What Does The Bottom Of The Can Say?

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  • Anti
    • Dec 2007
    • 140

    What Does The Bottom Of The Can Say?

    Denna tobaksvara kan skada din hälsa och är beroendefram-kallande.

    What does that mean in English?
  • ChemicalsLie
    • Feb 2008
    • 22

    some like...

    the tobacco in here can harm you and is habit forming.

    that's an extremely rough translation from babel fish, but i'm hitting the major points. "kan skada" is "able to harm", "tobaksvara" is "tobacco", the last big word is "addictive".


    • Anti
      • Dec 2007
      • 140

      Ahh, thanks!

      I was thinking it was some kind of warning, and that sounds about right.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Re: What Does The Bottom Of The Can Say?

        Originally posted by Anti
        Denna tobaksvara kan skada din hälsa och är beroendefram-kallande.
        What does that mean in English?
        "This tobacco-product can damage your health and is addictive."

        This type of warning is used EU-wide for nasal and oral tobacco-products (not all are banned, though strangely only the most dangerous are freely available, even a north african tobacco product ("Makla"), that some people call "camel-shit" is free for sale throughout the EU).

        So, our members from the UK could state the official English translation, if they use nasal snuff or chew, which still is produced in the UK, for a niche-market though.

        BTW, previously there was a mandatory cancer-warning, that was abolished due to the scientific findings about the relative harmlessness of non-smoked tobacco.



        • Anti
          • Dec 2007
          • 140

          Re: What Does The Bottom Of The Can Say?

          Originally posted by chainsnuser
          Originally posted by Anti
          Denna tobaksvara kan skada din hälsa och är beroendefram-kallande.
          What does that mean in English?
          "This tobacco-product can damage your health and is addictive."

          This type of warning is used EU-wide for nasal and oral tobacco-products (not all are banned, though strangely only the most dangerous are freely available, even a north african tobacco product ("Makla"), that some people call "camel-shit" is free for sale throughout the EU).

          So, our members from the UK could state the official English translation, if they use nasal snuff or chew, which still is produced in the UK, for a niche-market though.

          BTW, previously there was a mandatory cancer-warning, that was abolished due to the scientific findings about the relative harmlessness of non-smoked tobacco.


          Why is it called that? :lol:


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            I don't know and haven't tried it. Maybe it looks or smells exactly this way. It's known to have a strange smell, it gives a very hefty nicotine-kick after all I know, nobody knows the ingredients and north african immigrants like to call it camel-shit. Yeah, greetings to Brussels for banning snus and making camel-shit and cigarettes freely available. I don't know what to say. Politics!:roll:



            • STORM6490MT
              • Mar 2008
              • 138

              Re: What Does The Bottom Of The Can Say?

              Good information on the scientific findings and removal of the cancer warning on EU snus tobacco. You should see the anti-tobacco propaganda they use here in America. I guess they have good reason to do so. Our chew tobacco and cigarettes are mostly chemical waste dumps.


              • DraculaViktor
                • Feb 2008
                • 66

                I cannot understand why such a safer product does not get the recognition it deserves. I know that American snuff and the like are far worse than any Swedish company's product. I also see that a lot of snus contains natural licorice. Licorice is very good for the tissues of the mouth, stomach and intestines. High PH protects against acid damage. It can almost be said that it is somewhat 'good' for you in moderation of course. More junk is found in the food we eat, the restaurants we eat in (contamination), and everyday smog. I wonder why those anti-tobacco lunatics cannot see this? They preach safety, and that is exactly what they don't do. Eat too much red meat, you can get heart disease. Drink too much and your liver disintegrates. There really is no harm in Swedish snus products. Just don't over consume, just like everything else on this planet.


                • STORM6490MT
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 138

                  Sadly, it's what the corporation nation wants for you. They want you sick and diseased so they can profit from your misfortune. They call it television PROGRAMMING for a reason. Big tobacco would shut snus down in a second if it were to interfere with their profit margins and would use the U.S. to enforce a sanction or tax on it. They would do this by lobbying heavily to ban snus or tax it to protect their interest. Anti-tobacco organizations would never suggest that snus is safer and less harmful than smoking or chewing because it would discredit them by proving to us that moderate spitless tobacco use is rarely ever carcinogenic. It would put them out of a job! The don't really care if you quit smoking. They just want to push pills and experimental drugs their adversaries can profit on. Forget harm reduction. They have a pill for it.


                  • anweis
                    • Aug 2006
                    • 70

                    Smoking cessation and health education grants from governments ensure that plenty of half-witted anti tobacco fascists make a very comfortable living.


                    • Umran
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 47

                      Re: What Does The Bottom Of The Can Say?

                      Originally posted by chainsnuser
                      "This tobacco-product can damage your health and is addictive."

                      This type of warning is used EU-wide for nasal and oral tobacco-products ... So, our members from the UK could state the official English translation, if they use nasal snuff
                      That is exactly how it is written on nasal snuff tins in English


                      • holnrew
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 613

                        Re: What Does The Bottom Of The Can Say?

                        Originally posted by chainsnuser
                        So, our members from the UK could state the official English translation, if they use nasal snuff or chew, which still is produced in the UK, for a niche-market though.
                        My friend got some snuff at the pub and it says "This tobacco product can damage your health and is addictive."

                        So word for word what you said

                        Haha, well somebody else got there before me :P


                        • kevin32
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 106

                          Also note the special wording. It says it "can be harmful", not that it IS harmful, even though it in all likelyhood is somewhat harmful, it is not scientifically proven. And thats just the start of it, the Norwegian and Swedish cigarette packages have messages such as "smokers die young" and stuff. The fact that they can't plaster those stickers on snus packages is proof to the common person that snus is yes indeed, a healthier alternative to smoking. With smoking, its the smoke itself thats most harmful, not the actual nicotine. Infact nicotine, a drug like any other, can only kill you from an overdose. Its not the nicotine that causes cancer, like so many people think. If you were to ingest 3mg of pure nicotine daily, sublingual, it would not cause cancer. It wouldn't harm a person more then caffeine. Sure you'd get addicted, but the worst part of that is having to pay 10$ a tin (Norway). There's just so much misinformation out on the streets, and people on the streets claim there's misinformation on the internet, but don't ever think of the possibility of checking more then one source.

                          /rant (been without snus for 3 days)


                          • Snusærn
                            New Member
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 11


                            Actually, it says "This tobacco product can be harmful and has a relaxing effect"

                            But yes, some of the cans says it is addictive.


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