Deciphering Snus Best By/Expiration Dates

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    [quote="SnusoMatic"]Just a quick response to "tom502" about dates not mattering to him as long as they are not expired. I have had much snus that was close to dates but not expired that was "bad". The lastest example is three cans of offroad long cut wintergreen. For the record i have been using snus for 4-5 years and using offroad wintergreen for a couple of years so i know what it should be like. about 2-3 weeks ago i made a getsnus order that included 3 cans of that. when i got it it had 2 days left on the "best by" date. Seriously, it had no wintergreen smell or taste and the taste it did have was very bad. I tried to use a can and was not able to. Also, just to be sure it was not just me i had my wife smell the can. She hates to even smell snus but she likes the way the wintergreen smells. Everytijme I open a can up she is like ohhhh that smells good. I just opened the can and held it under her nose and said "what's that smell like?" she said stinks. I said can you smell the wintergreen? She said, that's wintergreen?

    That sucks. Of course what I said was based on my experience.

    "start distribution in US during October"
    I wonder just what that means?


    • paulwall9
      • Nov 2008
      • 743

      I know Tom it could mean alot hopefully it means they are going to get it here though maybe through baccy shops or maybe some major chain of gas stations IDK!


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        Originally posted by paulwall9
        I know Tom it could mean alot hopefully it means they are going to get it here though maybe through baccy shops or maybe some major chain of gas stations IDK!
        I have a feeling US distribution may mean stock @Northerner's warehouse, although technically GetSnus already has an inventory here in the US too. I'm hoping that it is a lot bigger than that.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          Just maybe it will be!!!!


          • Sacrilicious
            • Nov 2007
            • 118

            My first Getsnus order just arrived this afternoon via UPS. I ordered 5 Skruf Stark portion and 5 Grov White (plus 2 of the 99c Discreet just to try it out). All 10 cans had expirations dates of Dec. 2009, which seems fine to me. I'm thinking that I ordered two popular brands, so stock must turn over fairly quickly.

            Anyway, just my two cents - favourable first impression for Getsnus. My mystery can was Ettan portion, which is acceptable to me. Not my favorite portion, but it'll get used...


            • paulwall9
              • Nov 2008
              • 743

              This is precisly why I have never ordered from getsnus! I am 2 scared about the dates as a roll of general es and thunder frosted last me like 3.5 mths.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                And they would still be fine.

                Seriously guys. It just isn't that big of a deal. I have had snus 1.5 years after best buy date that had been frozen close to that date. They were just like any other snus.

                As I just posted privately to someone, explaining some history, as they were freaked by this thread.

                Getsnus is MUCH better than they were even 4 months ago. These days, *most* of what they send out is rather fresh. They are still learning. But I suspect they are managing their inventory better.

                Plus, they have figured out that folks will buy expired snus on sale!! So they seem to be dumping the old stuff much more forthrightly now. And I think that is better for everyone.

                Still some oldr stuff still gets through. But where 4 - 5 months ago, it seemed it was 80% old/20% new. Now, it really seems to be 80% new/20% old.

                I still think their forum sucks and is stupid. But I absolutely will give Getsnus credit for working on making everything run better. Again, they were brand new. Give them a bit of room to keep trying to get better.

                I made 2 new orders today with them. A roll plus a few cans I am sending to a friend. And $30 of Discreet for me.

                But the Swedish snus I needed for my Retro Replacement hunt??? they carried none of them. So had to make another order from Northerner for those.; Still my #1 bitch about Getsnus.


                • daruckis
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2277

                  my first order with getsnus expiration dates were close, this time around with the free cans they sent me (the whole story can be found in the northerner vs getsnus thread) were months away. getsnus is pretty awesome. theyre targeting americans, and i think given some time, and with a little expansion of their selection, they could be THE site for us in the states.

                  just waiting on em to pick up retro...


                  • paulwall9
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 743

                    Thank you for relaxing my nerves and calming doubts i had about ordering from getsnus sage that is exactly what i needed to hear and just didnt know it LOL!!


                    • Horatio McCallister
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 157

                      Since making this thread, I don't believe I've received an out of date can other than the $0.99/can expired skruff deal they had going on for a little bit.

