Deciphering Snus Best By/Expiration Dates

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  • SnusoMatic
    • Jun 2009
    • 507

    i would say about 25-35% of the snus i have got from getsnus has been within days of the best by date or expired. i think that it's wrong for them to sell snus that has expired or that is within about 30 days of best by unless they make it clear what you are about to buy. If the dates are close or expired say so and let the buyer make up his or her mind if they want to buy.

    i bought a roll of general stark loose and it was about 25 days away. mixed with other brands i use that roll would last me maybe 2-3 months. By the time I got down to the last 4-5 cans it was dried so much it was unusable to me. I complained and they said they would give me a discount next time but still no discount.

    I will keep buying a few cans from them here and there. but until they quit sending me cans that expire the day i get them i will buy my rolls from northerner or buysnus. Both have treated me right for the last 4-5 years.

    Anyone who has ever ran an inventory of goods knows what fifo and jit means. The only excuse they might have is if they hardly sell any snus and have to buy a minimum amount and that min is more than they can sell before it expires. In that case they should cut down on how many brands they sell until they can get their sales volume up. We used to run invs with a ledger and a pencil. Now there is software that does it and you just type numbers and it spits out your next order.

    Expired snus may not kill you but when you buy something you should expect a certain level of quality. Considering the fact that snus is not cheap i expect the best quality i can buy. If one decides to freeze their snus, throw it away or use it for filling in pot holes is their decision and not getsnus's.

    snus makers put those dates on the cans, not the buyers. They are going to put as long of a date as they can get away with. We (American snusers) should not just accept what they send. If we do pretty soon they will be putting two year "best by" dates on the stuff. Swedish Match does own getsnus and profit is king.

    Those butt kissers in the getsnus forum sure wont raise a stink about the getsnus bad dates. Sorry for jumping in as a new user and ranting about this. I saw this thread and as the originator said it irritates me too :-(


    • mlkramer
      • Jul 2009
      • 393


      welcome to Snuson!

      Your point is well stated. I've worked retail for 25years..(finally out of it thank god) and was the lucky guy responsible for both inventory and purchasing. Your best point is we should be made aware of pending expiration dates within a certain range!
      My acceptance of what I receive from getsnus is based in past purchase and posts here I suppose and I certainly may be too forgiving. I too purchase more from northerner and buysnus for the very reasons u stated and reserve getsnus for lower quantity orders of snus I would like to try.
      I think perhaps some transparency on the front end would be a better solution for them. My "defense" of them only stems from my appreciation of having a US distributor of an imported product with a stated shelf life and the difficulty that entails.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        It really doesn't bother me at all.
        It's a best before date, not an expiration date.
        I do agree they should not send out items that is past it, but near it, it don't matter. Snus holds up fine. I opened up a can that was over a year past the best before date, and it was great.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Originally posted by SnusoMatic

          Those butt kissers in the getsnus forum sure wont raise a stink about the getsnus bad dates. Sorry for jumping in as a new user and ranting about this. I saw this thread and as the originator said it irritates me too :-(
          LOL LOL LOL

          You don't know this but I have given Getsnus more grief than most. Not only about the expiration issue and everything they don't carry, but especially when they started their forum. I thought it was the stupidest idea in the world. But what made me most angry were the rules of the forum that don't allow me to mention a competitor or a competing site. So all these newbies couldn't be told about what snus they were missing. That is just wrong. And with Snuson existing, just zero purpose for it existing.

          So I just had to laugh at your comments above.


          • erlog
            New Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 5

            Are you guys sure you're reading the expiration dates properly? They're in European format which is day/month/year instead of month/day/year. If I look at the can of Skruf stark I just got from GetSnus yesterday, it would be easy for me to think it had expired if I didn't know this.


            • mlkramer
              • Jul 2009
              • 393

              yes...figured out the expiration thing way early...130809 on my expiration is august 13 2009.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Originally posted by erlog
                Are you guys sure you're reading the expiration dates properly? They're in European format which is day/month/year instead of month/day/year. If I look at the can of Skruf stark I just got from GetSnus yesterday, it would be easy for me to think it had expired if I didn't know this.
                Now that depends. Any snus ordered from Getsnus will be in American format. Basically, if you see a warning label in English, the date is American. You see only Swedish warning labels, the date is European format

                I'd wager that can you just got from Getsnus really IS expired.


