New "Tasteless" Snus @ Northerner?

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  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Originally posted by TropicalBob
    BTW: I just noticed the price hike at Northerner! Yikes! First of many to come, I'm sure.
    The prices at Northerner (before checkout and tax-adding for EU-customers) are solely bound to the exchange rate of the U.S.-Dollar vs. the Swedish Crown. They seem to change almost every other day. So you think that the value of the U.S.-Dollar will continue to fall? At least it has nothing to do with the tobacco-tax-increase. In fact, in Euros, the prices before taxes always stayed the same since a long time at Northerner.

    BTW, I know that Buysnus is a bit 'slower' with Dollar-price-adjustments. At the moment they compensate that with relatively high prices for European customers, which really sky-rocketed (more than the real tax-increase) after the turn of the year.



    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      I just tried this stuff and it is relatively 'tasteless.' And only being 6mg of nicotine, the release must be much quicker than other snus! I had to spit the pouch out after a couple minutes because I was having a nicotine overdose feeling. I started getting jittery and my stomach started feeling weird and my throat started burning immediately. I guess it is good for those who want a quick nicotine fix, but I can't see anybody being able to really enjoy this product. 10 minutes after spitting the pouch out, my throat is still burning!!


      • Dead Rabbit
        • Mar 2008
        • 315

        Originally posted by Smarvy
        I don't think my friends would ever let me live down using Kocksnus. either


        • DraculaViktor
          • Feb 2008
          • 66

          I love the Wise 6mg regular and citrus/menthol. I never got the throat burning sensation. I like them because of the nic buzz I get more than any other snus. Of course, 4 portions of N&J will do the trick for me too. I use 2 portions of the Wise and such a nice buzz. It seems it's good for whoever wants to get a nice kick of nic. As for flavor, it isn't bad at all. Not robust in any way like other snuses, but definately enjoyable. If you are sensitive to the heavy nic hit, then stick with other snuses. I just ordered Kocksnus, from the same Wise company Njette, to see if it will buzz me as well.


          • TropicalBob
            • Feb 2008
            • 316

            Drak: I'm about a week away from my next order. Please return with your impressions of the new snus. I, too, use Wise and the 6mg portion hits with a nic hit unlike any other I've used. I've tried the strongest "strong" and nothing knocks me over like that Wise. It's very special. I note one poster described the nicotine impact like "nitro". Very apt. It's quick and it's strong.

            I'd like to escape the taste of many strong snus, since I find them distasteful. So let us all know how this one works out for you.


            • DraculaViktor
              • Feb 2008
              • 66

              Hi Bob. I just received my order a little while ago. I tried the Kocksnus and it delivers in the nicotine department, but it truly is bland. I took a whiff when I opened it and it had a truly 'bland material' aroma. It wasn't bad, but Kocksnus is even more for the person who wants a nic hit without any flavor. My order consisted of more Wise regular 6mg and a few other snuses. I think the Wise reg and citrus/menthol are exceptional in their functionality. If you are good with Wise 6mg, then don't get any Kocksnus. It is basically the same but completely bland. Even more so than Wise, if you think Wise is bland. It seems Njette has produced an 'ultra-safer' snus product and I have bought into it for sure, and it works. I don't think we can doubt Njette's claims since the Swedish Food Authorities have researched them too and backed up their claim about lowest nitrosamines. They even patented their technique I think. Again, it's a functional snus more than a really flavorful robust tobacco tasting snus. But I love it. It does taste good and it does the job. Take care.


              • darkwing
                • Oct 2007
                • 415

                I will go for the tasteless one, since Wise regular is overwhelmingly fake flavoured to me, and the citrus menthol is exhausting in its aspartame sledgehammer way. but I appreciate the convenience of the Wise format - small, strong nicotine content, and no refrigeration needed.


                • TropicalBob
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 316

                  Thanks for the quick reply. I think I'll stick with the 6mg Wise varieties then. They are tops on my list when I want a nic hit and they indeed have the lowest nitrosamine content of any Swedish snus (surpassed only by Star Scientific's dissolvable tobacco bits). These are as safe, as effective, as any tobacco/nicotine product can be. Thanks again.


                  • Harry
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 213

                    I didnt read the whole thread, just the second page.

                    Has anyone tried the whole "using this snus while drinking wine"?

                    If so, I am definitely interested. I am an avid wine drinker and used to smoke while drinking. This was obviously not preferable, but I needed nicotine while having the wine.

                    If I could enjoy the haze of nic while drinking my CDPs without having the flavor distorted, I'd be set for life.

                    This would also be pertinent for that scotch thread as well for when you only want to taste the scotch that's costing you 8 bucks a tumbler.


                    • darkwing
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 415

                      Harry, I agree. One of the downsides to snusing is that it is tough, if not impossible, to snus while drinking. This Wise product may help with that.


                      • DraculaViktor
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 66

                        Hi Harry. Like darkwing said, choose Wise 6mg regular or the even more bland Kocksnus to enjoy with wine. They are excellent in nicotine deliver and they are small enough to be ultra discreet and not interfere with drinking. Pop 2 portions in and you will get a nice buzz fast. I love the Njette company for this. Plus, ultra low TSNA's. I know that Tropical Bob and I seem to enjoy these a lot. Don't get me wrong, the other snuses are excellent, but Wise is very discreet and packs a punch. Let us know how it goes. Take care.


                        • Harry
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 213

                          Im not concerned about being discrete. I also have no problem drinking anything while snusing loose or portion. I'm just looking for something that's I guess, flavorless.

                          Am I missing something? Is there a flavorless Wise product?


                          • DraculaViktor
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 66

                            Yes. Kocksnus is made by Njette, the same company that makes Wise. Kocksnus is tasteless.


                            • razor
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 78

                              Originally posted by darkwing
                              I will go for the tasteless one, since Wise regular is overwhelmingly fake flavoured to me, and the citrus menthol is exhausting in its aspartame sledgehammer way. but I appreciate the convenience of the Wise format - small, strong nicotine content, and no refrigeration needed.
                              Why do you keep referencing Aspartame, does the packaging say that it is an ingredient? I don't read swedish.

                              The Wise 6mg seems to have the quickest nicotine uptake of anything I tried, more so than N&J, Skuf Stark, Off Road, ... After a couple of Wise's I have to mellow out with a couple of Oliver Twists bits for a while or a standard portion.


                              • darkwing
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 415

                                Razor, aspartame is what I taste from the Wise portions, like sugar-free chewing gum, loud and clear. The flavour, to me, is strong and artificial. The dry discreet format is what has me using Wise, not the flavour, for sure.


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