Gotland snus tends to be on the dry side. It splits the difference between a regular, and a white portion. I agree with Chad's assessment. Wintergreen is for the American market, so they use our retarded date system. Gotland's regular snus should have the proper dating system.
Deciphering Snus Best By/Expiration Dates
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Originally posted by skyline142 View PostAlso, a way to tell if it is 'American format'. Check the ingredients list, if you can read it, there ya go. If its like "Vatten, Tobak, fuktighetsbevarande medel(E1520), koksalt, etc," you know it will be in the other format.
Originally posted by skyline142 View PostAlso, a way to tell if it is 'American format'. Check the ingredients list, if you can read it, there ya go. If its like "Vatten, Tobak, fuktighetsbevarande medel(E1520), koksalt, etc," you know it will be in the other format.
It seems like you have two different snus cans with two different styles of dating, I believe they are probably not expired.
Originally posted by c.nash View PostWhy did you bold "kok"? You like it don't you? lol
It seems like you have two different snus cans with two different styles of dating, I believe they are probably not expired.
Haha, idk, it just makes me giggle. And that super long ass word.
Originally posted by Paladinx View PostI was just wondering, how long can snus last past its expiration date if you have it in the freezer? Does the date still count even if the product is frozen?
Sealed containers should last pretty much indefinitely, especially
if you have them in vacuum-sealed Ziploc freezer bags.
Originally posted by tom502 View PostYou know, food items often say on their container, "refridgerate after opening", or "store frozen" etc, maybe not the exact wording, but snus cans don't say this at all. I'm kinda wondering if this freezer/fridge stuff is just hype. I'm keeping my new stuff room temp for now on.
From what I understand, snus is plentiful and readily available in the
Scandinavian countries; stockpiling, as we here in the states have
done, is just not the norm over there.
We are the guinea pigs in this revolution, thanks to the PACTCRAP.