Variety rocks! But one snus forever? Easy for me- General Wintergreen. No matter how many different types I try, GW remains my favorite, go-to-can-use-anytime snus. I LOVE this stuff. I CRAVE the flavor. Which seems to make me odd, as alot of people don't seem to like it.
Aside from that, it would be Roda Lacket, Thunder Frosted, or General white. I could deal with any of those, though I'd be bummed without the GW.
Discreet Rootbeer. Because it is DELICIOUS and can be used ANYWHERE: beach, church, meetings, boring dinner parties, kid's school events, gym, while shopping, riding in the car with the in-laws (been there), at the zoo where numerous 'no smoking, no dipping' signs are posted (been there too), during intimate moments (haven't tried that, yet :wink, etc. I know you can use other snus, not just Discreet at these places, but this would be my choice if I had to choose just one snus.
Discreet Rootbeer. Because it is DELICIOUS and can be used ANYWHERE: beach, church, meetings, boring dinner parties, kid's school events, gym, while shopping, riding in the car with the in-laws (been there), at the zoo where numerous 'no smoking, no dipping' signs are posted (been there too), during intimate moments (haven't tried that, yet :wink, etc. I know you can use other snus, not just Discreet at these places, but this would be my choice if I had to choose just one snus.
Pssssst...Discreet does stay in place during intimate, errr, so I've been told, hehe I just didn't think to take it out since I'm so used to having one in my mouth :P
Couldn't find anything I liked better than General White for the first few months. Lately I've really started enjoying Skruff white. Could be my new favorite. And it smells sooo good too!
To say I've been anticipating this would be an understatement. Today, I received the official news about General Long and General Long Sterk. Rumors...