                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  I'm assuming GetSnus has cold storage of their snus so getting individual cans that are older than the best by date doesn't bother me.

                  What I would have a problem with, is getting rolls of snus that are past the best by date.

                  I don't envy the person in charge of the inventory @GetSnus.


                  • SnusoMatic
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 507

                    Originally posted by erlog
                    Are you guys sure you're reading the expiration dates properly? They're in European format which is day/month/year instead of month/day/year. If I look at the can of Skruf stark I just got from GetSnus yesterday, it would be easy for me to think it had expired if I didn't know this.

                    yea. I know what you mean. I know the difference. Some snus uses mm/dd/yy and some uses dd/mm/yy

                    if you have a can with a date like 25.06.09 its not too hard to figure out haha. some swedish match products are labeled for sale in states. those are mm/dd/yy but all else is dd/mm/yy.

                    Just a quick response to "tom502" about dates not mattering to him as long as they are not expired. I have had much snus that was close to dates but not expired that was "bad". The lastest example is three cans of offroad long cut wintergreen. For the record i have been using snus for 4-5 years and using offroad wintergreen for a couple of years so i know what it should be like. about 2-3 weeks ago i made a getsnus order that included 3 cans of that. when i got it it had 2 days left on the "best by" date. Seriously, it had no wintergreen smell or taste and the taste it did have was very bad. I tried to use a can and was not able to. Also, just to be sure it was not just me i had my wife smell the can. She hates to even smell snus but she likes the way the wintergreen smells. Everytijme I open a can up she is like ohhhh that smells good. I just opened the can and held it under her nose and said "what's that smell like?" she said stinks. I said can you smell the wintergreen? She said, that's wintergreen?

                    I wrote to V2 the maker of offroad and told them. They sent me replacement cans and i got them 8 days later. They impressed me!

                    On a side note, when i wrote them i also told them i had tried their thunder frosted portions and i wished they would make frosted LOOSE. To my surprise when they wrote back they said they would be releasing it for sale in October. Other kinds are in the pipeline too.

                    Also, they told me that V2 was going to start distribution in US during October.

                    I've not read about V2 US distribution online. I don't know their roll-out plan or any details other than "We will start distribution in US during October".

                    I cant wait :lol:


                    • paulwall9
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 743

                      That is great news!!!!!!!!!


                      • bakerbarber
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1947



                        • paulwall9
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 743

                          I would love being able to pick up thunder frosted anytime I needed it on a dime that truely would be epic!!!


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Yeah that's pretty sweet, I'd try that for sure. I should contact someone about the half roll of GES los I ordered from Getsnus, all expired. Normally I wouldn't care but this crap is all pretty dry, and I've just been slowly making my way through it. It does not compare to the first few cans I got from buysnus.

                            I've had some bad luck with Getsnus expiration dates, so my opinion has been shown in the past to be pretty biased and not applicable to everyone when I've complained about it here. All of my Odens or V2 has been great, expiring next year or whatever, but everything else they have sent me was either expired long ago, while in transit, or just days away. Whatever, I use them for their prices and sometimes fast shipping if I'm in trouble, otherwise I go buysnus. Lately I just place two orders to find the best prices and selection, which sounds pretty consistent with what other people here do.


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Originally posted by SnusoMatic
                              On a side note, when i wrote them i also told them i had tried their thunder frosted portions and i wished they would make frosted LOOSE. To my surprise when they wrote back they said they would be releasing it for sale in October. Other kinds are in the pipeline too.

                              Also, they told me that V2 was going to start distribution in US during October.

                              I've not read about V2 US distribution online. I don't know their roll-out plan or any details other than "We will start distribution in US during October".

                              I cant wait :lol:
                              Thunder Frosted Loose & US distribution. Great news 8)


                              • paulwall9
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 743



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