Nicotine and tobacco free, I don't think you are missing out on much.
I started using snus to get away from nicotine - and will eventually work my way down the nicotine scale and not be using any at all. Well, that is the idea at least lol.
I'm sure it will eventually be available in the US market.
Yes, it's a v2 product. In matter of fact, the product has been around for quite some time. Like most people, I could care less if becomes available or not.
Well, even if it had nicotine in it, it's a v2 snus. Aside from the LE, Odens, and a couple Thunders, I don't like v2 stuff, so it's not exactly like I'm losing out.
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...
So I got my shipment in and I was going through my order sheet just to make sure everything was there like I always do. I noticed something I had never...
Just got a delivery from snusexpress, no complaints with the timing, however, I didn't get two of the cans I ordered, which were meant to be Offroad Icemint...