Skruf Stark Portion Varieties Available These Days

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  • pris
    • Mar 2025

    Skruf Stark Portion Varieties Available These Days


    (1) Dry and tasteless
    (2) Moist and tasteless

    Nicotine Content

    0-14mg (lucky dip)

    Seriously am I the only one that's noticed how much Skruf Stark Portion has deteriorated over the past few years? I remember in it's hay day it was really tasty, moist and packed a good nic punch. To me it's a distant memory of what it used to be.

    I really am struggling to find something to take it's place but hope to find something soon.
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Personally, I never cared for Skruf. I thought the Stark Portions were decent.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I can't comment on Skruf particularly since it was never a favorite, but I'm not surprised at the changes. It went from private ownership from people who cared about the product, to big tobacco ownership from people who want to make money from a niche product they know little about. They cut costs to make more money, and the quality suffers.


      • texastorm
        • Jul 2010
        • 386

        All I have tried is the ES portions and my thoughts are it was much like eating a wet cigarette. It was bland with no flavor and some bitter tobacco. I have not even bothered to try any other varieties.

        For Extra Sterk I like General ES Los


        • bipolarbear1968
          • Mar 2010
          • 1074

          Originally posted by texastorm View Post
          All I have tried is the ES portions and my thoughts are it was much like eating a wet cigarette. It was bland with no flavor and some bitter tobacco. I have not even bothered to try any other varieties.

          For Extra Sterk I like General ES Los
          General ES los is my absolute fave.

          I've never tried Skruf portions personaly, I will have to say the stark los is tasteless, imo. The grind is good, but that is all I can say.


          • pris
            • Mar 2025

            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
            I can't comment on Skruf particularly since it was never a favorite, but I'm not surprised at the changes. It went from private ownership from people who cared about the product, to big tobacco ownership from people who want to make money from a niche product they know little about. They cut costs to make more money, and the quality suffers.
            That sounds about right LX


            • pris
              • Mar 2025

              Nice to know it's not just me imagining it anyhow.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I think their los has a big following. I don't remember if I ever had it.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                  I think their los has a big following. I don't remember if I ever had it.
                  Their lös is the only product I like from them. I haven't used it enough to know if it changed, but I like it every so often.


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    Their portions are decent. However they Los is pretty damn good.


                    • KarlvB
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 681

                      Originally posted by pris View Post

                      (1) Dry and tasteless
                      (2) Moist and tasteless

                      Nicotine Content

                      0-14mg (lucky dip)

                      Seriously am I the only one that's noticed how much Skruf Stark Portion has deteriorated over the past few years? I remember in it's hay day it was really tasty, moist and packed a good nic punch. To me it's a distant memory of what it used to be.

                      I really am struggling to find something to take it's place but hope to find something soon.
                      100% in agreement on this one. I've ordered Skruf (as it used to be my favourite snus) so many times in the last 4-5 months and just ended up getting tasteless or dry snus. I've binned 95% of Skruf cans I've ordered in this period. That is a very high failure rate IMO.

                      The lös hasn't had the same noticeable dip in quality - but it still seems to have lost a bit of that great Skruf taste. I'll throw in a can or two on my next order to check as I haven't had it in a couple of months.

                      I really think Skruf need to get their act together as they are pissing away their brand loyalty


                      • Bigblue1
                        Banned Users
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 3923

                        The ES los is delicious, but I have noticed a decline in portion quality. Hence my supply consists of skruf es los and ges portions.....


                        • pris
                          • Mar 2025

                          I wonder why the los is ok and the portions c*ap? A couple of people have commented the los is still ok.

                          Would look at los but could only really practically use it whilst at home of an evening or the weekend.

                          Have been sort of trialing GES portions as a substitute but finding them a bit harsh on my gums and guts (especially 1st thing in the morning)

                          Going to try some of SM's 02 and some Skruf Stark White to see what that's like. Other than that I guess it might be back to my 1st ever trusty snus General Original Portion.


                          • KarlvB
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 681

                            That is the other option and pretty much what I do. Portions during the day and lös at home. I really enjoyed the Skruf ES lös a lot (due to the stronger "Skruf" taste) but I didn't find it that strong - a two click pris IMO had roughly the same nic kick as what Skruf Stark used to have.

                            The thing that annoys me the most is the fact that due to poor QC we are now without what used to be probably the best stark around....


                            • pris
                              • Mar 2025

                              Originally posted by KarlvB View Post
                              The thing that annoys me the most is the fact that due to poor QC we are now without what used to be probably the best stark around....
                              I live in hope that someone at Skruf/Imperial might listen.


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