butter????? I mean, a dominant, almost popcorn, movie theater style butter. It’s very rich and very, very fresh. It almost hand baked itself in my palm. But, flavor wise, I find it one dimensional…perhaps maybe even in a good way. Jury still out on that one. Has any one else noticed this flavor profile?
Probe tastes like.....
I've only had the portions, and Probe is one of my favorite portions. I received some Probe Loose on Friday, but haven't tried it yet.
As far as the portions go, I don't get the buttery popcorn taste, but it is a little sweet. I don't really taste the bourbon in there (and I'm a big bourbon fan). More of a sweet/smoky taste than anything.
Originally posted by HarryI think it's a good idea poorly executed.
Probe just is a brand that everyone will either love or hate.
It resembles the aftertaste of a Bourbon Whiskey to the most possible extent, while still being snus, not more not less.
Yeah, I really understand everyone who hates Probe, it's just quite an unusual brand of snus, but I guess everyone should try it and I personally really LOVE Probe.
A hint of butter surely is part of the taste IMHO.
I don't like Probe at all. It sucks, because that was one of the snus I was really looking forward to trying. I've tried using it periodically to see if it was just an initial impression, but it just tastes nasty to me. It almost tastes like there is BBQ sauce or ketchup in there somewhere; I don't sense any hint of whiskey (which I used to love)....maybe I was just expecting too much.
Originally posted by phishI agree with chainsnuser, it's definitely the marmite of snus. Not sure about the buttery taste (or if it even has a whiskey taste) but an occasional tin of probe loose is yummy.