Lucky Strike Original portion

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  • Bastage
    • Oct 2007
    • 102

    Lucky Strike Original portion

    I am really starting to like Lucky Strike original portion. My main order was Goteborgs Rape #2 which I really enjoy, but I ordered a few others to sample. Who else likes the Lucky Strike? It has a nice flavor to it.
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    I like Lucky Strike a lot, especially with a cup of coffee.


    • Erik327
      • Dec 2007
      • 64

      I'm big on the Luckie Whites. Solid all the way around, and seem to be a good value. Plus, I dig how it comes in a sealed fresh-tite package, and the tin is very cool.


      • rustic
        • Sep 2007
        • 54

        Lately, I pretty much live on Ettan, but I'm slowly working my way through a roll of LS White at home.. it goes really well with coffee, as many here have said. For some reason, I just can't do Ettan with coffee.. it brings out a particular, almost peat-ish flavor that I just don't care for.

        Yesterday, I managed to go to work with a nearly-empty can of Ettan.. and discovered an open but nearly-full tin of Lucky Strike Original in my office freezer. I had forgotten how much I enjoy LS Original.

        I think I like the Original better than the White.. the White tastes pretty good, but sometimes the flavor overwhelms me.. the Original still has plenty of flavor, but it seems to tone down a little after a few minutes. It may also have been that the tin had been open for a while, but...

        I suspect that once I'm done with my roll of LSW, I'll be ordering a roll of LSO to replace it.

        - Jeff


        • victoryredchevy
          • Jan 2008
          • 303

          Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
          I like Lucky Strike a lot, especially with a cup of coffee.
          You hit the nail on the head, my friend. Lucky is awesome with coffee.


          • itchystiches
            • Oct 2007
            • 194


            yeah ls original pretty tasty. been using it for a while, interchanging with various other brands... got some recently though and after using montecristo for a while it had a bit of a sour tang to it, took a while to get back into.

            a quality snus i would say although not as 'easy' on the gums as the likes of general imo.




            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              I wish Lucky Strike came in loose. I like the taste of it, but there are very few portions that I truly enjoy anymore after trying their loose counterparts (Goteborgs Rape white & Granit Maxi are the only portions I use on a daily basis). Part of the reason for this is that the strong flavor doesn't come out as quickly. It comes on slow and then once it hits, you're prepared for it and it's very pleasant. But with portions, I find the flavor comes on too quickly and then starts to run non stop. When the run gets out of control, I tend to spit out the portion. I just don't like that much flavor that quickly.


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