                      They seem to be improving. Even the issue with keeping stock seems to be getting better.

                      And to anybody who was worried over expired snus, don't be. The snus is still good. It's not like it hits that day and turns to crap. It was just annoying and below expectations. This thread was just a product of those frustrations.

                      I've actually been having very good experiences with Getsnus for the last four or five orders. I kind of feel bad about making this thread now. I should have an order waiting for me when I get home today. After I get it, I need to make a pro getsnus thread to counter the negativity this one created.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by paulwall9
                        Thank you for relaxing my nerves and calming doubts i had about ordering from getsnus sage that is exactly what i needed to hear and just didnt know it LOL!!
                        It's funny Paul.

                        I give Getsnus so much shit over the past year, yet I am the on who jumps in and defends them as appropriate. But I do that thing all the time. I am the portions king, yet it is me yesterday jumping in to readjust Chad's expectations about los, to make sure he gives los a fair chance.

                        I just insist that whatever information that get's posted here is fair and accurate. I am pleased I was able to calm your nerves a bit. I had just dealt with a PM last night from someone also freaked out suddenly about Getsnus. So I knew things needed to be put back right about it.


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          I found a long lost tin of snus the other day that was sitting behind some heavy furniture for about 18 months. I popped open the tin and I could still smell the aroma. The portions were hard as a rock so I added a bit of water and crushed them up after the water soaked in and they are good as new. They didn't lose any flavor at all. I was suprised tho. Luckily they are a brand that was discontinued so now I have some stashed in my freezer where they belong, for those special ocasions. This whole expiration this is way over stated, I believe.

                          Yes, Getsnus is much better at having fresh stock now.
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            That's why I don't like the term "expiration". It's not like jug a milk. The cans say "best before". Not expires.


                            • ProudMarineDad
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 573

                              Just like every other thread I've looked at, this one has been helpful. I was thinking about ordering from them so this is a relief.


                              • MojoQuestor
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 2344

                                LD Black date-off

                                Wasn't sure whether to post this in the Snus forum or here, but since it's about freezing I guess it qualifies as a tip. If you disagree and you happen to be a mod, please feel free to use your magic powers (like you wouldn't anyway ;-)

                                So I sent off a can of mah delicous Gots Gul los to a new pal. Or is he? In return I got a can of LD Salmiak, the infamous LD black. I like real licorice, and I liked the salmiak candy I've had in the past. I'm sure I'm gona like this, but--

                                "Don't worry," Mr. Anonymous maybe-pal says. "It's been in the freezer."

                                Good thing. This can is dated 2008-04-10. Yup, expiration date is a little over 18 months ago.

                                I'm still new at snus, just a little under two-and-a-half months at this point. I've yet to take snus from a can that's past the date at all until now. I know by now that freezing really works, and I'm fully aware that the date is not a magic marker like midnight for Cinderella, whereupon the snus is going to turn back into a pumpkin, or into a canful of crap.

                                Still, I'm a little leery. However, I do upon occasion recognize opportunity. This will be a great chance for me to see for myself just how effective freezing snus can be, especially since I recently received a much newer can of the same variety, dated 2010-02-10.

                                The new can has been in the fridge, unopened, since I received it about five days ago. The old can has been either in my pocket or my bedroom for three days. I'd gone ahead and opened that one, figuring I'd just save the other one for later. But maybe-pal (okay, I'll stop that; we're cool) convinced me to compare them one-on-one. He, like me, is curious to see just what the difference might be.

                                And the difference, to get to the point already, is basically nil. Even sniffing the can, if there's a difference at all, it's minor to the point I can't tell it. If anything, the older can was a little stronger-smelling at first, but that was just because the newer can hadn't warmed back up yet.

                                Flavor-wise, I am happy to report that I can't tell a difference between the two. Both have the same wonderful salmiak flavor, to the same degree, and both seem to last about the same length of time.

                                This will come as no surprise at all to the vets here, but to anyone else wondering, based on this one test, I have to say, yes, freezing keeps your snus, or at least LD black, just about as good as new, at least for 18-20 months or so. I encourage everyone to run your own tests, and by all means, use your freezer. Stock up now and save!


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