New "Tasteless" Snus @ Northerner?

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  • TropicalBob
    • Feb 2008
    • 316

    Just had to post a comment on the new tasteless Wise snus. It is.

    The first taste that hits is the bag material. Then ... nothing else. Which, of course, makes it perfect for any drinking and snusing. What in God's name mixes favorably with saliva-wet tobacco? Nothing I've ever discovered (except cigarette smoke, and I'm trying to stay away from that while eating or drinking and otherwise).

    I can definitely see a permanent role for this new tasteless snus in my rotation. After eating, I now use Stonewall Java dissolvable tobacco pieces. It's like having a cup of coffee after a meal and the coffee flavor is welcome. Nothing else works for me at that time, when cigarette cravings are at their maximum. This tasteless might work, since it's a bit stronger than the Stonewall (4mg vs. 6mg).

    And note that I'm with Razor on the aspartame comments. Wise citrus/menthol is very easy to take, not at all like aspartame to me, and serves when a heavier snus would make me just nauseus. I don't get aspartame at all from it. I know some of you seem to relish the heavy taste at all times. I like N&J, for instance, but never near food or drink! Tasteless will do just fine in such situations. Easy to imagine using these discreet portions at a company party, for instance. Leave the loose or wet browns at home.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I have a flavored snus for just about every occasion. I like the taste of the different snus', and from coffee to ice cream, I have something that will blend with, and enhance the experience. I can't imagine using a flavorless snus, it would feel very unsatisfying to me.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        I have been one to enjoy the tastes of my snus coupled with different things. Recently, I have found that several of my favorite beers (Rogue Shakespeare Srout, Youngs Double-Chocolate Stout, and Lost Coast 8-ball Stout) have such unique flavors that my snus of choice truly diminishes my enjoyment of these beers.

        I an going to add a can of these portions to my next order. I actually reverted to smoking some cigarettes last night when the snus that I had on me refused to compliment my stout. (as a side note- My lungs are very angry at me today, but damn those smokes tasted good)


        • Asquar
          • Mar 2008
          • 256

          My latest order of snus came yesterday, including the Wise regular 6mg, and agree with the comments about it being a strong nic hit in a small, relatively tasteless package.

          But I swear I can taste the aspartame. In fact, it's all I can taste, other than the paper. I don't care for (or trust) artificial sweeteners, and never use them as foodstuff, so I can't say I'm enamored with the Wise. According to Wikipedia, 92% of non-industry funded studies show deleterious health effects associated with aspartame. On the other hand, if you're more worried about TSNAs, this is by all accounts a very clean delivery system.

          In short, I'll use my supply until it is gone, and think of the Wise as a snus-like nicotine gum or lozenge more than anything else. But I'm much more enthusiastic about traditional tobacco snus products, and will stay with such in the future.


          • Juxtaposer
            • Dec 2007
            • 94

            This idea for nicotine delivery is great! (IMO) Small, discreet, definitely contains tobacco. Slight taste of baking soda. Good nic hit. I can see a lot of potential times for use i.e. ; an introductory snus (I know those cute little hostesses I work with need a nic hit) ; a snus to experiment with flavoring (as Bob suggested) ; snus for eating with (I hate eating with snus otherwise) ; a sleeping with snus (I've stained my pillow too many times already from snus drool) ; a gum relief snus (sometimes I want to snus but my gums are tired) ; a snus to smoke with (pipe smoking etc.). The list may go on. Of course the reason WE snus is for that great tobacco taste but that doesn't mean tasteless is useless. :wink:


            • TropicalBob
              • Feb 2008
              • 316

              What a great list, Juxtaposer. I, too, smoke a pipe with a snus in my mouth. This tasteless one will be the best yet, because nothing compares with the aroma and taste of fine pipe tobacco.

              And I'm not going to forget when I soaked CatchDry Peppermints in Creme de Cacao. That was so sensational that if I were throwing a party, I'd put out a bowl of these for the smokers to try. It's like a tasty Peppermint Patty with Punch.

              Over on the nasal snuff forum, those guys (yes, I do it sometimes) are forever experimenting with flavoring. Nasal snuff can be strong but bland, or over-flavored. Take your pick. So lots of guys buy the tasteless strong stuff then add their own flavor. They'll soak a Q-Tip in fragrance oil and hang it over the snus overnight. The dry tobacco absorbs the flavor. Instant flavor and taste. With you sniff, your nose somehow transmits taste to your lips and mouth. Pretty soon, you're tasting the chocolate you just sniffed.

              On the e-Cig electronic smoking site, there are 25 flavors of high-nicotine cartridges (including "tasteless") available for use in cigs, cigars or pipes.

              Anyhow, I think this tasteless snus has all kinds of possibilities if soaked in fruit liquors. I've got some bottles on hand for tropical drinks.

              Let the experiments begin.


