LOL PP. I get enough cross looks with my snus and ~100 lb pipe tobacco hoard (vacuum sealed in ball jars but not frozen). People consider you a wizard if your gold/stock/investments appreciate 2 or 300% in a few months but you're considered odd, albeit harmlessly, when it's 'only' tobacco. :-)
You are probably right about the value of the vacuum sealing. The only snus I have where I did that immediately was the freshest batch which I'll have to report on in a few months/year. I received my 'food saver' vacuum sealer as a gift. It has yet to see any food but I can take my roast meat in a pipe. The satisfaction of 'winning' the game by bypassing the oppressive taxes is almost as great as the tobacco enjoyment itself. That alone is worth the cost of admission.
You are probably right about the value of the vacuum sealing. The only snus I have where I did that immediately was the freshest batch which I'll have to report on in a few months/year. I received my 'food saver' vacuum sealer as a gift. It has yet to see any food but I can take my roast meat in a pipe. The satisfaction of 'winning' the game by bypassing the oppressive taxes is almost as great as the tobacco enjoyment itself. That alone is worth the cost of admission.