**********PLEASE NOTE***********
I've added two new lines to the clues.
Also pay attention to the clue on page two of this thread.
In light of this update.............. everyone starts fresh................ all past guesses are forgiven
OK our first contest went well so lets give it a second go around
You get three tries (guesses) and then you are out.
To keep it lively, share the reasons for your guesses and what you think each clue means.
Get the answer right and you get 5 fresh cans of Ettan los complements of the Pound
But first you must find the ol dog. You’ve got three days.
Beneath my feet are the Wasatchs, old friends indeed,
but Nebo is not my style nor gold my greed.
Mitchell’s angst is behind me now, up in smoke as the ol saying goes.
What’s yours is mine till my veins run dry
The school is good til the alum all die
The weather’s severe. When it rains it pours.
So I’ll make haste to get indoors
The Frenchman’s place is just up ahead
I’ll rest and dine and then off to bed
There’ll be plenty of time when tomorrow comes
To talk rocks and such with Jacob’s long lost son.
Where am I