              • FatLip
                • Oct 2006
                • 31


                Guys, guys, guys...
                There is NO ASPARTAME in Wise snus. There seems to be a growing impression here that it is so, but it is not. Aspartame has the designation E951 and this is distinctly absent in the Njette declaration of ingredients (which is legally binding on them) see:

                Don't mean to be a grouch. Just felt I had to scotch the rumour...



                • Asquar
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 256

                  Re: aspartame?????

                  Originally posted by FatLip
                  Guys, guys, guys...
                  There is NO ASPARTAME in Wise snus. There seems to be a growing impression here that it is so, but it is not.
                  Cool, and glad to hear this. Can anyone break down, in English, what all of this stuff is?

                  Renat tobak 2,4 mg (motsvarande ca 3 mg nikotin/portion)
                  fyllnadsmedel; (polydextros E1200)
                  vegetabiliskt fiber; (E 460)
                  PVP; (E1201)
                  surhetsreglerande medel; (bakpulver E500)
                  smakförstärkare; natriumklorid (koksalt)
                  Nettovikt: ca 6 g
                  Förvaring: Torrt rumstemperatur (kan kylförvaras)
                  ART Quality (kvalitetsmärkning för renat snus)


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Re: aspartame?????

                    I understand enough Swedish to translate it to German:

                    Just use a Swedish to English dictionary:



                    • Asquar
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 256

                      Re: aspartame?????

                      Originally posted by chainsnuser
                      I understand enough Swedish to translate it to
                      Just use a Swedish to English dictionary:

                      I tried several translators (including the link you posted) before posing the question. But most of these terms don't seem to translate.

                      I'd just like to know, basically, what's in the Wise products, if anyone can help.


                      • chainsnuser
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 1388

                        I'll try, though I'm no food chemist:

                        - purified tobacco (what ever that means)
                        - filler (polydextrose, some kind of a sugar, but not harmful for the teeth and with no calories AFAIK)
                        - plant fibres
                        - poly vinyl pyrrolidone (a binding agent AFAIK, with a nice name)
                        - acidity regulating agents (baking powder)
                        - taste enhancer (table salt, the only ingredient that really sounds good IMHO)
                        - flavors

                        Net weight: 6g
                        Storing: dry, at room temperature, can be stored cool.
                        ART Quality (I don't know, what ART means, I guess it's a marketing gag of the manufacturer): Quality label for purified snus.

                        What specially makes me puke is the word 'purified', which can also be translated as 'denatured'. The other ingredients seem to be quite common in many food products and also in other snus-brands.

                        Denatured tobacco is surely nothing to worry about, it's maybe developed for all the people, who are overly concerned about TSNA's or in other words: it's presumably TSNA-free.

                        The product just doesn't appeal to me.



                        • darkwing
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 415

                          So there is a fake sugar substitute, not aspartame, though. I am still struggling to get through my remianing Wise 6mg originals. I dislike the taste a lot. Citrus Menthol I can handle, but the original, bah.


                          • Asquar
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 256

                            Hey thanks Chainuser!

                            Yeah I want to get through my stash of 6mg originals too. I splurged and bought a whole roll without having before tried it. (I don't know why I do that. I also bought rolls of Skruf Stark lös and N&J before testing, but those both turned out to be absolute winners.)

                            I'm not big on the taste either, but I don't hate it. As long as there's nothing too sinister in it, they will do for my ultra-discreet public snus until I finally go through them.


                            • Bastage
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 102

                              I think the idea of a strong tasteless snus is great. Sometimes snus gets sour tasting after you use it for a while. It tastes bitter after too long, like it makes my breath funky. Don't really need to sit around and use a portion for an hour... I like the idea of a quick nicotine rush then get rid of it. I just ordered 3 of the cock and ballssnus, 1 original and 1 menthol citrus. I've never tried wise products before. I can tell you one thing, as soon as I get that kock snus I'm putting it a different can. A can that doesn't say kock anywhere on it. Those swedes have some weird names for stuff. I'm just waiting for the day kock rape comes out. "Oh I see you got the new mini kock rapes". lol Someone did bring up a good point about this being a good start to making your own flavors. Might have to expiriment a bit with that. I'm not sure what would work as flavoring


                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9759

                                Well I just received the Wise 6 mg and the Wise 3 mg and the Whine and Cheeze variety. The Whine and Cheeze is ok, but kinda bland. The Wise does not seem to be tasteless to me at all. I love pepper and I get a huge pepper taste with both. I actually prefer the 3 mg to the 6 mg. The taste seems to last a long time for me. I'm not one to search for the biggest nic kick tho. I get the feeling that TBob and I are quite similar. We are both older than dirt and our tastes are quite similar. I like the flavored snus alot, but only a few. I can appreciate the Skuff and the Ettan pure tobacco taste but its the quality I like. Most of the flavored snus tastes chemically to me. So My favorites now are Triumph, Wise 3 mg, Offroad Coffee/vanilla. I do keep several others for a variety tho. TBob, I'm going to send you a few of the Triumph Mint with your package for you to try. You might just like them. I would send you some of the original Triumph but I haven't received it from my friend yet.
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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