Help me create a list, to eventually quit nicotine

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  • TheOneandOnly
    • Jun 2009
    • 616

    Help me create a list, to eventually quit nicotine

    It's been over a year since I've quit smoking, I'm looking to finally quit nicotine all together and end the addiction..

    I'm looking to place one last larger order of snus which decends in lower nicotine each can. Example : Odens at 17mg, Thunder at 16mg, GES at 15 mg etc...This should help out with lowering nicotine tolerance can by can and minimize any withdrawl type symptoms..
  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Originally posted by TheOneandOnly View Post
    It's been over a year since I've quit smoking, I'm looking to finally quit nicotine all together and end the addiction..

    I'm looking to place one last larger order of snus which decends in lower nicotine each can. Example : Odens at 17mg, Thunder at 16mg, GES at 15 mg etc...This should help out with lowering nicotine tolerance can by can and minimize any withdrawl type symptoms..
    I'd go with just regular strength. Then down to minis. Then cold turkey.
    You will probably compensate for the different strengths by leaving them
    in longer,etc.. I think using less portions per day is the way to go.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Just sleep all day, wake up and one one to two portions/prillas then back to sleep. :P

      Eventually you'll not use any at all. haha.

      I didn't get into snus due to a prior addiction, it's just something I enjoy so I can't really relate and I can go without it if need be.

      However, it has cut down on my hookah smoking.


      • EricHill78
        • Jun 2010
        • 4253

        I'll never quit myself to be honest.. I just enjoy it
        too damn much. When i'm dead I'm gonna have my wife when I'm
        cremated to pour some toque in my mix and place some of me
        in a general can in the fridge.


        • TheOneandOnly
          • Jun 2009
          • 616

          I love using snus too but... most of us are ex-smokers.. Snus is something we've come to love because it helped us stop smoking, it was never meant to be permanent though... With much higher prices of shipping and tobacco taxes (especially in my state!) I'm just tired of the addiction to nicotine.. I figure I can phase it out so slowly, that by the time I use the 3mg portions, I won't miss it at all...

          Plus, my top gums are starting to recede a little bit after a year of snusing.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            You might try a 4 step phase out

            1. Work down to regular strength exclusively

            2. Gradually extend the time between snuses

            3. Begin replacing regulars with minis (while continuing to increase the time between)

            4. Stop altogether

            In other words I think the issue you will have to address in quiting is twofold: Strength AND Frequency
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • Jwalker
              • May 2010
              • 1067

              Just start spacing out the space in between each snus and keep in for less time. When you wake up see how long you can go without snus, that's how theymeasure someones addiction is how soon they use tobacco after they wake up how much they smoke or dip is usually dependent on body chemistry since most tobacco users get 20mg daily. I can do a few hours no problem but get a little irate after that. After day 3 your fine and then you get occasional cravings. I'm bad at this though because I use a lot of tobacco before bed, and when I put one in I stay up later to finish it. No plans to quit though unless I get bad recession or for stuff like wisdom teeth removal.


              • Cenex
                • May 2010
                • 62

                Yeah, it's best to just eliminate sterks completely. They're what can get a person strongly addicted in the first place (as was the the case with me). Just work yourself down, it may be hard and tempting, but you can do it.

                Just put a rubber band around your wrist and if you think you need some, snap yourself a few times.
       least that worked for nail biting


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  My brother quit smoking by forcing himself to only buy Kool Ultralights, which he hated. Similarly, for your last order you could pick the one (and only one) snus you find to be abhorrent, so each time you use it you are thoroughly disgusted by the taste, thereby making you naturally use less of it, and only when you can't stand to go without a snus any longer. Maybe then after a couple weeks of that you could make the snus even worse by mixing in some habaƱero sauce with the portions so that it's damn near unbearable.... I dunno it's a stupid idea but it might just work. It's not like snus is so easy to get that you'll cave in and stop at 7-Eleven for your favorite brand...

