I have to say thank you for the link to Faeriey's Finest. I just made a Blueberry snus with my SnusX and it's FANTASTICO!
Next up is Banana, and Banana/Walnut
I just used the straight extract. No extra water or sweetener or anything. The portion has been going for almost an hour now and it's still magically delicious. I think some fresh blueberries might be good in the same vessel during the 3-day period but I didn't have any around when I made this. I used about 8ml of the stuff for one can.
Next up is Banana, and Banana/Walnut
I just used the straight extract. No extra water or sweetener or anything. The portion has been going for almost an hour now and it's still magically delicious. I think some fresh blueberries might be good in the same vessel during the 3-day period but I didn't have any around when I made this. I used about 8ml of the stuff for one can.