which brands come in metal tins?

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  • Harry
    • Dec 2007
    • 213

    Great idea. Sounds a bit like Coke/Pepsi bottle top reward system. I love the roll idea from buysnus. I would like it if they tracked your single tin purchases as well. After all, you're spending more when you buy singular tins.

    Question: Is the LS white tin metal as well, like the original?


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by Harry

      Question: Is the LS white tin metal as well, like the original?
      It's exactly the same as the original tin, just white.


      • Harry
        • Dec 2007
        • 213

        Awesome. I'm a sucker for ascetics. Lucky Strike was the cigarette that got me hooked. Smoked them for my first two years.

        Seems I've come full circle as I think this will be my out and about/ everyday public snus.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by Harry
          Awesome. I'm a sucker for ascetics.
          I'm the same way :^), and I also tend to keep to myself :^P I got 1 tin of the Lucky whites just for the can. I doubt I'll get any more than that though as I've found that I don't like white portions nearly as much as regular. Lucky originals are great, and I always like to keep some on hand. "some" in this case is over 3 rolls currently :^D I got some with special packaging from Buysnus this past xmas, so I have plenty on hand :^)


          • Smarvy
            • Nov 2007
            • 86

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            Originally posted by Harry
            Awesome. I'm a sucker for ascetics.
            I also tend to keep to myself :^P


            • Harry
              • Dec 2007
              • 213

              I don't really use white portions. They tear up my lip. I got a roll of Diplomat White only because that was all they had left, and I loved Diplomat. Anyway, I was just going to try LS white to see if they were better than Diplomat. I would have passed if they weren't in the same quality tin.

              I have a feeling that I won't care for them nearly as much as the original. I have no need for the advantages of white portions. I store my snus properly and use a tin of my everyday snus before it goes bad.

              I also completely enjoy the run of quality snus. So the "dry" effect of white is less preferable as well.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Harry

                I also completely enjoy the run of quality snus. So the "dry" effect of white is less preferable as well.
                I completely agree. The only thing that saddens me is I don't get the sensation of running snus anymore. I guess I've gotten used to the strength, so it doesn't affect me like it used to. Contrary to what most say, I don't find the whites flavor to last longer either. I seem to get the same amount out of both kinds, with the whites having a bit less at the start. Some of that may be the way I use portions. Once the flavor's mellowed a touch, I suck on the pouch, and squash it up. By the time I'm finished with it, it's an utterly flavorless bag.


                • aj01
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 149

                  LS LE

                  You all should have seen the Lucky Strike Limited Edition can which was available briefly in Sweden as a "3rd" can if you buy two in some shops. Heavy stainless steel and numbered by hand, with a bottle opener on the bottom. Plus, the snus was arranged in a circle like Onyx. Cool, but almost impossible to find. Strange idea, considering LS barely sells at all.

                  As for the cost of tobacco vs. metal can, do not believe that snus companies send specialists out to hand select tobaccos in the fields. They all use brokers who have already done the work, and who ship to forecast or to order. Also, snus is made from tobacco stem. Stem is waste, and is used primarily as a tobacco extender in cigarette production, being added to blends to cheapen them.

                  The only snuses I know which add in other tobaccos are the "Cubans." In this case, real Cuban tobacco is added to enhance the flavor of the product, but is not a majority component in the snus.


                  • Harry
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 213

                    Are you serious? Stems? I had no idea. I thought I had seen several times that they use only the finest tobacco. Only the finest tobacco stems I guess.


                    • aj01
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 149


                      Exactly. The tobacco is great. Just because it's stem does not mean the product is bad. It's just what it is.


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