, BTW, is not too informative) I had to claim to be a cigarette smoker. (Not exactly a lie since I have smoked a handful of cigarettes in my life. But I thought it was ridiculous that you couldn't get in if you say that you already use smokeless tobacco or smoke a pipe, both of which are more accurate for me.)
I used to get the Skoal snus about a year and a half ago when I first discovered Camel snus. Sheetz was giving away coupons for a free can of Skoal snus to anyone who bought Camel snus. One time, the guy at the register gave me about 10 of the free Skoal coupons, so I was using it for a while. Its dry...even drier than General mini mint, but had some good flavor, but it was fruity flavor, you'd have no idea it was tobacco...the citrus was good, pretty much tasted like a tic tac. These were in the plastic rectangle can. I haven't seen it around in a while, then again, I haven't been looking for it.