Similarities in snus flavors

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  • snoosiphant
    • Feb 2008
    • 175

    Similarities in snus flavors

    I have been trying out some loose the last couple of days and noticed the similarities of flavor between the ones I have been trying. Did I just happen to order snuses that tasted similar or is that just the way it is with the non berry or mint flavors?

    The snus I have tried so far in loose form:

    Ettan - my favorite so far of the bunch

    Granite - the most flavorful of what I have tried - i did like the flavor - but after trying ettan it almost seems a little too "loud" if you know what I mean.

    Knox - the most disctintive of the flavors - almost seems to have a grassy sort of taste - an unfamiliar but not at all unpleasant taste.

    Skruf Stark - more of a tobacco taste.

    In all of these I can taste a similarity in flavor, is that the bergamot or do all non berry or mint flavors taste similar just because of the processing and the main constituent beign tobacco?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Ettan and Granit are unflavoured snuses so the only thing you'll taste is the particular flavours of the blended tobaccos - these are the smoky, grassy, peaty, earthy, etc, flavours in the snus. Skruf Stark has a very light flavouring of rose oil and a touch of bergamot, Knox a hint of citrus - otherwise they are both quite bold and the tobacco flavour is quite prominent. Most snus is not very heavily scented so the flavours tend to be subtle but something you come to distinguish with experience, I suppose. I think of it almost like tea - they're mostly all just tea leaves but each has its own character. Some like Earl Grey have obvious fragrances (bergamot, again), but the leaves used in any particular Earl Grey also have a heavy influence on the taste of the tea.


    • snoosiphant
      • Feb 2008
      • 175

      Originally posted by Zero
      Ettan and Granit are unflavoured snuses so the only thing you'll taste is the particular flavours of the blended tobaccos - these are the smoky, grassy, peaty, earthy, etc, flavours in the snus. Skruf Stark has a very light flavouring of rose oil and a touch of bergamot, Knox a hint of citrus - otherwise they are both quite bold and the tobacco flavour is quite prominent. Most snus is not very heavily scented so the flavours tend to be subtle but something you come to distinguish with experience, I suppose. I think of it almost like tea - they're mostly all just tea leaves but each has its own character. Some like Earl Grey have obvious fragrances (bergamot, again), but the leaves used in any particular Earl Grey also have a heavy influence on the taste of the tea.
      I like your tea analogy, more "varieties" than descrete products. From what you say I think I am leaning towards the less flavored snus's. Amazing to me that granit and ettan can taste so different without falvorings. Having arrived at snus through pipes and cigars, I would love to know what tobacco varietes are used in various snus brands. My guess is the more high nicotene burley types would suit snus better.


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