                  Also maybe Frosted will chime in, it sounds like he's had success going from Thunder Frosted down to the long+, then down to minis, at which point it seems like it would be much easier to quit. Good luck, I too don't want a lifelong nicotine addiction. Being addicted to anything just seems like a stupid position to knowingly put one's self in. Another way you could kick off a quitting attempt is, if you can afford it, take a trip, ideally overseas and not to Sweden, and don't take any snus with you and refuse to smoke cigs. After a long flight where you're trapped, if you can overcome the cravings for a few days after you land you might be well on your way. Or go to jail.


                  • Tristik
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 654

                    If you're seriously trying to get off nicotine, then I'd suggest moving to an actual stopping method. I quit smoking 6 or 7 times and getting off nicotine was never a problem the way I did it (psychological kept me going back). I used nicotine transdermal patches (NicoDerm CQ or generic equivalent). Start with Step 2's unless you're using 2 cans of sterks a day cause Step 1's are seriously strong. After 2 or 3 days, just don't put a patch on in the morning. See how long you can go before you start getting easily frustrated or pissed off, then put a patch on. I've never gone more than 2 weeks before I was completely done using that method. You'll be amazed how hard nicotine withdrawal effects your emotional state.

                    And for oral fixation, grab a 10 pack of Breathsavers from the supermarket. They taste good and are sugar free. I used to chomp on over a roll of those a day when I was doing my 'patch downs'.


                    • snusjus
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 2674

                      Here is a "taper down" list using the General brand. Start with the top and work your way to the bottom. I would order five cans of each variety. Take your time so the transition is gradual.

                      General Ekstra Sterk Portions (15mg)
                      General Sterk Poritons (11mg)
                      General Original Portions (8mg)
                      General White Portions (8mg) *white portions deliver less nicotine
                      General Silver Portion (6mg)
                      General Original Mini Portion (4mg)
                      General White Mini Portion (4mg)
                      General Dry Mini Mint (4mg)


                      • Cenex
                        • May 2010
                        • 62

                        Originally posted by Tristik View Post
                        If you're seriously trying to get off nicotine, then I'd suggest moving to an actual stopping method. I quit smoking 6 or 7 times and getting off nicotine was never a problem the way I did it (psychological kept me going back). I used nicotine transdermal patches (NicoDerm CQ or generic equivalent). Start with Step 2's unless you're using 2 cans of sterks a day cause Step 1's are seriously strong. After 2 or 3 days, just don't put a patch on in the morning. See how long you can go before you start getting easily frustrated or pissed off, then put a patch on. I've never gone more than 2 weeks before I was completely done using that method. You'll be amazed how hard nicotine withdrawal effects your emotional state.
                        You do have to take in the cost factor. Cutting down the snus way is hella lot cheaper than patches.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I like snusjus' plan, and I'd even add a can of non-nic snus at the bottom. I might do this myself. I don't think I'm addicted though, as I have gone weeks without, I just enjoy a snus with coffee, and "something" to do.


                          • CoderGuy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2679

                            Originally posted by Roo View Post
                            My brother quit smoking by forcing himself to only buy Kool Ultralights, which he hated. Similarly, for your last order you could pick the one (and only one) snus you find to be abhorrent, so each time you use it you are thoroughly disgusted by the taste, thereby making you naturally use less of it, and only when you can't stand to go without a snus any longer. Maybe then after a couple weeks of that you could make the snus even worse by mixing in some habaƱero sauce with the portions so that it's damn near unbearable.... I dunno it's a stupid idea but it might just work. It's not like snus is so easy to get that you'll cave in and stop at 7-Eleven for your favorite brand...

                            Roo, I was going to suggest this very thing! While concentrating on how much you hate it, you are weening yourself off the nic.

                            I plan on doing this too over the next several months. I have several months stach left but don't plan on buying anymore once it's gone. Just doesn't make sense to pay 32 bucks for a roll of snus and 28 bucks tax. Guess their plan of taxing us out of the habit is working.

                            TheOneAndOnly, I totally agree with you. I used snus to quit smoking, and it has worked very well, but I don't plan on becoming dependent on snus.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I've still been curious to try some non-tobak snus, to see how it is, and if it would satisfy what I like snus for. I don't think I'm a nic addict.


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