Is there any alcohol in snus?

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  • stevematthews79
    • Aug 2010
    • 74

    Is there any alcohol in snus?

    Hi I am pretty to new to snus, however I have a question regarding whether or not snus contain any traces of alcohol from the flavourings used. I am on disulfram (antabuse) and my body could have a serious reaction to any alcohol at all. Would be good to know.
  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    I think you're safe. I'd be surprised to hear it even had trace amounts. Even if it was used to flavor some snus I'd guess it all would evaporate away anyhow. Well, there is Probe Whiskey...and Offroad Moonshine. Those surely have alcohol in the making of them but I think all of the ethanol is gone completely. I'd say you're pretty safe but then again I'm far from a doctor.

    It's petty much tobacco, water, and salt and all of the ingredients are listed albeit in a different language. They don't list the amount of fiberglass in it though...huh


    • Randall
      • May 2010
      • 753

      I think as long as you don't get your snus from 'snusgetter' you'll be fine.


      • snusgetter
        • May 2010
        • 10903

        Originally posted by Randall View Post
        I think as long as you don't get your snus from 'snusgetter' you'll be fine.

        I beg your pardon!!

        I'm not a drinker ... gave it up pretty much years ago (that's a whole other book!). On occasion I'll have a Guinness but that's pretty much it.

        I do like the taste of Kahlua and Bailey's Irish Creme. In this, my early days of vacuum-marinating snus, I've had some luck using both (individually) to flavor snus, but the experimentation continues -- gotta do something to eventually doctor-up the snus I consider sub-par in the taste department. Plus it's kinda fun being a kitchen scientist.

        Re: Probe Whiskey -- so far it's the only snus I've found that lists Aroma: Whisky, Smokey but that doesn't mean there's actual alcohol in the mix. stevematthews79, though, would do right to avoid this one.

        If I find any others that might actually contain alcohol, I'll be sure to post them here.

        BTW, Steve, WELCOME ABOARD!!


        • stevematthews79
          • Aug 2010
          • 74

          Good to know thanks folks. I too gave up the pop 2 years ago, however after poisoning myself with hair dye that had alcohol in been pretty cautious since ( absorbed through my scalp - i don't have a penchant for drinking the stuff!) with these meds. THanks for the welcome


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            That Offroad Moonshine stuff must have grain alcohol in it. I think I only had three portions as the raw grain taste was way too strong...made me feel like I did every morning in college. Y'know back in the day when some of us put beer in our Cheerios instead of milk.


            • GENERAL BILLY
              • Aug 2009
              • 528

              I would recommend avoiding Probe and Offroad Moonshine to anyone regardless of their relationship with alcohol. I don't think you will have any exposure with anything else.


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Welcome to SnusOn! I would add Kardus to the list to avoid for sure. If any snus has any actual alcohol in it it's Kardus.


                • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 2781

                  Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY View Post
                  I would recommend avoiding Probe and Offroad Moonshine to anyone regardless of their relationship with alcohol. I don't think you will have any exposure with anything else.
                  Probe Loose is awesome, don't listen to this


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    Additional info about Probe Whiskey

                    "Probe Whiskey’s flavor is pretty unique in the Swedish snus world because it uses Kentucky bourbon as its main flavoring.

                    To date, it’s one of the very few that mixes an American made product in a Swedish snus.

                    The bourbon gives the snus a slightly sweet taste while bringing the herbal flavors out in the tobaccos that are used in Probe.

                    Hints of smoky elements, along with a slight spicy taste of cinnamon and light caramelized sugars from the bourbon, mix with the peppery notes in the tobacco to give Probe Whiskey a well rounded flavor that’s not drowned out by the bourbon."


                    That reminds me: Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey and Jack Daniel's Sour Mash Whiskey are scheduled for vacuum-marinating test runs (hopefully soon).

                    That's along with the various combinations of 30+ extracts I bought specifically for flavoring snus.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY View Post
                      I would recommend avoiding Probe and Offroad Moonshine to anyone regardless of their relationship with alcohol. I don't think you will have any exposure with anything else.
                      You probably won't be missing much by keeping these off your list unless you are well past your prime!


                      • GENERAL BILLY
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 528

                        Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
                        Welcome to SnusOn! I would add Kardus to the list to avoid for sure. If any snus has any actual alcohol in it it's Kardus.
                        I wonder if we will have the chance to buy Kardus now. It seems like there would be a lot of paperwork involved to get permission to ship a very limited edition snus.


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          If I had a medical condition I would just avoid anything that would even have a slight chance to have any alcohol like probe. I've never had probe but it doesn't seem like it's that popular where as you would be missing much.

                          Welcome to the board!


                          • WickedKitchen
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 2528

                            I was thinking about this thread the other day.

                            Propylene Glycol is used in many flavorings for various reasons. It's approved for human consumption and is added to food with the label E1520. I looked it up on Wikipedia and part of the definition is that it's an indole or double alcohol. I'm not a chemist...actually got a D in high school so I don't know if that even makes sense. Just thought if you're wicked sensitive to those types of organic compounds it might cause you some sensitivity issues.

                            The stuff is used for mixing stuff as a solvent. It also is added to tobacco to prevent the drying and it's the stuff that you put in a Credo in a cigar humidor.


                            • stevematthews79
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 74

                              Thanks WK useful thought. I have just googled disulfram and propylene glycol and the advice is to avoid the combination, although I haven't had any problems and I have been chain snusing for a few weeks. I did ask the makers of snus bucket which of their flavourings if any contained alcohol, and all they could say was some did some didn't and they couldn't be more specific so it looks like I'm going to have to flavour my own snus using researched flavourings or food approved essential oils. I was surprised they didn't know what was in their flavourings tho.

                              Are there any brands of swedish snus that don't contain PG? I presume any of the dry portions (oomph, catch dry) won't have a need for PG as they are sold dry. Also the snus bucket ingredients listed on northerner don't mention either PG or E1520

                              First sign of the snus giving me a headache or making me dizzy and I'll knock it on the head, but its keeping me off the fags and I would have probably known by now if it was going to react.

                              Edit: I've checked on my empty oomph box and it is not mentioned as an ingredient.


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